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math each word in the left -hand column with a word from the right-hand column 1/ baseball a/ pith b/ ring 2/billiards c/ board

10-11 класс

3/ boxing d/ pool

4/ draughts e/ rink

5/ golf f/ field/park

6/ football g/court

7/ skating h/ table

8/ swimming i/ course

9/ tennis

LizaS000000 29 марта 2017 г., 17:49:30 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 марта 2017 г., 20:07:07 (7 лет назад)

1. baseball - F) field/park - бейсбольное поле/парк.

2. billiards - H) table - бильярдный стол.

3. boxing - B) ring - боксёрский ринг.

4. draughts - С) board - шахматная доска.

5. golf - I) course - поле для игры в гольф.

6. football - A) pitch - футбольное поле.

7. skating E) rink - каток.

8. swimming - D) pool - бассейн.

9. tennis - G) court - теннисный корт.


В слове pith - может пропущена буква -c-, тогда задание получается верным. (pitch).


Другие вопросы из категории

Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений и наречий:

1. Some new institutes opened their doors last year in many towns of the Soviet Union .
2. Something happening to my television set.
3. everybody in Leningrad is proud of their beautiful duty.
4. We (начало слова не видно)ocked at the door but nobody to help him.
5. The engineer did not ask anybody to help him.
6. Someone will help you with the experiment.
7. Any visitor of Leningrad admires list sights.
8. His efforts resulted in nothing.

I'm a secretary at a large business. I deal with people and incoming mail. Dealing with people is one of the most important parts of my job. I find it

very enjoyable I also input on the computer, send telexes and faxes.
I meet people from all over the country, all over the world, and all walks of life, which is the most interesting part of my job. They can be very nice. I think the nice ones outnumber the irritating ones. It's people-oriented job. It's communication, whether it's in person or on the telephone and that can be fun. Sometimes you have problems getting through, sometimes you get a wrong number, but it's all part of the job. You don't often get annoying people face to face. You get more of them on the phone, because people feel they can say things over the phone that they perhaps wouldn't say to your face. So I don't find people too frustrating in person. Переведите пожалуйста, только без переводчика!!

You have received a letter from your great aunt, Aunt Margaret, who writes: Did you like the gift that Uncle John and I sent you for your birthday? Your

mother told me that you were planning a family meal out at a nice restaurant - did you all enjoy yourselves? Did you go out and celebrate with your friends as well?
Now for some good news. Our granddaughter Sally has just got into medical school.
Write a letter to Aunt Margaret.
нужно написать письмо 100-140 слов.

Перепишите предложения, подчеркнув в них местоимения. Переведите предложения.

1. All my sisters live in Summerville, but none of
them were born there.

2. What are you looking for?

3. The boy refused to tell us anything.

4. That is this week’s number one hit.

Как правильно перевести предложение:

1) They are afraid lest the bank should refuse them a loan.
a. Вони побоюються, як би банк не відмовив їм у позиці.
b. Вони бояться, що банк відмовив їм у позиці.
c.Вони боялися, що банк відмовить їм у позиці.
d. Вони побоюються, що банку
доведеться відмовити їм у позиці.

2. Had we known all these facts at that time, this might have stimulated our interest
in this problem.
a. Якби ми знали тоді про всі ці факти, це могло викликати у нас інтерес до цієї проблеми.
b. Ми знали вже тоді про всі ці факти, і, можливо, це викликало у нас інтерес до цієї проблеми.
c. Якщо ми узнаємо про всі ці факти, це може викликати у нас інтерес до цієї проблеми.
d. Ми вже тоді могли знати про всі ці факти, і це могло викликати у нас інтерес до цієї проблеми.

3. The United States frequently urges that foreign countries deregulate their industries.
a. Сполучені Штати наполягають на тому, що іноземні країни часто дерегулюють свої галузі.
b. Сполучені Штати часто підбурюють іноземні країни не дерегулювали свої
c. Сполучені Штати часто переконують іноземні країни у тому, що вони
дерегулювали свої галузі.
d. Сполучені Штати часто наполягають, щоб іноземні країни дерегулювали
свої галузі.

Читайте также

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is

an example at the beginning (0).













I knew I would have to (0) retake my driving test as soon as I saw the

(1)_____________ . He didn't even say "hello" and seemed very

(2)_____________ . I was a little bit late I suppose as I had slightly

(3)_______________ how long it would take me to get there. As usual

in this (4)_____________ city all the buses were packed and I had had

to wait more than twenty minutes before a (5)__________ would let

me get on a bus. I knew apologizing would be (6)___________ so I

just got in the car. (7)______________ I wasn't feeling particularly

nervous but this horrible man stared at me in (8)_____________ as I

began to drive off. I put the car into gear, but it went (9)_________

so fast I couldn't believe it - straight into a wall. I was so (10)______

when he told me I had failed that I thought I might cry.

Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

Attend*registration*school assembly*team*competition*kindergarten
1.My friend didn't take part in the ____________ on Monday.
2.Have you had____________this morning?
3.Samir is the member of our football __________.
4.The ____________ between them was very ineteresting.
5.A lot of students ___________ the English club of our school.
6.There is a ____________near our school.
Заранее спасибо

Помогите..Пожалуйста!))) Complete using the correct form of the words in the box

be ● disagree ● do ● include ● know ● look ● see ● seem ● understand

Everyone (1) .................=about the stunning sights to see in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The beautiful city of Omsk, one of the oldest cities in western Siberia(2)......not so well-known. Unfortunately, the 2700 km journey from Moscow just (3)......too far for many travellers to Russia. For those who (4)....... travel there, however, there are a number of interesting things to see and do. These (5)........visiting the Tobolskie and Tarskie Gates, which were the fi rst stone buildings in Omsk, the Museum of Local Lore and the modern shops on Lyubinsky Avenue. When you (6).........Krestovozdvizhensky Cathedral lit up in the moonlight, you (7) ......................... why it’s worth making the effort to come here. Few historians (8) ......................... with Omsk’s historical importance – it was even the capital of Russia for a short period at the beginning of the 20th century. As travelling across Russia becomes easier, it (9) ......................... like Omsk may also have a bright future – as a popular destination for tourists.

Вставьте по смыслу обороты there is/ there are. 1. In the centre of the room ---------a big oval table. 2 -----------six chairs

around it.

3 In the right corner of the room --------------two beautiful arm-chairs.

4 Between two beautiful arm-chairs ---------a small round table for newspapers.

5 On the table ----------many different newspapers and magazines.

6 In the left corner of the room ----------a big sofa with some pillows on it.

7 On the floor --------------a beautiful carpet.

8 In the corner of the room near the window -----------a TVset and video.

9 Opposite the door --------------- a big window with beautiful curtains on it.

10 On the window - sill----------- some flowers.

18 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the parts of the sentences below. There are many health benefits to living outside of the city, or even in the

suburbs: clean air and an abundance of foliage are enough (1) ... . But services such as municipal water and sewage disposal are often a rarity in very rural areas. In city areas, it is fairly easy to access transportation with city bus systems and taxis. The opposite is the case in rural areas: (2) ... . With greater distances between houses, even getting groceries can be a difficulty. So if a person loses his / her driver's license or vehicle for some reason, it's a real hardship in a rural area. It has been said that village life encourages a greater sense of community and gives some perspective on what is important. When a family faces a hardship, (3) ... .If there is a death in the family, members of the community are right there with condolences. If someone falls ill, the community pulls together to raise money for the family. The reactions to these kinds of situations are much different in urban areas. Many city-dwellers don't know their neighbours beyond a "hello" as they pass each other in the hall. Some don't even say that much. Perhaps they feel they don't need their neighbours, (4) ... . People in rural areas organise more events together than urbanites do. From church dinners to local fairs, to the community's summer barbecue, most people have their fingers in the pie, in one way or another. It is these types of events that (5) ... .In urban areas, special events are often competing against each other, since there are often many happening at the same time. Many people who attend these urban events haven't got any particular sense of pride for them, (6) ... . While one could argue that city life is more exciting and at times more convenient, it's not necessarily better than country life. a) as they are just spectators of the event, not coordinators. b) without your own transportation, it is difficult to get around. c) the way people in the rural areas have come to depend on theirs. d) to convince many city-dwellers that country living is for them. e) help to bring a community together, because those who attend can claim ownership of the event. f) often those in a rural community are quick to help wherever they can.

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