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Помогите пожалуйста очень надо.Нужно вставить одно слово из трёх вместе точек.

5-9 класс

1.We couldn't ... here on time because the bus was late .
a)get. b)got. 3)to get.
2.Sixty years ago ... wasn't a supermarket in our town.
a)there. b)it. c)they
3.A:Were there any good films on TV?
B:Yes, ....... .
a)they did. b)they were. c)could.
4)Adam ...... ride a horse when he was five years old.
a)did. b)was. c)could
5)Lisa waved to her friends. ......... standinf at the top of the stairs.
a)They're. b)They were. c)There were
6)When I saw Kim, ......... alond South Street
a)she's walking. b)she walked. c)she was walking

Arahorn 25 нояб. 2016 г., 12:35:44 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 нояб. 2016 г., 15:16:37 (7 лет назад)

1) a
2) a
3) b
4) c
5) b
6) c


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите составить вопрос со словами по англисскому

дома, Ваш, друг, вчера, был

English is the first language of many people in countries outside the United Kingdom. When you 1____speakers of English from around the world, you

2____notice that they do not all speak in the same way. There are also some 3____in the words they use, including the names of 4____objects that are part of everyone's daily life. But although pronunciation and 5____are not the same everywhere, it is interesting that English speakers 6____opposite sides of the world can understand 7____other easily. It does not seem to 8____where they learnt the language. And of course this is one reason why speakers of other languages are keen 9____learning English too. If you know English, you are more 10____to be able to study or work in all sorts of exciting places, such as the United States or Australia.

1. a) recognize b) meet c) find

2. a) originally b) curiously c) immediately

3. a) mistakes b) changes c) differences

4. a) common b) popular c) favourite

5. a) composition b) dictation c) vocabulary

6. a) of b) from c) at

7. a) each b) one c) some

8. a) care b) matter c) worry

9. a) by b) on c) to

10. a) likely b) probably c) possibly

что это может означать?

помогите пожалуйста

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помогите пожалуйста очень надо,как правильно читаются эти слова:> 1)neighbourhood 2)noisy 3)crowded 4)flat 5)block 6)behind 7)opposite

8)hause 9)there 10)furniture 11)stop помогите, пожалуйста, срочно надо,,

нужно разобрать глаголы на правильное и неправильное помогите очень надо....вот слова:to be,to run, to jump, to speak, to open,to leave, to like, to

work, to live, to arrive,to go, to play,to have, to get up, to do, to see, to take, to stay, to swim, to know, to invite.... помогите пожалуйста очень надо на завтра((

Очень вас прошу!! Помогите, пожалуйста))) Очень срочно нужно.

Нужно вставить нужный артикль.
Это- a\the.

1. L. Carroll is ... famous English writer, isn't he?
2. London is the capital of ... United Kingdom.
3. We went to the cinema yesterday. ... film was dull.
4. My cousin is ... best student in the school.
5. Would you like ... cup of tea? - Yes, thanks.

нужно вставить по смыслу: have to, don't have to, can или can't. ______________________________________________________________

1)___ you ___ (wear) school uniform at your school or your school or is it optional?

2) ___ you ___ (get married) when you are 16 years old in our country?

3) Sue ___ (get up) early during the week because she doesn't work in the morning.

4) They ____ (wash) the dishes and help prepare the food.
6) They ___ (serve) the customers because they aren't waiters.
7) You____ (go) driving on your own, it's too dangerous.

8) You___(have) a partner.

9) You ___(leave) now if you want.

10) You ____(stay) until 5 o'clock, it's not necessary.

11) " ___ Monica ____ (use) a computer in her new job? "

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно нужно!!! буду очень благодарна!!!

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