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помогите составить вопрос со словами по англисскому

5-9 класс

дома, Ваш, друг, вчера, был

Polonska19781 25 нояб. 2016 г., 9:07:43 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 нояб. 2016 г., 12:07:30 (7 лет назад)

Your friend was home yesterday

+ 0 -
25 нояб. 2016 г., 12:46:05 (7 лет назад)

Ваш друг вчера был дома?
Your friend was home yesterday?


Другие вопросы из категории

English is the first language of many people in countries outside the United Kingdom. When you 1____speakers of English from around the world, you

2____notice that they do not all speak in the same way. There are also some 3____in the words they use, including the names of 4____objects that are part of everyone's daily life. But although pronunciation and 5____are not the same everywhere, it is interesting that English speakers 6____opposite sides of the world can understand 7____other easily. It does not seem to 8____where they learnt the language. And of course this is one reason why speakers of other languages are keen 9____learning English too. If you know English, you are more 10____to be able to study or work in all sorts of exciting places, such as the United States or Australia.

1. a) recognize b) meet c) find

2. a) originally b) curiously c) immediately

3. a) mistakes b) changes c) differences

4. a) common b) popular c) favourite

5. a) composition b) dictation c) vocabulary

6. a) of b) from c) at

7. a) each b) one c) some

8. a) care b) matter c) worry

9. a) by b) on c) to

10. a) likely b) probably c) possibly

что это может означать?

помогите пожалуйста

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Which of arts from the list above can you call visual arts?
2. What role ao arts play in people lives? In your life?
3. When did art begin? What periods in history are famous for great works of art?
4. What countries are famous dor great litereture, visual arts, thatre, cinema?
5. What places all over the world are connected with particular arts?
6. What do we usually mean when we speak abot prehistoric art, anchient art, Renaissance art, classic art, modern art?
7. Where do you go if you want to enjoy the arts? Do you like to go to these places alone? With you parents? With your friends? Why?
8. Can you do anything in the way of the arts youself? What can you do? What art would you like to be really good at? Why?
9. What arts are the most popular nowadays? Do you think some of the arts will eventually die? What makes toy think that?
10. Which of two is more popular nowadays -theatre or cinema? Which of them do you prefer?
11/ Do you think radio and television are arts?

Читайте также

Составить предложение со словом miracle.

Составить предложение со словом sickle(серп)
Заранее спасибо

Составить вопросы к кроссворду из слов на тему: еда

Помогите составить вопросы к кроссворду на английском языке.Можно с этими словами: juice milk strawberry apricot yoghurt bacon pizza hamburger biscuits pasta. Но это не обязательно. Можно и другие, но на тему еда.Помоги,прошу.Сама я плохо составляю вопросы.А кроссворд я сама сделаю.

Помогите составить вопросы по данным образцам.

1. You wonder if your neighbours would like you to babysit for them on their wedding anniversary.( нужно составить вопрос, опираясь на образец)
Would you like me to water your plants while you're away?(образец)

2.Would you mind not playing loud music early on Sunday morning?(образец)
I'm so sorry we made so much noise last night. It won't happen again.

3.You need someone to feed your cat while you are away.
Would you be able to watch over our house for us while we're away?(образец)

4. Your next-door neighbour is ill. You offer to do his shopping for him.
Shall i get you some milk when im at the supermarket?(образец)

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