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write what means of transprt you prefet and why. See Ex 83 on p.54, Students Book

5-9 класс

Example:Travelling on foot/travelling by bike
I prefet travelling by bike to travelling on foot because it is quicer and I enjoy cycling
это надо из этих слов составить предлодения по образцу,составьте пожалуйсто!!!
1travelling by car / travelling by train
2travelling by train/travelling by plane
3 travelling by plane/travelling by ship
4travelling by bike/travelling by coach
5 travelling by motorcycle / travelling by helicopet

2012катя2012 11 дек. 2014 г., 14:24:33 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 дек. 2014 г., 16:24:29 (9 лет назад)

1) I prefer to travel by car because it is more faster
2) I prefer travelling by train, because it is cheaper
3) I prefer to travel by plane, because I enjoy to fly


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срочно, пж.

ответь пожалуйста на вопроси) 1. Say what sport (game) you enjoy most, why you are fond of it, which season is good for it,

what kinds of games you can't play yet, but would like to learn.
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Помогите хорошо перевести!!!! Full steam ahead. Nowadays, there most so many means of transport, from bicycles and buses to

sports cars and jet airplanes, that travellers arc spoilt for choice. In fact, many of us don't even think about how we travel; plane or train, it doesn't matter. Because, at the end of the day, it's just about getting from one place to the other.

There are, however, some means of transport that have made an impression on people and have taken their place in history. One means of transport that truly won the hearts of many Americans was the river steamboat. A steamboat, as its name indicates, is a boat that is powered by steam. The steam rotates a paddlewheel or propeller that in turn causes the boat to move forward.

In the 18th century, there were many attempts to build better vessels, but it wasn't until 1807 that the first successful steamboat, The Clermont, made a commercial voyage. These riverboats became popular in the next few years and were used to transport passengers and merchandise on the major rivers of America. The Mississippi River was especially known for its riverboats, and Mark Twain celebrated three steamboats in his book "Life on the Mississippi".

Steamboats have now disappeared from most American rivers, but they have become a symbol of the Mississippi River. Many people think of these boats when they hear the name Mississippi. Fortunately, a small number of them are being used today to offer river cruises so some people can get a feel of what it's like to travel by steamboat.

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