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I'd like to know please if you were married переведите пожалуйста только нормально, с переводчиком я тоже могу,

10-11 класс

Tahya528 13 февр. 2017 г., 16:36:16 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 февр. 2017 г., 18:35:44 (7 лет назад)

я хотел бы узнать были ли Вы женаты


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Complete sentences using the Past Simple of the following verbs: clean, die, enjoy, happen, live, open, play,
rain, smoke, start, want, watch, finish.
1. Yesterday evening I … television. 2. I … my teeth three times
yesterday. 3. John … 20 cigarettes yesterday evening. 4. The concert last night … at 7.30 and … at 10 o’clock. 5. The accident … last
Tuesday afternoon. 6. When I was a child, I … to be a doctor. 7. Mozart … from 1756 to 1791. 8. We … our holiday last year. We … at a
very good hotel. 9. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it … .
10. It was hot in the room, so I … the window. 11. The weather was
good yesterday afternoon, so we … tennis. 12. William Shakespeare
… in 1616.

Данное задание состоит в том, чтобы раскрыть скобки, поставив заключенный в них глагол в правильную форму Future. В данном случае – во Future Continuous.

1.This time next year I (not/work) for this company any more.
2.I (sit) at home. You can come at six tomorrow.
3.At nine o’clock the day after tomorrow, she (study) at the university.
4.We won’t be at home this evening as we (look) after our neighbor’s baby.
5.He (have) breakfast at ten o’clock, so, please. Do not disturb him.
6.Jacob can give the papers to him as he (see) him this evening.
7.I will meet you tomorrow. I (wait) for you at eleven at the station.
8.He can help you in the library tomorrow as he (prepare) his work anyway.
9.My parents (paint) the house all the weekend.
10.They can’t visit you on Tuesday because they (play) volley-ball then.
Помогите срочно!!!

Запишите следующие числа словами


Помогите пожалуйста

Match the words from A and B to make phrases. Use the phrases to complete the sentences below.

A head,

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переведите пожалуйста, только не из переводчика Paolo is teased at school because he is Italian. He has to have extra lessons for his English reading an

d writing. He often feels nervous about going to schol/ His teacher knows he is unhappy but isn't doing anything about it.

Meg was made redundant from her job as a secretary last year at the age of 49. she loved her job and would like to find a similar one. She keeps applying for secretarian positions and has joined a placement agency. However, she has only been called to a couple of interviews which she feels didn't go very well even though she is highly qualified. She suspects that employers are looking for younger secretaries. She doesn't know what to do

discuss the following questions with your classmates. What do you know about your family's history? What else would you like to learn

about your family?Why?

How can you get the information you'd like to know?

Придумайте что нить плиз!!!

Physical activity is very important for a healthy lifestyle, and it's difficult to be fit if you don't do any. However, it's always better to do some

exercise than none at all. Here are some simple tips for you.
Eat smaller portions
You don't have to give up all your favourite food, but you'll have to eat less bread, sugar and fat. Take a smaller plate and put less food on it. But don't skip meals. It won't do you any good. Don't eat less fruit and vegetables. They are always good for you.
Concentrate on your food
Don't read or watch TV when you eat. Put your knife and fork down and chew your food slowly and carefully. You'll feel full sooner and won't eat so much.

Have healthy snacks
Forget about high-fat, high-calorie snacks: cookies, potato chips and soda. Make your own sandwiches with meat and vegetables. Drink water or juice instead of Coke and lemonade. Have an apple instead of a hot dog.
Drink a lot of water
Your body needs a lot of water. Drink at least two litres of water every day. Tea and coffee don't count!
Don't eat after 7 p.m.
Have your last meal at least two hours before you go to bed.
b) There are hundreds of adverts for wonder pills and magic drinks-which promise to make you thin, but do they actually work? The answer is no. Most of them aren't safe either. If you take them, you can sometimes be putting your health in danger. They can cause headaches, high blood pressure and many other problems.
c) There is no magic diet plan to help you become thin. Anybody who promises you that is telling you a lie. You can go on a very strict
diet of fewer than 600 calories a day for a week or two and lose weight, but you won't be happy with the result. A diet like this will leave you feeling weak and give you headaches, bad breath and bad skin. When you finish it, the weight will come back quickly. You could even gain some excess weight. As a result you'll look and feel miserable.
d) It's not necessary to diet if you eat properly and make sure you have a lot
of vegetables and fruit every day. But if you live in a region where it's difficult to get them, you should take multivitamins.
e) Not all of them are. Some juices contain a lot of sugar, which is bad for your teeth. When you buy juice read the information on the box. There must be no added sugar in it. As an alternative just have an apple or a carrot. They are better for you than any juice.
f) Everything you do - smiling, talking, reading - burns calories. But if you want to be fit, you'll have to do more. Do some exercise in the morning or in the afternoon every day: ride a bicycle, go swimming or jogging, wash the floors in your home or walk the dog. Everything counts!
g) A serving is a small portion of food.
one serving of grains = one slice of bread or one spoonful of rice, cereal or pasta
one serving of fruit = one piece of any fruit
one serving of vegetables = one potato, two spoonfuls of corn
one serving of dairy products = one yoghurt, one piece of cheese
one serving of meat / fish = one small piece of meat or fish переведите пожалуйста

Задать 5 вопросов по тексту. In this essay, I would like to discuss the problems of crime and the criminal deeds. This question is important today as

never before. Furthermore, this is the most vital problem and therefore it is worth discussing.In our country the crime usually pays. What crime is ever done it pays greatly, because there is not enough power of the government and the police to stop the development of criminal deeds. That is why you are "allowed" to do everything you like and more besides. Vladislav Listiev, Dmitry Holodov, Galina Starovoitova and many other famous politicians and businessmen were insolently assassinated and the customers of these criminal affairs are somewhere now enjoying their freedom and sure in the idea that the crime pays. I believe that for honest, religious and law respecting people, it is out of the question that crime does not pay, because they all know that if you commit a criminal deed you will be punished by the God, or by your own conscience. Nevertheless, in our society some people have forgotten about justice and law. They hardly understand their role in the life, and think that all the life is based around them and the others can be ignored or terminated. Such ideas are like parasites distributing among others and infecting them. Crime pays if it is well thought and prepared. For example lets take the robbery of the bank. Some people think that the robbery of the bank is connected with guns, a group of well-prepared terrorists, plans. I can only say that these people watch TV and do nothing else, because what you need for today's robbery of the bank is a computer, a modem, and some easy skills. Moreover, you may be confident that no one will ever catch you if you steal little sums of money. Finally, I suppose I have concluded that there are two main points of view on this question. Crime does not pay or it pays. I tend to think that crime does not pay, because if I commit a crime (I wish I never did) I will suffer for all my life, go to police, and tell everything.

Change the following special questions into Reported Special Questions. Use introductory verbs and phrases to ask, to wonder, to want to know, i

would like to know in the Past Simple.
Example: What leisure activities do you enjoy? - Iryna asked me what leisure activities I engoyed.
1. When will the competitions take place?
2. What are you doing to the next Saturday?
3. How often do you speak with Olha on phone?
4. Whom did you meet on the skatinf ring?
5. How many mistakes have you made in the test?
6. Where can you find Oleh at the weekand?

Example: Where does exhibition takes place? - I asked Olha where exhibition took place.
1. How often do yoy go to the art exhibitions?
2. Why did you decide to go to the exhibition of this paitner?
3. How many people did you see at the exhibition?
4. What did the paitner show / depict in his pictures?
5. What did you find interesting about his pictures?
6. What poes visiting museums give people?

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