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The most exotic, disgusting or delicious dish that you have ever eaten?

10-11 класс

Lisbi 02 февр. 2016 г., 18:27:52 (8 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 февр. 2016 г., 19:48:45 (8 лет назад)

тебе нужен перевод??


Другие вопросы из категории

1. Nice to meet you, Mr Green. And how is your family? .

- Terrible. My wife .... (hit) by a car yesterday. My son.... (attack) at a football match. My daughter . ... (rob) at a bus stop.
- That's awful. What exactly do you do?
- I'm a fortune-teller.

2. Waiter, there's a dead fly in my soup.
- Yes. I'm afraid it .... (kill) by the heat, sir.

5. What did your father say when you.... (take) to prison?
- Hello, son.

6. What kind of ants .... (find) in houses?
- I don't know. OccupANTS !

7. What happened when the wheel ...... (invent) ?
- I don't know. It caused a revolution!

Ex 33 Open the brackets, using the correct tense form.


I (enter) the dentist's waiting room which (be) full. Like any other waiting room, it (have) an atmosphere of its own. A small table (be covered) with very old magazines; the curtains (be) of indefinite colour and the armchairs definitely unclean. There (be) dusty pictures on the wall. I (take) my seat and (decide) to pass the time watching the people around me.
A little man beside me (turn) over the pages of a magazine quickly and nervously. It (be) hard to understand what he (look) at; from time to time he (throw) the magazine on the table and (pick up) another. Opposite me there (be) a young mother who (try) hard to quiet her son. The boy (make) aeroplane-noises as he (move) an ashtray on the floor. Near him an old man (sleep) and the boy's mother (be) afraid that sooner or later her son (wake up) him. I myself (be) sleepy. The boy (be) quiet now in his mother's arms. There (be) a deathly silence in the room and just at this moment the loud speaker (call) out the name of the next lucky person

Пожалуйста помогите

Дополните предложения, используя прилагательные в скобках в сравнительной или превосходной степени. Запишите и письменно переведите предложения.· I have no one (near) than you.· In the (far) end of the exhibition hall there is a group of young people.· What is the (late) news?· David is (talented) than his brother.· The first edition of the book is (good), the new one is still (good). 5. Употребите глагол have got /has got в нужной форме (утверждение, вопрос).· Charles isn't happy. He ... a lot of problems.· Most cars ... six wheels.· ... you ... a passport?· What kind of car... Julia ...?

помогите!!! нужен нормальный перевод. I can remember being in a gallery once and realising I was standing on an Andre

sculpture. After the shock, the piece began to assert its power — the sheer simplicity of it, the humility of the materials, the silence of it. It had the effect of undermining a lot of what was around it. “Art is not a form of communication, said Andre many years ago, and he stands by it now. “A great work of art is about new experiences... it changes your state.” He feels that good art only conveys something that cannot be conveyed in any other way, just as a great poem cannot be paraphrased. In his own work, he aspires to make the visual equivalent of silence.
The decibel level around us continues to rise, both literally and in terms of all our senses being assaulted. In galleries, the tide of text and educational explanation continues to lap at the sandcastle of the art itself. The work of Carl Andre stands in opposition to this tendency.
He speaks of order and calm in connection with his sculpture. When his work is going well, Andre feels that “thought and act become one, and that’s a great state to reach.”

Читайте также

1.Read the article bellow.Match the paragraphs 1-3 to the descriptions a-e. There are two descriptions that you do not need.

a. Why people like reality TV
b. The beginnings of reality TV
c. The end of reality TV
d. Making money from reality TV
e. Problems with reality TV

The first reality TV show in the world was called Expedition Robinson and it was shown in Sweden in 1997. Half the population of the country watched the final episode and a new kind of TV programme was born. Two years later in Holland, the first series of Big Brother was filmed. Again, it was a fantastic success and the final programme was watched by million people. There are now more than 20 countries around the world which have Big Brother or Survivor on their TV screens. The ordinary people who take part in the programmes are known by millions of people in their own countries and reality TV has become big business.

For the TV producers, reality TV is a dream come true because many of the programmes cost nothing to make. At some point, the television viewers are asked to telephone the programme – to vote or to apply to take part in the show. It is the cost of these telephone calls that pays for the show. One of the most popular shows is Pop Idol. In the show, a group of attractive people are made into pop stars. The viewers vote for their favourite person on the show. The winner makes a record, his or her pictures are published on the covers of magazines, millions of copies of the record are sold and then … they are quickly forgotten.

But not everyone is happy about reality TV. In Portugal, two TV channels got into trouble because they showed too much of the private lives of the people in the shows. In France, reality TV is called “rubbish TV” and the studios were attacked three times in one week. In Greece, Big Brother ways described as an insult to human rights and civilization. But despite the problems, reality TV continues to do well in most countries and it will be here for a long time.

2.Read the article again and tick (+) the things that are mentioned in the text.

1.Reality TV started in Sweden.
2.The prize money for Survivor is $1 million.
3.Many countries have reality TV shows.
4.Some people get married after being on a reality TV shows.
5.In the UK,Big Brother is more popular than Survivor.
6.Reality TV makes money when the viewers make phone calls,
7.Loft Story and Pop Idol are the names of reality TV shows.
8.Loft Story has been very successful in France.

перевести пожалуйто((((((((((((( Today most of us are pretty used to the moon, There it is in the sky — crescent (растущая) or half or full...

Years ago people lived by the changing phases of moon. They kept calendars and holidays by the moon. . They planted seed in the spring's new moon and harvested in the autumn's full moon. And fisherman all over the world told the morrow's (завтрашний) weather by the moon. For many people the moon long remained a mysterious heavenly body that could bring good fortune or ill. It could bring good luck if it was a new moon and you had silver coins in your pocket to jingle (звон). A new moon was also the time to make a wish, take a trip, go a-courting, or cut your hair. But the moon could bring bad luck, too. If you saw a woman combing her hair in the light of the full moon, or you planted seed during the full moon, you would have bad luck. Almost everyone believed if you slept with moonlight on your face, you'd go crazy. Indeed any people believe this that we get the word lunatic from the word for moon, luna. Today, of course, we know that none to these things is true. You can asleep in the moonlight and wake up as normal as you were yesterday. You might harvest your crops in the full moon with poor results or harvest in a sickle moon and do well. You might start your vacation on during the new moon and have a flat tire right away. Nevertheless, there it is... the moon, hanging up there in the sky, seeming to change its shape before our very eyes. No wonder people continue to be fascinated by it. Since the beginning of time, they have tried to explain how it got there and why it behaves the way it does. The first people to try to explain the creation and behaviour of the moon were tribal poets and storytellers. There are hundreds of folktales about the moon.

Fill in another,the other,eatch other or every other

this book is mine and ......are dave's
they aren't talking to....today
this magazine comes out....week
that watch is gold,......are silver
you have ...two days to register for the course.
some people work during the day,.....work at night
we usually help .....with our homework
i have my hair cut...month
would you like...biscuits?
brothers and sisters look after ....
i saw mark...day
can i have ...piece?
where are ....children?
are there any....questions before we go?
2.fill in the gabs with the correct pronoun or pos adjective
if you saw a person in trouble,wouldyou help?
somebody has parked...car across the drive.
my aunt left ....bag ere when she visited us this morning
if a colleague of mine got promoted,i'd be hapy for...
everyone brings .....own lunch to work with....
my mother has cashed....car
he told each person to order whatever...
the police inspector askeed everybody in the room to give...names

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