Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 983 ответов!

1. Nice to meet you, Mr Green. And how is your family? .

10-11 класс

- Terrible. My wife .... (hit) by a car yesterday. My son.... (attack) at a football match. My daughter . ... (rob) at a bus stop.
- That's awful. What exactly do you do?
- I'm a fortune-teller.

2. Waiter, there's a dead fly in my soup.
- Yes. I'm afraid it .... (kill) by the heat, sir.

5. What did your father say when you.... (take) to prison?
- Hello, son.

6. What kind of ants .... (find) in houses?
- I don't know. OccupANTS !

7. What happened when the wheel ...... (invent) ?
- I don't know. It caused a revolution!

Scooter666 28 янв. 2016 г., 8:01:34 (8 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 янв. 2016 г., 10:40:50 (8 лет назад)

was hit - was attacked - was robbed
has been killed
was taken
are found
was invented


Другие вопросы из категории

Ex 33 Open the brackets, using the correct tense form.


I (enter) the dentist's waiting room which (be) full. Like any other waiting room, it (have) an atmosphere of its own. A small table (be covered) with very old magazines; the curtains (be) of indefinite colour and the armchairs definitely unclean. There (be) dusty pictures on the wall. I (take) my seat and (decide) to pass the time watching the people around me.
A little man beside me (turn) over the pages of a magazine quickly and nervously. It (be) hard to understand what he (look) at; from time to time he (throw) the magazine on the table and (pick up) another. Opposite me there (be) a young mother who (try) hard to quiet her son. The boy (make) aeroplane-noises as he (move) an ashtray on the floor. Near him an old man (sleep) and the boy's mother (be) afraid that sooner or later her son (wake up) him. I myself (be) sleepy. The boy (be) quiet now in his mother's arms. There (be) a deathly silence in the room and just at this moment the loud speaker (call) out the name of the next lucky person

Пожалуйста помогите

Дополните предложения, используя прилагательные в скобках в сравнительной или превосходной степени. Запишите и письменно переведите предложения.· I have no one (near) than you.· In the (far) end of the exhibition hall there is a group of young people.· What is the (late) news?· David is (talented) than his brother.· The first edition of the book is (good), the new one is still (good). 5. Употребите глагол have got /has got в нужной форме (утверждение, вопрос).· Charles isn't happy. He ... a lot of problems.· Most cars ... six wheels.· ... you ... a passport?· What kind of car... Julia ...?

помогите!!! нужен нормальный перевод. I can remember being in a gallery once and realising I was standing on an Andre

sculpture. After the shock, the piece began to assert its power — the sheer simplicity of it, the humility of the materials, the silence of it. It had the effect of undermining a lot of what was around it. “Art is not a form of communication, said Andre many years ago, and he stands by it now. “A great work of art is about new experiences... it changes your state.” He feels that good art only conveys something that cannot be conveyed in any other way, just as a great poem cannot be paraphrased. In his own work, he aspires to make the visual equivalent of silence.
The decibel level around us continues to rise, both literally and in terms of all our senses being assaulted. In galleries, the tide of text and educational explanation continues to lap at the sandcastle of the art itself. The work of Carl Andre stands in opposition to this tendency.
He speaks of order and calm in connection with his sculpture. When his work is going well, Andre feels that “thought and act become one, and that’s a great state to reach.”

There is one that has a head without an eye,

And there's one that has an eye without a head.

You may find the answer if you try;

And when all is said,

Half the answer hangs upon a thread.

напишите пожалуста разгадку

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Восстановите правильный порядок в нижеприведенных диалогах. Dialogue 1: а) Pleased to meet you too.Do

call me Martin.

b)That's very kind of you.Do you know my colleague,Sarah Pascall?

c)Very well thank you,Mr Hyde ,and you?

d)No,I don't.How do you do?

е)Good morning,Mrs Bird , how are you?

f)And you must call me ,Sarah.Shall we get down to business?

g)I am fine,thank you.Would you like some coffee?

h)How do you do?I am pleased to meet you.

i)Yes,here is our latest catalogue...

Dialogue 2:
a)Enterprise Requirement Plannig.

b)Not too good.I am afraid.

c)I am sorry about that.Can I do anything to help?

d)Hi Jerry ,how are you?

e)Oh dear!What is the matter?

f)Hello Rachel!

g)What's ERP?

h)Well,the computer went down last night,and we have lost all our ERP data.

i)Fine ,thanks, and you?

This is my pen and that is ( your/ yours ) pencil

This is our office and that is (your /yours)
This is his desk and that is (her/hers)
This is my book and that is ( sheir/theirs)

You have received a letter from your great aunt, Aunt Margaret, who writes: Did you like the gift that Uncle John and I sent you for your birthday? Your

mother told me that you were planning a family meal out at a nice restaurant - did you all enjoy yourselves? Did you go out and celebrate with your friends as well?
Now for some good news. Our granddaughter Sally has just got into medical school.
Write a letter to Aunt Margaret.
нужно написать письмо 100-140 слов.

You are Head of Sales. Your name is Peter Rogers. You are going to attend a meeting held by the Head Office of your company located in Manchester. The

meeting is to take place on 4th and 5th November. All Heads of Departments are supposed to be present. The problem to be discussed is the future restructuring of the whole company.
Write a memo to your assistant Sara Williams: explaining why you will be away; letting her know the dates you will be away; saying what work she should do while you are away(preparing a sales report and arranging a meeting with Mr Carpenter from AYT Advertising).

1. I honestly think it ____ better if we ____ each other for a while. (to be, to see – negative) 2. If you ____ already married, Mr. Clay, I ____ for

you. (to be – negative, to wait) 3. Now if only Betty ____ able to come this evening she ____ it. But, of course, she had to choose this evening to go and see her mother.(to be, to do) 4. If he ____ ordinary, I ____ him (to be, to love – negative) 5. And if anything ____ to him, there ____ something in the Press. (to happen, to be) 6. I ____ it a few months ago, Mr. Chapin. (to believe) 7. If I ____ you, I think I ____ very much as you do. (to be, to feel) 8. You first brought your friend into my sister's company, and but for you we ____ never ____ him. (to see) 9. I certainly won't leave you so long as you are in mourning. It ____ most unfriendly. If I ____ in mourning you ____ with me, I suppose. (to be, to be, to stay) 10. He was a power in the College, and ____ in any society; (to be) 11. If you ____ news before morning, ring me up at once. (to have) 12. I like the place. The air suits me. I ____ surprised if I ____ here, (to be – negative, to settle down) 13. There is nothing the Barkers ____ for a few pounds. (to do –negative) 14. Well that wasn't true what she said and, if It ____ that ____ , no business of hers. (to be, to be) 15. "She told me the other day that her heart stopped for five minutes when that horrid nurse was rude to her." "Nonsense! She ____ alive now if her heart ____ for five seconds." (to be – negative, to stop) 16. I think it ____ her so much good to have a short stroll with you in the Park, Dr. Chasuble. (to do) 17. The story I have to tell ____ never ____ if one day I ____ across the street. (to happen, to walk – negative) 18. "She is so wretched," I told him, "that she ____ gladly ____ tomorrow morning if it ____ for the baby." (to die, to be – negative) 19. If I ____ you I ____ abroad again. (to be, to go) 20. "I think, Edward," said Mrs. Dashwood, "you _____ a happier man if you ____ any profession to engage your time and give an interest to your plans and actions. Some inconvenience to your friends, indeed, might result from it: you ____ able to give them so much of your time." (to be, to have, to be – negative) 21. Jago was longing for me to say that he ought to be the next Master. A few years before I ____ yes on the spot. (to say) 22. And if I ____ I was going to meet you, I ____ differently. (to know, to dress) 23. If he ____ here, send him to us at once. (to return) 24. I ____ what I am but for him. (to be – negative) 25. "Why are you talking this rubbish," he said, "and making me talk it too?" "If what you say ____ true, women ____ either poisonous or boring!" (to be, to be) 26. Just think, if I ____ the pictures I ____ a rich woman now. (to buy, to be) 27. Mr. Gresham, this marriage will, at any rate, put an end to your pecuniary embarrassment, unless, indeed, Frank ____ a hard creditor. (to prove) 28. Anyhow, a fire started, and if a young fellow who's working here ____ instantly ____ with an axe, their big storage tank of gasoline ____ in the air and God knows what ____ then. (to set about – negative, to go up, to happen) We all ____ with it. (to go) Honestly, we're all lucky to be alive. If it ____ for this chap, we ____ (to be – negative, to be – negative).

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