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перевод сочинения как я провела зимние каникулы с сестрой и братом и родителями

10-11 класс

Soltan9909 16 июня 2015 г., 13:32:03 (8 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 июня 2015 г., 15:35:27 (8 лет назад)

I spent my winter holidays very well. I spent It with my parents and my brother. At first week we visited opera theatre. We saw "Carmen". It was great opera. Also I with my brother went skiing. At second week I was at home. I watched TV, read a book and played computer. Also I played snowballs with my friends ang I made a snowman. I made a nice large snowman. It had a carrot as nose and a red winter hat.

+ 0 -
16 июня 2015 г., 17:20:33 (8 лет назад)

его придумать надо :(

+ 0 -
16 июня 2015 г., 19:17:11 (8 лет назад)

как скажешь

+ 0 -
16 июня 2015 г., 20:27:17 (8 лет назад)

Я придумала.

+ 0 -
16 июня 2015 г., 21:40:47 (8 лет назад)


+ 0 -
16 июня 2015 г., 23:06:16 (8 лет назад)

я уже почти дописала на английском


Другие вопросы из категории

MEALS IN ENGLAND The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner or — in simpler houses — breakfast, dinner, tea and supper.

Afternoon tea can hardly be called a meal. It is a substantial meal only in well-to-do families. It is between five

and six o'clock. In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. But in great many English homes, the midday meal is the chief

one of the day, and in the evening there is usually a much simpler supper — an omelette, or sausages, sometimes bacon
and eggs and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.

Переведите пожалуйста. Не нужно присылать некорректный перевод сделанный с помощью он-лайн переводчика!!!!! Не нужно копировать перевод у остальных. Я скопировал уже везде где только можно.


Вставьте местоимение, определите его тип. 1. John's nice. I like ... a lot. 2. "Is Mary at home?" "Yes, ... is." "Can I speak to ..., please?" "Of

course." 3. My brother is a young teacher. Every day he spends ... time preparing for his lessons. 4. I know very ... about this writer. It is his first book that I am reading. 5. Do you have ... relations? 6. Can I have ... milk? - Yes , you can have .... 7. No, this is not my ticket. This is …! 8. There isn‟t … in this bag.

Помогите пожалуйста по английскому!!! Put the verb into the proper tense form. Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive Tenses.

1. Are you all right? You ____________ (not to act) like yourself.

2. Where _____ Mary usually _________ (to spend) her summer holidaus?

3. We__________(to go) to the airport in 2 hours.

4.You _________(not to look) happy. What___you______(to think) about?

5. Tomorrow Jack______________(to have) Maths and history.

Плиз, помогите с английским ;)

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