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You can use me to draw the lines I am long,black and nice. On my side gold figures shine. Try my name to define

10-11 класс

Chika90 11 мая 2014 г., 8:32:16 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 мая 2014 г., 10:54:04 (10 лет назад)

Часы кароче вон те первели всё сделали 

+ 0 -
11 мая 2014 г., 12:01:14 (10 лет назад)

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Rewrite and translate the following sentences into russian,pay attention to different meanings of the words.
1. one has to remember that this reaction is followed by an explosion.
2. its well-known that the particles interact.
3. this food may be used either in fresh state or in frozen one.
4. the alectron temperature is much greater than that of the gas sa a whole.
5. one can prevent the evaporation of moisture by means of the method which will check further loss of water

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в прошедшее время. Traditionally, it was students who took a gap year (a year off to travel or gain experience), but last

year 60 % of gapers (l) …….. people taking a career break. Many of them (2) ...... their job before setting off around the world. Others (3)...... for companies that (4)....... give them unpaid leave in order to travel. Why did they decide to take a gap year? Many (5) .......... hard for years and simply (6)........ they needed a break. Others (7) ...... to give something back by doing volunteer work abroad. Fran Hodges is one of these people. Although she (8) ....... to be away for only six months, she (9) ......... staying away for a year. She (10) ......... her 40th birthday while she (11) ........ at ant elephant sanctuary in Sri Lanka. Fran (12) ....... a researcher, but she (13) ....... her job in order to go off traveling. She (14) ........ her ticket two days before she (15) ......... her notice so she couldn't be talked out of it. She (16) ........... alone before, but (17) ....... surprised how easy it was and how much fun she had.

He____at the moment -he is not hungry

a) don't eat
b) isn't eating
c) doesn't eat

Читайте также

Form as many words sa you can using the suffixes -less, -able, -ly,

Form as many words sa you can using the suffixes -less, -able, -ly, -ion -ness, -ful and prefixes re- and un-Success, to connect, to understand, to construct, help, active, to break, to read, beauty.

1,She looked at me (angry, angrily) and told me to leave the room.

2,At last the librarian _________ (to give) me the book which I _______________________(to wait) for during two months. I was very glad. I __________ (to go) home and ______________ (to begin) reading it at last.
3,Many American programs _____________________ (to show) on British television.
4,If you _______ (to be) at home now, we wouldn’t have to worry about (anything/something).
5,When we were young we ……..…. (used to/would) spend (every/each) summer on the beach. We …………. (used to/would) swim, sunbathe, catch crabs.

You ______________________________ (should, have to/ disconnect) the computer yesterday.

The greatest cartoon-maker in cinema history was Walt Disney. He produced his first (black and white) Mickey Mouse cartoon in 1928. It was an instant hit

with both children and adults. More cartoons followed, including `Flowers and Trees`. Then three years later Disney created his second cartoon superstar –Donald Duck. By this time he had his own studio and a large team of cartoonists. These were the people who helped to draw the thousand `cells` for `Snow White And the Seven Dwarfs`.
A magical mixture of fantasy, comedy, music and colour, `Snow White` was a landmark in a cartoon history. It was also a huge hit with international audiences, who demanded more full-length cartoons.
They say, Disney seldom praised anybody and he didn't like to show his feelings and emotions. But once when he saw a few episodes from Bambi and turned to the animators there were tears in his eyes. This was how Disney approved of their work. But it happened only twice in thirty-nine years.
Disney respected people who could make some¬thing with their hands. He especially respected the carpenter working in the studio. Although every-one called Disney Walt and he called everybody by their first name, the carpenter was an exception to the rule. Disney always called him Mr. Rogers.
When Walt Disney was making a film, he al¬ways thought not only about children but also about grown-ups. That's why he tried to touch up-on the subjects of nature and life, he wanted to make people think about life, love, justice, about good and evil powers. There were episodes in Dis¬ney's films that did not leave a dry eye in the cine¬ma. At the same time all Disney's films are full of optimism and have a happy ending. A great num¬ber of people were brought up on Walt Disney's films and they are grateful to him for these unfor¬gettable moments in their childhood.
It may seem strange that after the success in animation, Disney directed his energies to a new field — constructing Disneyland. Everybody thought that it was impossible to realize this idea but Disney saw it as continuation of what he had been doing all his life. Disneyland (in California) and Disneyworld (in Florida) receive millions of visitors every year.
3. Вставьте глагол tо be в Present Simple.
1. …your sister a doctor?
2. Where … you from?
3. He … at work.
4. What … the time? Two o`clock.
5. I …at home now.
6 … you a dancer? No, I … not. I … a singer.
7. How old … you? I … 19.
8. How …you? I …fine.
9. Where… your bag? It … on the table.
10. You … right.
4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.
1. Mr. Jones (to clean) his flat.
2. I … (not to eat), I… (to read).
3. Who (to cook) dinner in the kitchen?
4. The girls (to sing) a song.
5. It (to rain). Take the umbrella.
6. She (to wash) her hair at the moment.
5. Поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1. I ( to take) my sister to school now.
2. I (to take ) her to school every day.
3. At the moment they ( to go) to the river to swim.
4. They usually ( to go) to the river for a swim.
5. We ( to drink) tea now. We ( to drink) every morning.
6. I (not to sleep) now. I (not to sleep) in the day time.
7. What you ( to do) now? What (to do) at the lessons?
6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.
1. On Monday we (to have) 6 lessons.
2. We ( to see) a very good film last night.
3. In the evening their children (to watch) TV and (to do ) homework.
4. They ( to spend) their holidays abroad last summer.
5. She ( to come ) home two hours ago.
6. He (to study) in London last year?
7. She ( not to go ) to school yesterday.

помогите пожалуйста перевести несколько предложений Be careful choosing the place where you do your programme. The university you apply to, l

ater may not recognize it. Make up your mind about which university you want to go to first, and then ask them what foundation programmes they want.

Choose your university first.In our university we have our own foundation course called a Bridging Year.Students doing the Bridging Year are full members of the university ,which is cool.Living on campus,you can use the same academic,social and sports facilities as other students

I did the programme called CFP in London.It allowed me to choose between a lot of universities.Check their FAQs.Its pricey,though.Itcosts you about 7,500 just in tuition fees.
In my time foreign students,studying in the UK,were allowed to work up to 20 hours a week.Check it out!You can use opportunity to earn a bit of extra cash
They all cost about the same.Try to save on accommoditation,You can rent a small flat with other students.
Dancerboy has no idea! You can take an intensive course in English,but that will be a separate programme.You will have to take Maths,Physics,History,Law,Psychology,etc all in English,so your English has to be good

помогите пожалуйста решить ((((( Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences. 1) I noticed

white(hair/hairs) on her jacket

2) We had very(little/few)time to finish our project

3) There were (a few/a little)times when Jane wanted to go back home

4) He had (a very/very)eventful life before he became a Geography teacher

5) The maid brought in (paper/a paper)with the latest news

6) This chair is made of (a wood/wood)

7) I need (a room/some room)for my clothes.-You can use my wardrobe if you want to.

8) What(an interesting/interesting)experience!

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