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1) It was an evening I will (always remember). It was a ................... evening. 2) We had a marvellous time. I will (never forget) it. It was

10-11 класс

............. .

Dimasokol43sokol 14 авг. 2013 г., 0:43:31 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 авг. 2013 г., 2:28:05 (10 лет назад)

1) It was a memorable evening.

2) It was an unforgettable time.


Другие вопросы из категории

Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1) I make myself… cup of … quick coffee and take it back to … bed with me. 2) Do not

tell me … sweet lies! Tell me … truth!

3) … Bristol Hotel, founded at … end of …19th century, is located opposite … Opera House in … Vienna.

4) … expression of her face was … mixture of … love and … concern.

5) … three of them went for … swim, carefully avoiding … subject of Charles.

6) I must say … girl has … sense of … humour, as well as … common sense.

7) Charles is … special breed of … man. He is … British aristocrat.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. a. English ____________________ (speak) in many

countries. b. The post ______________________ (deliver) at about 7 o’clock every morning. c. ______________________________ (the building/use) any more? d. How often ______________________________ (the Olympic Games(hold)? e. How _______________________ (your name/spell)? f. My salary _____________________ (pay) every month. g. These cars _________________________ (not make) in Japan. h. The name of the people who committed the crime _____________________ (not know). i. His travel expenses ________________________ (not pay) by his company.

II. Выберите единственный правильный вариант из предложенных для заполнения пропуска.

1.Out of my window I could see the of the river where 1 spent hours fishing or just lying in the sun.
1) brink
2) bank
3) shore
2.They say that difficult economic arc responsible for the principle changes in families.
1) times
2) ranges
3) studies
3.In many countries scholars and graduate students work at the “frontiers of knowledge" to discover new information.

Читайте также

The greatest cartoon-maker in cinema history was Walt Disney. He produced his first (black and white) Mickey Mouse cartoon in 1928. It was an instant hit

with both children and adults. More cartoons followed, including `Flowers and Trees`. Then three years later Disney created his second cartoon superstar –Donald Duck. By this time he had his own studio and a large team of cartoonists. These were the people who helped to draw the thousand `cells` for `Snow White And the Seven Dwarfs`.
A magical mixture of fantasy, comedy, music and colour, `Snow White` was a landmark in a cartoon history. It was also a huge hit with international audiences, who demanded more full-length cartoons.
They say, Disney seldom praised anybody and he didn't like to show his feelings and emotions. But once when he saw a few episodes from Bambi and turned to the animators there were tears in his eyes. This was how Disney approved of their work. But it happened only twice in thirty-nine years.
Disney respected people who could make some¬thing with their hands. He especially respected the carpenter working in the studio. Although every-one called Disney Walt and he called everybody by their first name, the carpenter was an exception to the rule. Disney always called him Mr. Rogers.
When Walt Disney was making a film, he al¬ways thought not only about children but also about grown-ups. That's why he tried to touch up-on the subjects of nature and life, he wanted to make people think about life, love, justice, about good and evil powers. There were episodes in Dis¬ney's films that did not leave a dry eye in the cine¬ma. At the same time all Disney's films are full of optimism and have a happy ending. A great num¬ber of people were brought up on Walt Disney's films and they are grateful to him for these unfor¬gettable moments in their childhood.
It may seem strange that after the success in animation, Disney directed his energies to a new field — constructing Disneyland. Everybody thought that it was impossible to realize this idea but Disney saw it as continuation of what he had been doing all his life. Disneyland (in California) and Disneyworld (in Florida) receive millions of visitors every year.
3. Вставьте глагол tо be в Present Simple.
1. …your sister a doctor?
2. Where … you from?
3. He … at work.
4. What … the time? Two o`clock.
5. I …at home now.
6 … you a dancer? No, I … not. I … a singer.
7. How old … you? I … 19.
8. How …you? I …fine.
9. Where… your bag? It … on the table.
10. You … right.
4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.
1. Mr. Jones (to clean) his flat.
2. I … (not to eat), I… (to read).
3. Who (to cook) dinner in the kitchen?
4. The girls (to sing) a song.
5. It (to rain). Take the umbrella.
6. She (to wash) her hair at the moment.
5. Поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1. I ( to take) my sister to school now.
2. I (to take ) her to school every day.
3. At the moment they ( to go) to the river to swim.
4. They usually ( to go) to the river for a swim.
5. We ( to drink) tea now. We ( to drink) every morning.
6. I (not to sleep) now. I (not to sleep) in the day time.
7. What you ( to do) now? What (to do) at the lessons?
6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.
1. On Monday we (to have) 6 lessons.
2. We ( to see) a very good film last night.
3. In the evening their children (to watch) TV and (to do ) homework.
4. They ( to spend) their holidays abroad last summer.
5. She ( to come ) home two hours ago.
6. He (to study) in London last year?
7. She ( not to go ) to school yesterday.

I left school when I was twelve and I had to get into service. I went to a young couple who were farmers, and I had to live in. it was about fifteen miles

from home and it seemed to me the back of beyond. It was a big rambling place, and I was the only help they had. I got one and three pence a week. They weren’t bad to me, but they used to go out a lot and I’d be in the place on my own. I’d go and look in all the cupboards, under beds, I was literally terrified. I helped the mistress make butter, and sometimes I used to milk the cows as well. Anyway, I didn’t last long. I got so lonely. I went to a butcher’s wife near Wellingborough. She was a terror. There was another maid there, and fortunately we got on well together. We could laugh and cover up for each other if we did anything wrong. We slept in an attic, and we had to be up at six o’clock in the morning. If we were a minute or two late, she’d be there and want to know why. I reckon she laid awake all night long, just for the pleasure of catching us out in the morning.
I had fifteen places in twelve years, and only at one of them was I treated like a human being. They didn’t think of us as people like themselves. We were different. Occasionally my father and brother used to come and see me, and I felt really unhappy when they left. I wanted to say “Take me with you”, but of course they couldn’t. You had to work; your parent couldn’t afford to keep you. Sometimes, if I’d been home, when the time came for me to go back I used to pray that the train wouldn’t come or that it would crash. But it always came.

Переведите пожалуйста It was so weird, it still freaks me out to think about it. About a year ago, l was shopping in Marks and Spencer. I had

been to a lot of shops and I was feeling a bit tired. Finally, I thought I'd go up to the next floor of the shopping centre and look for a CD. As I was going up, I noticed a girl ahead of me almost at the top of the escalator. She was wearing a red jacket like mine. You know how you always feel curious about people you see wearing the same clothes, so I kept looking at her absent-mindedly. With growing amazement, I saw that the girl looked just like me from behind — same hairstyle, same colour, even her black bag was exactly like mine. The girl got to the top of the escalator before me. When I reached the top I looked around for her, but she had disappeared in the crowd of Saturday shoppers. I thought it was funny, until I went to look at some CDs in a shop window. I noticed another reflection in the window. I knew it wasn't me, it was the girl I had seen on the escalator. She was standing just behind me and looking at the same things. It was so weird. I turned round slowly but there was no one there. The next moment I caught a glimpse of the red jacket disappearing round the corner. But the weirdest bit was when I dashed after her and ran into my friend who was out shopping that day too. She looked surprised when she saw me. She said she had just seen me walk straight past her without even saying hello. She was sure the girl she had seen was me. I have read about it quite a lot, and the only explanation that fits what happened is that I saw my Doppelganger — my double. What bothers me, though, is that people usually see their Doppelganger before they die. I'm not easily scared, but I not wear that red jacket anymore.

Вставьте артикль на месте пропуска.

It's been a week since __night when Dima was attacked by the bear. I will always remember that night now when I stayed with Dima and we talked until ___. morning. I had never felt so close to my brother before. I was surprised to find out how much he had grown up and changed during ___. summer. Dima told me everything he had heard in the forest. He said that David and Daniel both liked me and that I had been the reason for their fight. It turned out that Dima had always known that David had written that letter to me and he had even helped him with some of the Russian words. However, because I hadn't mentioned it, my brother had kept his mouth shut too. But he should have told me. Everything would have been different then. Anyway, it was too late now. I told Dima it didn't matter to me and he dropped the subject.Dima was able to get back to his tent before ___ dawn, so that no questions about his absence were asked. He still had to wear the bandage on his hand, but he made up a good story about a fight to explain it. ___ next day was the last day of our trip. On ___. Sunday evening we returned to camp and our life got back to almost normal. I say "almost" because the more I think about it, the more I understand how I was unfair to David. Now I realize that he has always liked me and tried to show me, but I refused to believe it. When I think about how badly I hurt him, I want to kick myself. Even if he had done something wrong, how could I have called him a coward? After all, what would I have done in a situation like that? My hero Daniel has been very quiet since we got back. When somebody tried to write an article about his heroism on the river, he got really angry. He also stays away from Dima and me, as if we had done something wrong. And David pretends I don't exist. So by ... day I try to play it cool but by ___ night I stay awake and try to think about what I could have done differently. ____ most interesting summer of my life isn't making me happy anymore. I'm looking forward to ___ autumn, because in ____ autumn I'll be home.

1. His great (achieve) were (enter) the university and (find) a good job. 2. My friend was (able) to do this difficult task. 3. The (academy) year

lasts from September till June for students. 4. The female-(act) performed very terrific and were very beautiful 5. In (add) the topic was not discussed in public. 6. He has (allergic) to cats and can’t live with them in the same flat. 7. When I was little I (allow) to watch funny cartoons late in the evening 8. The man took some drugs and was (addict) 9. The old lady suffered from (anxious) according to everything. 10. I am mad about my new classmate’s (appear). 11. He was so (argument) that everybody listened to him with attention. 12. They’ve filled (apply) forms and now they are waiting for the results. 13. The teacher checks the (attend) of all pupils. 14. He was (attract)-charming. 15. It was an (believe) story. Nobody could say a word. 16. The (builder) were working from 3 till 8 yesterday. 17. She felt (comfort) and decided to leave. 18. He was shy and (communicate). 19. The (compete) will be next month. 20. The (crime) situation in our city is very (danger) 21. This newspaper is (day) 22. My mother’s (decide) are not discussed.

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