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10-11 класс

I. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

His their its her your

1. She is a pop star. her name is Ann Williams.
2. Peter has a lot of friends. his friends are students.
3. They want ….. phone number. Pleas tell it to them.
4. Bill and Rose like their house.
5. This city is great …. Name is Paris.

II. Complete the sentences with the forms of BE.

1. My father is from Russia.
2. I … seventeen.
3. Where ... you from?
4. Who … her favourite sports star?
5. How old … your daughter?

III. Make the following sentence plural.

1. That book isn’t interesting.
2. This room is nice.
3. Pass me that box.

IV. Complete the sentence with HAVE/HAS GOT. Translate.

1. … you … a pet?
2. My room is great! It …. … blue walls and a red carpet.
3. He’s got a brother but he … … a sister.
4. … your sister … a garden?
5. I …. …… ……. a car. I go by bus.

V. Translate from Russian into English with can, can’t.
1. Он умеет нырять.
2. Катя умеет быстро бегать?
3. Они не умеют играть в теннис.

VI. Make the sentences negative.
1. Open the window.
2. Be late.
3. Write on the board.
VII. Make the sentences with there is, there are. Translate into Russian

1. football classes (+)
2. a gym (?)
3. swimming pool (-)

Тимпим 11 дек. 2014 г., 8:05:16 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 дек. 2014 г., 10:12:08 (9 лет назад)

1. 3) your, 5) its
2. 2) am, 3) are, 4) is, 5) is
3. 1) Those books aren't interesting.
2) These rooms are nice.
3) Pass me those boxes.
4. 1) Have you got a pet? У тебя есть питомец?
2) My room is great! It has got blue walls and a red carpet. У меня отличная комната! В ней голубые стены и красный ковер.
3) He's got a brother but he hasn't got a sister. У него есть брат, но нет сестры.
4) Has your sister got a garden? У твоей сестры есть сад?
5) I haven't got a car. I go by bus. У меня нет машины. Я езжу на автобусе.
5. 1) He can swim.
2) Can Kate run fast?
3) They can't play tennis.
6. 1) Don't open the window.
2) Don't be late.
3) Don't write on the board.
7. 1) There are football classes at our school. В нашей школе есть уроки футбола.
2) Is there a gym in your school? В твоей школе есть спортзал?
3) There is no swimming pool in this school. В этой школе нет бассейна.


Другие вопросы из категории

Нужно на каждый вопрос ответить тремя предложениями. Перевод вопросов прилагаю. 1.What do parents expect from their children? 2.What do

children expect from their parents?

3.Where do you learn your social survival from most - family , school or peers?

4.To what extent is there a generation gap? How do you feel about it?

1.Что родители ожидают от своих детей?

2.Что дети ожидают от своих родителей?

3.Где вы изучаете вашего социального выживания от большинства - семья, школа и сверстники?

4.В какой мере существует разрыв между поколениями? Как вы к этому относитесь?

Поставить глаголы в Present Perfect or Past Simple:

We(know) each other since we(be) five years old. We (always/share) our problems and our troubles,but we (also/enjoy) good times together and (spend) many hours laughing together. We (live) next door to each other before Alison (move) in London, I(visit)her many times since then. She (just/buy) a new house but I (not/see) it yet.

помогите как эти слова произносятся по русски:

patience, toughness, self- reliance, predictability, cautiousness, friendliness, politeness, scepticism.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён: Present Simple(Indefinite). Present Continuous (Progressive). Past Simple

(Indefinite). Future Simple (Indefinite) 1) He (to spend) last summer in the country'. 2) She (not to go) to the college every day. She is lazy. 3) Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow. 4) Alice (to cook) an apple pie now. 5) What you (to prepare) for breakfast yesterday?

Читайте также

Task I. Complete the conditional sentences. Decide whether to use Conditional Zero, I, II or III.

1) If she … (not/speak) English, she wouldn’t get the job.
2) If I had had enough money, I … (go) out with her.
3) If it rains, we … (stay) at home.
4) My parents don’t get angry if I … (fail) a test.

Task II. Mark words characterizing movie genres.
Movie genreCharacteristics1) Gangstera) Crime, violent activity2) Comedyb) Coloured drawings, for children3) Musicalc) Future events, future worlds4) Detectived) Laugh5) Westerne) Everyday problems6) Horror movief) American cowboys, Indians, early settlers7) Documentaryg) Actually happened8) Science fictionh) Frightening, unnatural9) Psycho-dramai) Songs, dances, light-hearted10) Animated moviej) Policemen, solved crimes

Task III. Choose the correct variant.
1) It's raining and the wind's blowing. Now I ... see why they made February the shortest month of the year.
A may, В can, С shall, D must.
2) Can I ask you where ... from?
A do you come, В are you, С you come, D did you come.
3) ... Liverpool and Manchester are in the north west of England.
A either, В neither, С each of, D both.
4) It ... since Tuesday.
A has rained, В has been raining, С rained, D was raining.
5) If you come to England you'll soon ... on the left.
A get used to driving, В will be used to driving,
С are getting used to driving, D are used to driving
6) My idea was ... English.
A that she learns, В for her to learn, С to learn her, D that she must.
7) ... , we went out for a walk.
A Despite of the rain, В In spite of the rain,
С In spite the rain, D In despite the rain.
8) ... Ukraine studies English.
A the whole, В the whole of, С the whole round, D the whole over.

Task IV. Write a short report "Teenagers and their problems"(about 120-130 words).

I. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и определите их функции, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением,

обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. When crossing the street, first look to the left.
2. The woman playing the piano is his mother.
3. This is a church built many years ago.
4. She is looking through the magazine now.

II. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.
1. They promised to supply us with the necessary equipment.
2. The purpose of this book is to describe certain properties of vegetarian food.
3. The experiment to be carried out is of great importance for our research.
4. That funny scene made me to laugh.

1. Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:

1. There … a lot of students in this room yesterday
a) are
b) were
c) was
2. We ….3-4 lessons at the university every day.
a) has
b) had
c) have
3. It …sunny and warm tomorrow.
a) was
b) will be
c) is
4. My friends … at the university now.
a) are
b) were
c) will be
5. There are a lot new computers … this room /
a) at
b) on
c) in
6. They… an English article now.
a) are reading
b) will be reading
c) read
7. The workers … the new machinery when the head engineer came in.
a) were installing
b) was installing
c) installed
8. His brother…. the Technological University last year.
a) does enter
b) entered
c) did not enter
9. …. speaks English in your group well?
a) which
b) who
c) whose
10. My brother and his wife rent (сдают)…. old flat.
a) us
b) their
c) they
11. I and my friend are translating a new text now. … is very long.
a) this
b) that
c) it
12. The mathematics is … subject for me.
a) difficult
b) the most difficult
c) difficulter
13. Our group ….already …. to the university.
a) came
b) was coming
c) has come
14. By this time yesterday our chief … all the documents.
a) looked through
b) has looked through
c) had looked through
15. He went …..the room.
a) into
b) in
c) at
16. The new books … by the students in the library yesterday.
a) took
b) are taken
c) were taken
17. We … never … to England.
a) had been
b) have been
c) were
18. My dad …….the new car by the end of the month.
a) will buy
b) will have bought
c) buy
19. The new programs …..just ….by our engineers.
a) have downloaded
b) have been downloaded
c) download
20. This building is… than that one.
a) old
b) the oldest
c) older

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:

1. I don’t have neighbours behind the walls because I live in a … house.
a. terraced
b. detached
c. semi-detached
2. Students studying for a Master’s degree are called … .
a. post-graduates
b. undergraduates
c. graduates
3. Teachers guiding students in British Universities are … .
a. supervisors
b. advisors
c. tutors
4. I’m studying part-time and I’m an/a … student.
a. full-time
b. external
c. internal
5. One has to study 3 years to … a Ph.D. degree.
a. award
b. achieve
c. receive
6. Right now I’m… a course in Applied Mathematics.
a. taking
b. getting
c. visiting
7. Human-factors engineering deals with….
a. efficiency
b. safety
c. quantity of workers
8. “to bring about” means …
a. to receive
b. to introduce
c. to carry
9. It’s a … building with tiled roof.
a. two-stairs
b. two-storied
c. two-floor
10. Electronic con¬trols enable AC motors … at variable speeds
a. to run
b. to go
c. to move

Образуйте причастие I и причастие II от глаголов и переведите их по образцу. Обратите внимание на правильные и неправильные глаголы.

to take-taking (P I) берущий, беря
taken (P II) взятый
to change-changing (P I) изменяющий,изменяя
changed (P II) измененный
to build ,to freeze
to answer ,to get
to teach ,to sell

I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. If the weather (keep) fine we (stay) here until the end of the month. 2. She said she

already (buy) all the Christmas presents. 3. I (know) him for seven years. We (study) at school to¬gether. 4. I (turn) round and (see) a girl at the far end of the street. She (call) for help. 5. What you (think) of the chairman's report?-The facts (sound) very convincing 6. I don't think the weather (change) for the better. But if it (do) we (go) on an outing. 7. No one knew that David (do) research on this problem for nearly two years. II. Choose the right article. 1. ... robbers had left by ... time the police arrived. 2. What were you doing when you heard ... news? 3. When you are typing ... letter remember to type ... date at... top and to sign your name at... bottom. 4. It's ... best salad I've ever eaten. Can you give me ... recipe? 5. When ... door-bell rang, he just stood near for... moment before opening it. 6. Anyone can make ... mistake. III. Choose the suitable preposition. 1. Why are you (in, on, by) such a hurry? 2. It hurt the eyes to look (on, at, in) the sun. 3. I've bought this cake (on, to, for) your birthday. 4. I always finish work early (in, on, at) Fridays. 5. How many cinemas are there (in, on, at) this town? IV. Choose the suitable pronoun. 1. We study almost (every, some, no) day. 2. I have two packs of cards. One is on the table, (another, other, the other) is in the drawer. 3. (Nobody, Any, Someone) can do it but you. 4. I think rock music is just (a lot, many, much) of noise. 5. There's hardly (some, any, no) tea left. V. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence. 1. broken/window/when/the/was? 2. when/bus/ waiting/the/we/accident/an/were/for/we/saw. 3. want/a/be/he/still/does/to/policeman? 4. to/a/quite/had/we/go/way/long. VI. Choose the right variant. 1. I'm awfully sorry. a) Don't mention it. b) That's O.K. c) It serves you right. 3. Could you pass me the paper? a) Yes, I could. b) Yes, I will. c) Here you are. 2. How are you? a) Don't worry. b) And how are you? c) I'm fine, thank you. 4. Will you open the drawer for me? a) What do you want? b) Do it yourself. c) Sure, no problem. VII. Choose the appropriate word. This summer is (so, such) hot. London is already (full, filled) of tourists and (there, it) is (heavy, hard) to find room to walk (along, across) the pavement in some areas, (especialy) specially) in Piccadilly. It's (almost, rather) impossible to work in this (hot, heat). Most of the time we (drink, eat) iced cokes in the office and (fun, fan) ourselves with pieces of (typed, typing) paper.

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