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Your brother is going to visit Finland next month. Ask him questions about his plans.

5-9 класс

Ruslan199924 19 июня 2013 г., 7:03:20 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 июня 2013 г., 9:33:51 (10 лет назад)

Why are you going to visit Finland?
What places are you going to visit in Finland?
How much time are you going to spend there?


Другие вопросы из категории

Выбрать правильную форму глагола. Активный или пассивный залог. Ice hockey (1) invented/ in the 1850s in Canada. The game (2) developed/was developed from

hockey and, like hockey, the object of the game is to score more goals than the opposition. Ice hockey (3) plays/is played on a large rink by two teams of six players wearing ice skates. The players (4) use/are used hockey sticks to hit the puck, a sort of flat disk. Speeds of up to 119 km/h (5) reach/are reached by the puck and players can travel at more than 48 km/h, so they (6) wear/are worn helmets at all times. In addition, players (7) protect/are protected by about 11 kg of body armour. The National Hockey League (8) formed/was formed in 1917. Men`s ice hockey (9) played/was played in the summer Olympic Games in 1920 and it (10) has included/has been included in the winter Olympics since 1924. The Olympic gold medal (11) has won/has been won most often by Russia and Canada. Women`s teams (12) were not allowed/were not been allowed to play in the Olympics until 1998

Помогите мне!!! У меня вопросы на которые я не могу ответить щас я напишу: 1.) When was the zoo open? 2.) Where is the zoo situated? 3.) How many animal

s live there? 4.) What else can people do in the zoo besides watching animals? 5.) When can people vizit the zoo? помогите я сейчас напишу текст по этим вопросам : Диана:
Для моей семьи, нет места лучше, чтобы жить, чем деревня. Мы живем в тихой деревне среди озера с кристальной водой, прекрасными соснами и зелеными полями. Мы окружены красотой природы. Ты не можешь наслаждаться восходом солнца в городе так же, как в деревне. Смотреть на просторные зеленые поля и деревья в деревне намного приятнее, чем на стены домов в городе. Деревенская жизнь позволяет нам заводить любых домашних животных и фермерских животных.
Многие семьи в деревне дружелюбны и близки. Деревенские люди намного дружелюбнее, трудолюбивее и полезнее(что??))). Они другие. Они могут быть фермерами, или писателями, или художниками. Но они сильно (дословно"глубоко") любят природу.
Если ты предпочитаешь проводить время нюхая розы возле двери дома и имеешь настоящих друзей, живи в деревне и отпусти город.

Где лучше жить: в деревне или в городе? Ответ зависит от того, что вам нравится.
Сейчас, многие люди говорят, что любят жить в деревне, но я выберу город. Первое, в городе ты можешь познакомиться с интересными людьми, которые намного отличаются от деревенских. Здесь каждый знает друг друга и это небольшие сюрпризы. Также, город намного богаче чем деревня в кинотеатрах, театрах, музеях, кофе-шопах (видимо, имеется ввиду кафе) и ресторанах. Ты можешь посетить стадионы, где известные спортивные команды играют почти каждую неделю. Местные и иностранные музыканты выступают в парках и на концертах. В галлереях выставляются работы из многих стран, а так же societies (объединение,организация..) каждого интереса и хобби: книги, шахматы, танцы, путешествия и многое другое.
Я, конечно, не ненавижу деревню, я предпочитаю ее для каникул. Я буду всегда выбирать жить в или рядом с городом. а вот английский текст а то был перевод.

Перевести 2 текста, без переводчика:

I love this quiz show a lot! It transmitted on ITV and is hosted by Chris Tarrant, my favourite TV presenter. Most of all I like the cash prize which is very, very large : one million pounds! Fantastic! But players can get the prize only if they correctly answer 15 multiple-choice questions. If they are unsure of the answer to a question, they can use one of three "lifelines" : "Phone a friend", "Ask the audience" and "50:50". The best moment of the show is when a player refuses to answer the question and then any TV viewer can play Walkaway SMS game and answer the question for the chance to win a 1,000! I think I will try one day. Once, my form teacher said that quiz shows were bad for education. Maybe, Who wants to be a millionaire? is not a very educational show but it is rather informative and very entertaining!

I don`t watch TV a lot, but when Star Academy is on I can`t get enough! Star Academy is a pop music talent contest. Contestants live in a boarding school and attend singing and dancing classes and are filmed with hidden cameras day and night. It`s very entertaining! Once a week, the contestants take part in live music performances. They are all competing ... that`s what makes the show so interesting! Each week either the group members, or the millions of TV viewers, decide which person is eliminated until there is one winner. The eliminations are always so exciting because you don`t know whether your favourite person will stay in or will go. The winner is awarded a record deal or a cash prize and, what is more important, the winner gets the chance to become a successful music artist. I love everything about this show!

Читайте также

complete the text with am,is,are or,aren't. Jane is going to be very busy next week.On Monday Jane is going to visit her dentist.on

Tuesday Jane and her sister ... going to visit their sick granny.

When ... she going to arrange her birthday party? - On Saturday.Her classmates ... going ti giveher a little puppy.Jane loves pets.Where ... she going to walk her puppy? - In the park.Jane's parents ... going to give her a trip to London, ... they? ... you going to come to her birthday party? - Yes,I ...

Упражнение 9. Choose the correct form of will or going to.

My dad's got a new job in London. We'll / ‘re going to move there in July.
I’ll / I'm going to visit France next month Mum's already bought our tickets.
'It's hot in here!' ‘ I’ll / I'm going to open the window.'
They booked their summer holiday last week. They will / 're going to stay with their uncle.
'It's a secret.' 'OK. I won't / 'm not going to tell anyone.'
'Would you like cola or orange juice?' 'I 'll / 'm going to have cola, please.'

In Pairs ask and answer as in the example. 1. Your friend wins $100. A: What are you going to do with it? B: I'm ging to go on a boat cruise. 2. Your

friend's holiday starts next week. 3. Your friend's birthday is next weekend. 4. Your friend is going to a party tonight. 5. Your friend doesn't like his new school.

What is going to happen? Write it down.

Example: You and your friends got an invitation letter from English students. You (visit) / Great Britain.-We are going to visit Great Britain.
1.Linda has a toothache. She (see) the dentist.
2.They decided to arrange a picnic. They (have) a nice time.
3.Andrew has a little sister. His parents are busy today. He (stay) with his sister.
4.It's the weekend. It's sunny and warm. We (walk) in the park.
5.Some British students would like to come to Russia in October. We (invite) them.

1. your classmate is going to spend his/her Christmas holiday in Europe. ask 5 questions about his/her plans.

example: why are you going to spend your holiday in Germany?
2. write about your hobby.(мне про рисование, если можно)

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