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Success makes a fool seem wise

10-11 класс

Kosmylina1997 29 янв. 2014 г., 11:21:50 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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29 янв. 2014 г., 13:30:03 (10 лет назад)

Успех делает дурака мудрецом!


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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present

Simple.1. His father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired. 2. Pat (not to cook) dinner at the moment. She (to talk) on the phone. She (to cook) dinner every Monday. 3. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 4. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 5. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 6. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning? 7. Look! The baby (to sleep). 8. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 9. My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension. 10. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden. 11. I usually (to get) up at seven o'clock in the morning. 12. What your sister (to do) now? - She (to wash) her face and hands. 13. When you usually (to come) home from school? - I (to come) at three o'clock. 14. Where your cousin (to work)? - He (to work) at a hospital. 15. Your sister (to study) at college? - No, she (to go) to school. 16. My cousin (to go) to school every day. 17. My mother (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the morning. 18. When you (to listen) to the news on the radio? 19. Who (to make) breakfast for you now? 20. You (to read) a magazine and (to think) about your holiday at the moment? 21. They (to be) good dancers but they (not to go) to discos very often. 22. What she (to talk) about right now?

помогите пожаалуйста
John’s father _____ him not to stay out late again. Deborah’s father won’t _____ her drive his car. My parents never allow me _____ parties at home. My

mum is very strict, so it will be difficult _____ her to buy me a motorbike. She thinks I am too young. My parents want _____ to finish school first. His parents never allowed him _____.

1. a) to see

b) seen

c) see

2. a) allows

b) orders

c) lets

3. a) forbid

b) let

c) permit

4. a) to organize

b) to let

c) to spend

5. a) to persuade

b) to suggest

c) to make

6. a) me

b) my

c) them

7. a) smoked

b) to smoke

c) smoking

The little boy is very ... . he asks lots of questions about everything

a) curious b polite c naughty

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Поставьте глагол в нужную форму страдательного залога. A. 1. You (to advise) to wear sensible shoes in winter. 2. The time before bed (to spend)

very pleasantly. 3. Sniffer dogs (to use) by police to detect drugs and explosives. 4. Huge pine trees (to uproot) by the storm. 5. You (not to allow) to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen. 6. Toyotas (to manufacture) in Japan. 7. This road never (to clean). 8. Gold (to discover) in Eastern Canada. 9. When I saw him, he (to chase) by a large dog. 10. Several towns (to destroy) by the eruption of Vesuvius. 11. This coffee just (to make), help yourself! 12. You ever (to cheat)? You ever (to make a fool of)? 13. The mirror (to break) while it (to move) into the hall. 14. How the word "magazine" (to pronounce)? 15. The table (to lay) now. You (to serve) in a few minutes. 16. For months, the baby kangaroo (to protect), (to feed) and (to teach) to survive by its mother. 17. I feel that I (to watch) now by somebody. 18. These T-shirts (not to iron) yet. 19. Love stories always (to sell) well. 20. Oranges and tangerines are very useful, besides, they (to peel) perfectly. 21. I just (to tell) that my house (to knock down) next month. 22. My sweater (to wash) badly so I put it into the washing-machine.

B. 1. Don't enter the room! A student (to examine) there. 2. The event (to report) by the newspapers before they arrived home. 3. After the accident he immediately (to take) home. 4. The letter (to type) by the typist when I came in. 5. I am sure that his work (to complete) by the end of the month. 6. Some new magazine just (to bring). Would you like to look them through? 7. The exercises usually (to correct) by the teacher at home. 8. I can't show you my written work as it (not to return) by my teacher. 9. Many new houses (to build) in our town lately 10. We think that the ship (to charter) next week. 11. They will pay the money as soon as the goods (to deliver). 12. The goods (not to examine) at the custom house yet. When they (to examine)? 13. The question which (to discuss) now at the conference is very important 14. This bridge (to build) in 1945. 15. The contract (to type) before the director comes to the office. 16. Important scientific work (to carry on) by that institute. 17. All the students (to examine) by 5. 18. The documents (not to sign) by the manager yet. They (to check) now. 19. She (to frighten) by a loud noise in the street

The greatest cartoon-maker in cinema history was Walt Disney. He produced his first (black and white) Mickey Mouse cartoon in 1928. It was an instant hit

with both children and adults. More cartoons followed, including `Flowers and Trees`. Then three years later Disney created his second cartoon superstar –Donald Duck. By this time he had his own studio and a large team of cartoonists. These were the people who helped to draw the thousand `cells` for `Snow White And the Seven Dwarfs`.
A magical mixture of fantasy, comedy, music and colour, `Snow White` was a landmark in a cartoon history. It was also a huge hit with international audiences, who demanded more full-length cartoons.
They say, Disney seldom praised anybody and he didn't like to show his feelings and emotions. But once when he saw a few episodes from Bambi and turned to the animators there were tears in his eyes. This was how Disney approved of their work. But it happened only twice in thirty-nine years.
Disney respected people who could make some¬thing with their hands. He especially respected the carpenter working in the studio. Although every-one called Disney Walt and he called everybody by their first name, the carpenter was an exception to the rule. Disney always called him Mr. Rogers.
When Walt Disney was making a film, he al¬ways thought not only about children but also about grown-ups. That's why he tried to touch up-on the subjects of nature and life, he wanted to make people think about life, love, justice, about good and evil powers. There were episodes in Dis¬ney's films that did not leave a dry eye in the cine¬ma. At the same time all Disney's films are full of optimism and have a happy ending. A great num¬ber of people were brought up on Walt Disney's films and they are grateful to him for these unfor¬gettable moments in their childhood.
It may seem strange that after the success in animation, Disney directed his energies to a new field — constructing Disneyland. Everybody thought that it was impossible to realize this idea but Disney saw it as continuation of what he had been doing all his life. Disneyland (in California) and Disneyworld (in Florida) receive millions of visitors every year.
3. Вставьте глагол tо be в Present Simple.
1. …your sister a doctor?
2. Where … you from?
3. He … at work.
4. What … the time? Two o`clock.
5. I …at home now.
6 … you a dancer? No, I … not. I … a singer.
7. How old … you? I … 19.
8. How …you? I …fine.
9. Where… your bag? It … on the table.
10. You … right.
4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.
1. Mr. Jones (to clean) his flat.
2. I … (not to eat), I… (to read).
3. Who (to cook) dinner in the kitchen?
4. The girls (to sing) a song.
5. It (to rain). Take the umbrella.
6. She (to wash) her hair at the moment.
5. Поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1. I ( to take) my sister to school now.
2. I (to take ) her to school every day.
3. At the moment they ( to go) to the river to swim.
4. They usually ( to go) to the river for a swim.
5. We ( to drink) tea now. We ( to drink) every morning.
6. I (not to sleep) now. I (not to sleep) in the day time.
7. What you ( to do) now? What (to do) at the lessons?
6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.
1. On Monday we (to have) 6 lessons.
2. We ( to see) a very good film last night.
3. In the evening their children (to watch) TV and (to do ) homework.
4. They ( to spend) their holidays abroad last summer.
5. She ( to come ) home two hours ago.
6. He (to study) in London last year?
7. She ( not to go ) to school yesterday.

Running your own business can (1) ……………. (make / present / provide /

suggest) really high job satisfaction – the satisfaction of being in (2) ……………
(duty / charge / head / position) of your own life and making your own (3)
………….… (alterations / ideas / proposals / decisions) about how things should be
If you are ambitious, you may want to achieve (4) ……………. (courage /
power / success / security) on a large scale and eventually become rich. Or it may be
(5) ………………. (many / enough / too / lot) for you simply to enjoy work more
and to achieve a modest increase (6) ……………. (at / on / in / for) living standards
at the same time.
It`s important to take into (7) ……………. (account / mind / thought /
contemplation) the less desirable aspects of the job as (8) ………………. (much /
also / too / well). For instant, if problems (9) …………….. (rise / raise / arise /
happen), it will be up to you to sort them (10) ……………… (up / in / through /
out). You`ll probably have to work harder and longer hours, especially in the
(11) ……………… (initiation /early / starting / beginning) stages. You`ll probably 50
see less of your family and friends too. And, of course, you won`t enjoy the security
of a (12) …………… (permanent / square / regular / usual) pay packet.
If you see all this as a challeng

ge (13) ………….. (rather / instead / otherwise /
other) than a disadvantage, you have at (14) ………………. (last / least / once /
most) one of the qualities needed for success. Other qualities (15) …………….
(compose / contain / consist / include): the ability to work on one`s own, a refusal to
(16) ………….. (give / work / turn / draw) up, and a willingness to take on

Twins shine at A-levels It would seem that

2005 is the year of the twin. Of all the A-
level success stories - and with the pass rate
going up again there are more than ever -
four sets of twins. 1) Lydia and Caroline
(L&C),from Gloucester,are both going to
Cambridge University to study veterinary
science after getting five As each - in the
same subjects:maths, biology, physics,
chemistry and general studies. Lydia
admitted competition did come into it. "I'm
glad we got the same, otherwise one of us
would have had boasting about it to the
other." Caroline added: "It's very strange
that we both got the same results, I can't
quite believe it." 2)Alexa and Sophie
(A&S),achieved nine grade-A passes
between them and have both secured places
at Cambridge - although studying different
subjects at different colleges. The twins
were students at Colchester County School
for girls, where 18 pupils achieved five
passes at grade A. Alexa said, "I was
reasonably confident. My As-levels were
good and I only needed to get Cs so it
wasn't much of a shock." 3)Wendy and
Grace (W&G),identical twins, both got four
A-grades and are going to study medicine at
Leeds University together. They do
everything together. Wendy said, "We both
got the same results in our GCSEs and A-
levels so it seems to be becoming a bit of a
habit." Celebrations will be at the local pub
tonight, they said. 4)Henry and Ken
(H&K),both pupils at Bishop Vesey's
grammar school in Sutton Coldfield, West
Midlands, followed their 11 A or A-star
grades at GCSE with five As at A-level -each.
But these twins aren't sticking together.
Henry is to study medicine at Nottingham
University and Ken will be studying
engineeering at Cambridge.
переведите пожалуйста

Fill in the words on the left making the necessary changes. Face, noble, magic, create, fall.

a. Centuries ago a famous Greek sculptor Pygmalion –– a sculpture of a ___ young girl. It was made of marble, but he worked at it with such love and care that it looked like real. He called the girl Galatea. She had a __ appearance and there was something –– in her face. She was so beautiful that he ––– in love with her. He put her in such a way that she seemed to –––– him day and night. He suffered greatly and began to ask gods to make her alive.This Greek legend helped Bernard Shaw to write his famous Pygmalion.

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