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Look, Susan (to look) so exhausted. She (to prepare) for exam since morning.

1-4 класс

TinakaWay 06 февр. 2017 г., 18:19:05 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 февр. 2017 г., 19:35:19 (7 лет назад)

Look, Susan looks so exhausted. She has been preparing for exam since morning.

+ 0 -
06 февр. 2017 г., 22:30:16 (7 лет назад)

Ну, и?

+ 0 -
07 февр. 2017 г., 0:09:38 (7 лет назад)

Looks, has been preparing


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УМОЛЯЮ СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ УМОЛЯЮ ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО УМОПомогите составте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения по предложениям

the right wing of my fathers car needs painting
in the summer I share the left wing of our country house with my elder brother
the actor is waiting his turn in the wings
the new plane has big wings

Мне задоли по англискому языку выучить стих а я ещё не умею читить по англиски,вы можете мне написать как они четаются ну вы мне пишите эти слова не по

англиски а по руски например КЭТ вот так умоляю вот стих:Early to bed.And early to rise (Вставать).Makes a man healthy.Wealthy and wise (Багатый и мудрый).ВОТ ВЕСЬ СТИХ.Зорание блогодарна.

Читайте также

Dear Masha! I am so happy! My father is going to take us to Moscow! He ... going to work there. And we ... looking forward to seeing you again. Now I

...packing my things. Mum ... helping me. Tom ... playing football with his friends. Dad ... working in his office. We ... leaving London for Moscow on the 10th of September. Dad says we ... going to live in a hotel not far from the centre. What places of interest ... you think we can see in Moscow? How ... you? How ... you spend your summer holidays? Best wishes, Ann. 1. a) Read Ann's letter and say why she is happi. b) Fill in the blanks with necessary words. 2. Read the letter again and answer the guestions. 1) Where is Ann's father going to take his family? 2) What is he going to do there? 3) What is Ann doing now? 4) Who is helping her? 5) What is Tom doing? 6) When are they leaving for Moscow? 7) Where are they going to live there?

Ann: Welcome to london,everyone! We are going to your host families now. Look out the window! I want to tell you a few words about the capital of great

britain london is largest city in Europe. Over 7 million people live in it. And it`s one of the most famous and interesting cities in the world. There are lots of places to visit:different museums,theatres,and IMAX cinema. London has got many places just for fun too:the london eye,the london zoo and many lovely parks and squares.
Dima:There are also many stadiums in london,aren't there?
Ann:Yes. There are. London is the host of summer olympic games 2012 There is a big olympic park in london.
Lena: Fantastic! There is so much to see and learn!
Katya: Great! We are going to spend two weeks in Great Britain.
Ann: Barbara and her students are looking forward to seeing you. They have have arranged and interesting social programme for you.
Перевод пожалуйста! СРОЧНО!

Задание 1. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол: can, could, must, have to, has to, had to.

1. Mike ____________ run very fast.
2. Jane _________ not play the guitar two years ago but now she can.
3. I sat up very late yesterday because I ________ do a lot of homework.
4. Do you ____________ make the report today?
5. It’s a very interesting film. You ________ see it.
6. My sister works in a hospital. She ________ wear a uniform.
7. James is very tired because he works so much. I think he ___________ have a holiday.
Задание 2. Составьте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения из данных слов.
1. computer / I / your / can / use ?
2. some / could / borrow / you / money / me?
3. we /early / have / get / why / up / to / so / do?
4. she / did / go / to / to / have / why / hospital?
5. not / could / Jane / to / the / come / party.
6. me / need / you / for / not / wait. Задание
3. Закончите вопросы по аналогии.
1. I have to get up early tomorrow. – What time do you have to get up?
2. Liz had to leave immediately. – Why _________________________?
3. George has to learn a foreign language. – What language ___________?
4. I can play two musical instruments. – What instruments ___________?
5. They couldn’t finish the work on time. – Why _____________?
Задание 4. Замените в предложениях that на who или which.
1. The girl that lives next door is very pretty.
2. The dress that Ann was wearing at the party costs a fortune!
3. The people that accompanied me during the journey were very helpful.
4. The apples that you bought yesterday are delicious.

ПЕРЕВИДИТЕ ОЧЕНЬ НАДО!The Day I Came Face to Face with a Tiger

My name is Tony Russel. Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital. It was situated high in the mountains. I liked the place very much. The air was always fresh and there was a small lake which was not very deep not far from the hospital. I used to swim there early in the morning.

I think it’s important to see as much of a foreign country as can, but it is difficult and sometimes dangerous to travel around Nepal. Once I had a few days’ holiday from the hospital, so I decided to go into the jungle with my friend Kamal Rai who knew a lot about his own country and was fond of traveling among the mountains.

We started preparing for the trip at six in the morning and left our camp with two elephants. It was hot, but we were wearing shoes and trousers to protect us from snakes. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We got onto the elephants’ backs but Kamal said it was unusual to find tigers in the middle of the day because they liked to sleep in the daytime, hiding in the grass.

Then suddenly we saw a tiger rather far and Kamal told me to be quiet. We came nearer and saw a dead sheep in the grass. This was the tiger’s lunch!

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. What do you think happened then?

1. Вставьте замість пропусків займенники: особові або или присвійні: 1. She washed … hands and face. 2. We invited Liz

to stay with … in … house.

3. – Do … know that man? – Yes, I know … ..

4. That is his book. Give … to … .

5. Peter likes to eat. … breakfast is always big.

6. The bag is heavy. What is there in …?

7. Look at them! … are playing like kids.

8. – Are … a teacher? – No, … am not..

9. They live in the country. … house isn’t big, but … is comfortable.

2. Вставьте замість пропусків відповідні невизначені займенники (some,

any, no або похідні від них):

1. We did not see … in the hall. 2. … was present at the lesson yesterday. 3.

He is busy. He has … time to go to the cinema with us. 4. Do you need …

books to prepare for your report? 5. Have you … questions? Ask me … you

like, I shall try to answer … question. 6. … liked that play: it was very dull.

7. If … is ready, we shall begin our experiment.

3 . Визначите час присудка:

1. Yesterday the students of our group came to help me with mathematics.

2. Our scientists will further develop various kinds of computers. 3. Radio

waves are the longest members of the family of electromagnetic waves. 4.

Where did the first international conference on radio take place? 5. Modern

Soviet orbital stations weigh up to 20 tons.

4. Виберіть відповідну форму дієслова:

1. We … new multipurpose machine-tools last week.

2. Next term we … to study two new subjects.

3. At present our workshop … two kinds of measuring instruments.

4. … you work at a plant now?

a) get; b) gets; c) got; d) will get

a) begin; b) begins; c) began; d) shall begin

a) produce; b)produces; c) produced; d) will produce

a) do; b) did; c) does

5. Поставте прислівники і прикметники в потрібну ступень порівняння:

1. He clearly did not like the explanation, and as he listened to it, he became

(angry) and (angry). 2. He worked (hard) and (hard0 as the end of the term

came nearer. 3. The (tall) trees in the world grow in California. 4. Please be

(careful) next time and don’t spill the milk again. 5. Bobby was a (quiet)

child. He was (quiet) than his sister. 6. Today the weather is (cold) than it

was yesterday. 7. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year.

6. Виберіть переклад виділених прикметників або прислівників з даних


1. Venus is the nearest planet to us in space.

2. The Earth is nearer to the Sun than Mars.

а) близкая; в) ближе; с) самая близкая; d)немного ближе

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