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When did Pushkin begin writing?

10-11 класс

Kristisha011 23 февр. 2017 г., 3:36:20 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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23 февр. 2017 г., 5:23:59 (7 лет назад)

Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin begin write in 1812 (his age was 13 years)


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Read and fill in may or may not

1 А:May I see Mr Jackson,please?

В: certainly

2 А: --------------------------- I open the window.please?

В: Of course you------------------------------------- ,

3 А:------------------------- Ieat my lunch in my bedroom.please?

В: No.you------------------------- . Eat it in the kitchen.please.

4 A:--------------------------- i ASK YOU A GUESTION.PLEASE?

В: Yes.of course.

5 А: ---------------------------- I have some more chocolate.please?

В: No.you-------------------------------

6 А:---------------------------------- I have a glass of water?

В:Yes,of course

помогите выбрать подходящее местоимение!

1.Jane,dont put (you,your) bag on the table.
2.Is (him,he) going to speak to ( I , my , me) about ( him ,his, he) work?
3.Who speaking? It ( I , my, me), Ann
.4.( I , my, me) sister know English well.
5. I know (he , his, him) well.
6. (Our, we, us) feel so lonely, stay with (our, we, us)

составить предложения из слов


Читайте также

Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы. Используйте слова в скобках u for или ago. (Дайте полные ответы). 1) (four days) When did he arrive in London? – He

arrived in London four days ago. 2) (four days) How long has she been in London? – She has been in London for four days. 3) (20 years) How long have they been married? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

4) (20 years) When did they get married? _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

5) (ten minutes) When did John arrive? _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

6) (two months) When did you buy these shoes? __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

7) (two months) How long has she been in Moscow? ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

8) (a long time) How long have you known Jane? _________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

9) (an hour) What time did you have lunch? ______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

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7)how did large numbers of new worlds bring into the language?

8)when did canadian english start life?

9)why does australian english still has cockney phrases and is also distinctive?

10)new zealand uses more british or american words in the speech?

Напишите пожалуйста следующие предложения в косвенной речи, обращая внимание на правило согласования времен.He asked me: "Do you want to see this hockey

match?" "When did you begin to play chess?" "Why do you want to go to the stadium?" "What game do you like to play best of all?"

1) he has just had lunch. Ответ : when did he have lunch ?

2) two new contracts have been signed this week.Ответ : when were two new contracts signed?
3) the delegates have been here for 10 days. Ответ: how long have the delegates been here?
почему в первом предложении вместо has употр did ? и во 2 предложении вместо have were а в 3 have ???

ПОМОГИИИИТЕ ПОЖААААЛУЙСТА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the present simple (I work), present continuous (I'm working), past simple (I worked), present perfect (I've worked), going to (I'm going to work), I'll or I might (I'll work/I might work)
Jim Noakes works for London Radio. Today he is talking to Marie Scott on his programme, 'Exciting Lives.'

Jim: Hello everyone. Today I (1) _______________________ (speak) to Marie Scott. Marie is a writer and reporter for the Reuters News Service. Marie, when (2) _______________________ (you/start) working for Reuters?
Marie: Five years ago.
Jim: And before that you (3) _______________________ (be) an actress, I believe.
Marie: Yes, that's right. When I was seventeen I (4) _______________________ (leave) home to become an actress. I (5) _______________________ (work) as an actress for three years but I (6) _______________________ (not/get) much work and so I (7) _______________________ (begin) writing for Reuters.
Jim: And (8) _______________________ (you/meet) many famous people in your job?
Marie: Well, I (9) _______________________ (travel) all over the world and I (10) _______________________ (speak) to many famous actors, scientists and politicians.
Jim: And what (11) _______________________ (you/do) at the moment?
Marie: At the moment I (12) _______________________ (talk) to you! No, actually I'm on holiday, so I haven't got any work.
Jim: Describe your typical day.
Marie: Well, I (13) _______________________ (not/often have) a typical day! But when I'm in London I usually (14) _______________________ (get up) early, at about five o'clock and read all my emails. Then, at the Reuters office I (15) _______________________ (work) from seven in the morning until eight in the evening. It's a long day!
Jim: And what about the future?
Marie: I don't know. In the summer I (16) _______________________ (go) to India for the Bollywood film festival or I (17) _______________________ (be) in the USA for the presidential elections.
Jim: Well, I'm sure you (18) _______________________ (have) a very interesting time!
Choose the correct answer.
e.g. __a___ flying?
a) Do you like b) Would you like c) Do you want
1 _____ is the station from here?
a) How fast b) How far c) How long
2 Do you like _____ music?
a) classical b) the classical c) a classical
3 What _____ do?
a) you are going to b) are you going c) are you going to
4 Children _____ pay.
a) don't have to b) doesn't have to c) don't have
5 He's going to Spain _____ Spanish.
a) for study b) studying c) to study
6 _____ in that Italian restaurant is delicious.
a) Food b) The food c) A food
7 _____ see a film?
a) Let's b) Why we don't c) Shall we
Write the opposites:
e.g. a big car a small car

1 an interesting lesson ____________________________________
2 the most expensive ____________________________________
3 a better plan ____________________________________
4 cool weather ____________________________________
5 a happy film ____________________________________

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