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Как завершить предложение? Three days ago Roy (go) to the Lake District

1-4 класс

ААААнАсТаСиЯЯЯЯ 07 апр. 2015 г., 7:47:38 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 апр. 2015 г., 10:11:07 (9 лет назад)

Вместо go следует поставить went

+ 0 -
07 апр. 2015 г., 11:54:22 (9 лет назад)

вместо go следует поставить went

+ 0 -
07 апр. 2015 г., 14:07:47 (9 лет назад)



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Составить предложения на Английском языке!

Помогите пожалуйста! Read and do the puzzle. Then puzzle your friends. Once there lived a millipede

Onse upon a time there was a little brown millipede called Mel. It was very little,only two centimetres long. Its body had six segments and there were two left legs and two right legs on each segment. It lived under a big leaf in the old greenhouse. It's a place where you can grow flowers and fruit when it's cold outside. The millipede was always hungry. And it liked to eat leaves, flowers, and apples from the apple tree next to the greenhouse. Sometimes it even ate bananas when the boy from the big house left them on the garden table. Once she found a big orange on the chair near the swimming pool. Yummy! Very soon the millipede's body grew bigger. It had twelve segments and wasn't little any more- it was four centimetres long!

ВЫПИШИ слова в два столбика . Вспомни правила чтения .bed apple ant, pen,


æ] [e]
apple bed

Читайте также

заполнить пропуски правильной формой глагола.Every day i ___ (go) to school by bus,and very often i____(see) giraffes,zebras and different

birds.Sometimes we ____(see) monkeys.Last Saturday when we ____(go) to the game park with my dad,i___(watch) a lot of different animals there.It ___(be) very interesting.I like livin in Kenya because Africa___(be) very beautiful.I____(be) from America,i think in the future i____(go) to the USA but i want to come back to Africa.

Hi, Jake! I like animals. I of ten go to the zoo. There are many animal there. There are five foxs, they are red. There are three brown bear and one polar

bears. They are very big and strong. Many mouses live in the zoo. They are so little! Some funny monkeies live there. They like bananas.There are many bird in the zoo. They are white, black and o rey. I like going to the zoo! помогите пожалуйста найти в тексте ошибки.

Напиши об увлечениях этих людей,как показано в образце. Образец:watch films/go to the cinema/twice a week - Daniel and George like watching films.They

go to the cinema twice a week. Задания: play tennis/have tennis lessons/on Welnesdays and Fridays Harry play the guitar/have guitar lessons/there times a week Leo paint/paint pictures/always/Clara play baseball/have baseball games/at the weekend Paul and his friends sail/go sailing/every summer Our family Заранее спасибо!

interviev your friend and speak about his / her day off . write questions to the given answers. ! 1 ) ......? ответ : i shall go to the swimming pool

with great pleasure . 2) ......? ответ : they will call us 3 ) ......? ответ : because i like this place very much $ 4) ......? ответ : he will soon go to the mountains with his father. плизззззззз

Find out if your friends are fond of going to the theatre.

1.Are you a theatregoer?
2.How often do you go to the theatre?
3.Have you ever been to the Bolshoi Theatre?
4.When did you last go to the theatre?
5.Was it to see a ballet or to listen to an opera?
6.Was it to see a musical or a play?
7.How many famous actors were in it?
8.Was there a storm of applause at the end?
9.Is going to the theatre your hobby?

Переведите с английского на русский пожалуйста.
Заранее спасибо!

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