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Помогите!!! слово cleans по временам

1-4 класс

RedFoxy 05 апр. 2015 г., 17:35:05 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 апр. 2015 г., 19:41:18 (9 лет назад)

clean/cleans, am/is/are cleaning, has/have cleaned, has/have been cleeaning, cleaned, was/were cleaning, had cleaned, had been cleaning, will clean, will be cleaning, will have cleaned, will have been cleaning,

+ 0 -
05 апр. 2015 г., 22:04:46 (9 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

play,puzzles,didn/t,Becky,yesterday my,tomorrow,I,ride,will,bike got,grandma,My,two,letters,yesterday


Составить предложения на Английском языке!

Помогите пожалуйста! Read and do the puzzle. Then puzzle your friends. Once there lived a millipede

Onse upon a time there was a little brown millipede called Mel. It was very little,only two centimetres long. Its body had six segments and there were two left legs and two right legs on each segment. It lived under a big leaf in the old greenhouse. It's a place where you can grow flowers and fruit when it's cold outside. The millipede was always hungry. And it liked to eat leaves, flowers, and apples from the apple tree next to the greenhouse. Sometimes it even ate bananas when the boy from the big house left them on the garden table. Once she found a big orange on the chair near the swimming pool. Yummy! Very soon the millipede's body grew bigger. It had twelve segments and wasn't little any more- it was four centimetres long!

ВЫПИШИ слова в два столбика . Вспомни правила чтения .bed apple ant, pen,


æ] [e]
apple bed

Читайте также

Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.

1. to begin a) to study b) to travel c) to use d) to start
2. to learn a) to study b) to travel c) to spend d) to speak
3. foreign a) not Russian b) funny c) good d) slow
2/ Выбери и вставь слов, подходящее по смыслу.
1) We run, jump and play basketball at … lessons.
IT PE History Science
2) There are 10 subjects in my … .
party uniform timetable nickname
3) I can …. English well.
speak say tell spend
4) I am in the 5th …
uniform bright age form
5) I study English as a foreign …..
form age language drama
6) How did you … your summer holidays?
travel use study spend
3/ Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1. I ….. Science at school next year.
study studies will study studied
2. I usually …. uniform at school
don’t wear doesn’t wear won’t wear didn’t wear
3. May I …. out?
go goes will go went
4. My brother ……. 5 years last year.
be is was were
5. On the 1st of September I ….. flowers to my teacher.
give gives gave will give
4/ Измени как в образце.
Example: the rubber of Nick - Nick’s rubber
A) the nickname of my friend –
B) the timetable of Polina –
C) the pencils of my sister –
D) the pictures of her sons –
5/ Заполни пропуски словами say, speak и tell.
1)) I can ……………….. Russian and English.
2)) We ………………. :”Good morning!”
3)) …………………. me about your summer holidays, please.
4)) Don’t ……………… so loudly!

Помогите составить предложения!!!

1). like, do, why, Angelina Jolie, you.
2). lunch, you, when, do, have.
3). do, sport, they, do, which.
4). you, for,what,dinner,do,want.
5). with, who,live,you,do.
И помогите с произношением вопросительных слов(напишите по русски произношения) - Why, When, What,Where,How,Who.

пожалуйста помогите сдать экзамен по английскому 5 класс...

расскажите о значение времени Past Progressive и проспрягайте глагол to bring во временах-
present simpl
past simple
future simpl
present progressive
past progressive
present perfect
с местоимениями-
youпожалуйста помогите очень нужно.
мне нужно срочно сдать экзамен
заранее благодарна
спасибо...помогите хотя бы один человек прошу вас!!!!

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