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People say i am one of a kind i am glad they consider me

5-9 класс

Koroli1 22 окт. 2013 г., 0:55:06 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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22 окт. 2013 г., 2:58:06 (10 лет назад)

Люди говорят, что я единственный в своем роде я рад, что они так считают


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Поставьте глагол is или are.

1 There...a train at 10.30.
2 There...much snow on the roads.
3 There...a lot of interesting books now.
4 There...some big trees in the garden.


Дополните предложения, вставив подходящие слова по смыслу:
1.How many scores...
2.I have never...
3.Where on Earth...
4.You are always...

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предложения на русский язык, используя литературные нормы художественного

'I wish I
hadn't cried so much!' said Alice,
as she swam about, trying to find her way out. 'I shall be punished for it now,
I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears! That WILL be a queer thing, to be
sure! However, everything is queer today.'

Three answers перевод

Читайте также

ТЕКСТ: Television, also called TV, is one of the most important mass media. People with a television set can sit at home and can see and learn

about people, animals, and things in faraway lands. Millions of viewers around the world can watch sports events and other events of worldwide interest. TV brings its viewers a steady stream of programmes that are designed to give information and to entertain. In fact, television provides more entertainment programmes that any other kind of mass media. The programmes include sports events, variety shows, quiz shows, feature films, cartoons, fictional serials called soap operas, etc. There are two main kinds of television stations: public stations and commercial stations. Public television stations are supported by the government. They usually broadcast more educational programmes and programmes on cultural subjects. News and current affairs programmes make up an important section of programmes for most public television stations. Commercial television stations are run by private companies. They sell advertising time to pay for their operating costs and to make a profit for the companies that run the stations. People can also subscribe to cable television system. Viewers pay a fee for this service. Cable television signals are delivered to home TVsets of their customers by cables. Some cable systems carry more than one hundred channels – far more than can broadcast even in the largest urban areas. Satellite broadcasting is another form of subscription television. The signals are transmitted to home TVsets from a direct broadcasting satellite in space. The viewer must have a dish-receiver aerial to receive the programmes. We may speak about different advantages and drawbacks of television but almost every home has at least one TVset. On average, a TVset is in use for about 7 hours each day. Thus, television is the most effective means of mass communication known to mankind. It has become the people’s eyes and ears on the world.

III. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: средства массовой информации, телевидение, телевизор, дома, в далеких странах, спортивные события, зрители, фактически, развлекательные программы, развлекательные представления, художественные фильмы, мультфильмы, художественные сериалы, мыльные оперы, общественные телевизионные станции, транслировать, текущие события, составляют важную часть, продавать рекламное время, затраты, приносить прибыль, управлять станцией, кабельное телевидение, намного больше, спутниковое вещание.

IV. Найдите в тексте синонимы следующих слов: to watch, to comprise, major, to transmit, various, disadvantage.

V. Найдите в тексте антонимы следующих слов: the least, without, less, to buy, the smallest, disadvantage.

VI. Процитируйте предложения из текста, в которых употреблены следующие слова и словосочетания: in faraway lands, a steady stream, soap operas, current affairs, to make a profit, pay a fee, at least.

VIII. Употребите нужную форму глагола to be, to have. Besides the advantages, the television … some drawbacks. To tell the truth, there … many TV programmes that … no cultural or artistic value. There … rather many films about gangsters and killers. We … so tired of them. Lately, so many advertisement clips … appeared on TV screens. But still, TV remains the main source of information, and we … spending a lot of our free time in front of our TVsets.

IX. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What kinds of mass media do you know?

2. Why is TV one of the important mass media?

3. What kinds of mass media do you prefer?

4. How many TVsets do you have at home?

5. How much time a day do you watch TV?

6. Do you have cable or satellite television at home?

7. Do you watch educational programmes?

8. Do you use Internet? For what?

Перевидите плизик на русский There are lot of intresting places in Great Britain? which are worth visiting. One of the most famous and mysterious

archaeological sites of Great Britain in Stonehenge. The huge stones of Stonehenge were transported from Wales and set up in a circle on Salisbury Plain. One of the mysteries in hjw it was ever built with the technjljgy of that time. Another is its purpose. It appears yo function as a kind of astronomical clk and we know it was used by the Druids for ceremonis marking the passing of the seasons/ Nowadays every year thjusands of young people go to Stonehenge to take part in the midsummer Druids festival, dut only a small numder of people are allowed near the circle of sttones. Stonehenge in fenced off to protect in from damage.

Mark Twain , the famous American writer, was well-known as a lecturer.Literary clubs often invited him to speak.Before one of his lectures a club

member came to him and said:
Twain, people say that you can tell very funny stories.I hope that during your lecture you will tell a story that will make my uncle laugh. He hasnt laughed for ten years.
Ill do my best.Mark Twain said.
When he began his lecture,Mark Twain noticed the club member.He was sitting in front of him with an old man who had a very sad face.
Mark Twain began to tell jokes , one after another.I told long jokes and short jokes, new jokes and old jokes,Mark Twain told his friends.I told every joke l knew and soon everybody was laughing .Everybody- but not the old man.He was looking at me with cold, blue eyes.I couldnt make him laugh , and Itried again and again.But nothing helped,...
After the lecture , the club member came to Mark Twain and said, Thank you,Mr Twain .I have never heard so many funny stories. They werent funny enough for your uncle, Mark Twain answered .He didnt even smile.
I know, the man said.He hasnt laughed for ten years.But I didnt tell you that he hadnt heard anything for ten years.He is deaf. Перевод

помогите пожалусто решить задание. Read the text . Complete each sentence with one of the words in the bow. текст. It is easz to fncz

our life withuut newspapers ,................... ,

.................. , and reviews of all kinds . And what was ........... newspaper like ? When was it made ?

The earliest newspapers appeared in 59 BC ( before Christ ) In Rome . It was very little only one ............. Julius Caesar ordered ...... them throughout the city to inform the people about ........... events, ............. , military conflicts and executions .

In Europe Printed .............. appeared in he 15th century, when the letter press ...... The first daily newspaper in England was published in Londodn in 1702 . In 1784 , The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States .

СЛОВА ДЛЯ ВСТАВКИ ( was invented , tabloids ,newspapers , daily, to post, scandals , magazines , sheet , the first , political )


Russian is one of the most widespread languages in the world spoken by over 280 million people.It ranks with English,Chinese,Hindi and Spanish as a major

world language.Russian is the official language of Russia. It is the native language of about 170 million people.What is more,Russian remains the unofficial lingua franca of the former Soviet republics.It is one of the six official languages of the UN.Over a quarter of the world`s scientific literature is published in Russian.Russian easily borrows words from other languages.Words from more than 100 languages expand its vocabulary.Russian is taught as a foreign language in many countries.Помогите перевести текст,грамотно,без переводчика

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