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Проверьте, пожалуйста, правильно ли я поставила предложения в Active или passive форму. 1. Look! A new hospital

10-11 класс

(build) near the airport.

Look! A new hospital had been built near the airport. (Passive Past Perfect)

2. Where these photographs (take)? In London? You (take) them?

Where these photographs will have been taking? In London? You will have been taking them?(Active Future Perfect Progressive)

3. Two people (arrest) last night.

Two people were being arrested last night. (Passive Past Progressive)

4. The computer broke down yesterday, but now it's OK. It (work) again. It (repair).

The computer broke down yesterday, but now it's OK. It has worked again. (Active Present Perfect) It had repaired. (Active Past Perfect)

5. The man next door (disappear) six months ago. Nobody (see) him since then.

The man next door had disappeared six months ago. Nobody had seen him since then. (Active Past Perfect)

6. The room looked nice. It (clean).

The room looked nice. It is cleaning. (Active Present Progressive)

7. There's somebody walking behind us. I think we (follow).

There's somebody walking behind us. I think we are following. (Active Present Progressive)

8. A mystery is something that can't (explain).

A mystery is something that can't will have been explaining. (Active Future Perfect Progressive)

9. I'm sure that by the time we come to the theatre, all the tickets already (sell).

I'm sure that by the time we come to the theatre, all the tickets already had been sold. (Passive Past Perfect)

Lilia56711ry 03 июня 2013 г., 17:28:46 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 июня 2013 г., 19:10:52 (10 лет назад)

1. Look! A new hospital (build) near the airport.

Look! A new hospital has been built near the airport.или A new hospital is being built near the airport. - возможны оба варианта. В первом предложении говорится, что больница построена, не указано когда, значит, ставим Present Perfect Passive. Во втором предложении говорится, что больница строится, т.е. строительство еще не закончено - Present Progressive Passive.

2. Where these photographs (take)? In London? You (take) them?

Where have these photographs been taken? (Present Perfect Passive - не сказано когда произошло действие) In London? Have you taken them? (Present Perfect Active)

3. Two people (arrest) last night.

Two people were arrested last night. (Past Progressive Passive - образуется was/were + глапгол в 3 форме) 

4. The computer broke down yesterday, but now it's OK. It (work) again. It (repair).

The computer broke down yesterday, but now it's OK. It is working/works again. ( Present  Progressive/Simple Active). It has been repaired. (Present  Perfect Passive - не сказано когда произошло действие, это страдательный залог, так как it=computer - подлежащее не само совершало действие, т.е. сам компьютер ничего не чинил)

5. The man  next door (disappear) six months ago. Nobody (see) him since then.

The man  next door disappeared six months ago (Past Simple Active - слово-подсказка ago. Nobody has seen him since then. (Present  Perfect Active - слово-подсказка since)

6. The room looked nice. It (clean).

The room looked nice. It had been cleaned. (Past Perfect Passive - это страдательный залог, т.к. it=room - подлежащее не само совершало действие, сама комната ничего не убирала/мыла)

7. There's somebody walking behind us. I think we (follow).

There's somebody walking behind us. I think we are being followed. (Present  Progressive Passive - в предложении говорится, что не мы за кем-то следуем, а нас кто-то преследует)

8. A mystery is something that can't (explain).

A mystery is something that can't be explained. (Passive Voice with a modal verb - страдательный залог с модальным глаголом. "Загадка - это то, что нельзя разгадать/что не может быть разгадано")

9. I'm sure that by the time we come to the theatre, all the tickets already (sell).

I'm sure that by the time we come to the theatre, all the tickets will have already been sold. (Future Perfect Passive - "... к тому моменту как мы придем в театр, билеты будут раскуплены)



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Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения. Письменно переведите получившиеся предложения. 0 am/from/Germany/I/.

I am from Germany._________________________________

1 from/is/not/He/Greece/.


2 favourite/is/sports/star/Who/your/?


3 a/She/is/not/film/star/.


4 Moscow/My/is/grandfather/from/.


5 Where/they/from/are/?


4 Вставьте в пробелы необходимый артикль (a, an or – ). Письменно переведите получившиеся предложения. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

0 He’s _____an________ actor.

1 My father is _______________ doctor.

2 They are _______________ students.

3 Peter is _______________ architect.

4 I am _______________ student.

5 He is _______________engineer.

5 Вставьте в пробелы необходимый артикль (a, an, the). Письменно переведите текст.

I’ve got (0) ___a_____ new computer and (1) ________ old television. (2) ________ computer is in my bedroom and my brother has got (3) ________ television in his bedroom. My brother and I have got (4) ________ CD player too. I’ve got (5) ________ English CD. It’s interesting!

проверьте пожалуйста правильно ли я составила текст( кто не знает не пишите!сразу буду удалять!)

I very like to read and if i have got free time,i usually read books.
i have got several favorite authors, such as Balzac,Feuchtwanger,but the first place in this list is the russian writer F.M.Dostoevsky.
His books i can't called positive, i would said it is more sadly realistic books. In his novels he strove against social injustice, against oppression of people,against the power of money. Dostoevsky believed deeply in the good in man, and believed that a person must work selflessly for the benefit by people, for a bright example is prince Myshkin from the novel "Idiot"
I can to read his books several times and each time i find something new and interesting. (Заранее большое СПАСИБО)))))

Помоги поставить предложения в вопросительную или отрицательную форму

1. My brother has a new car. 2. We have six lessons every day. 3.I have dog many friends at school. 4 My sister had a lot of toys in her childhood. 5 Our family will have a new flat. 6There are many Facultics at the University. 7 There were theree pupils absent at the English lesson. 8 There will be a bus-stop near our house .9.There is a beautiful picture on the wall. 10. Thereare fifteen pupils in our English group.11.There are eight boys and seven girls among them.

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