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помогите плиз упрожнение 9

1-4 класс

Миха21521 07 сент. 2014 г., 15:09:16 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 сент. 2014 г., 17:18:38 (9 лет назад)

1. My mom made breakfast for our family last morning.
2. My dad goes to work every monday.
3. I and my dad watch TV every evening.
4. My little sister spoke to phone last evening.
5. I came home after school on Friday.
6. Every member of our family except dad drinks tea every morning


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Customer:........... , where are the jeans, please? Shop-assistant: You can find them............. the right. Customer:............ ate

the jeans, please?

Shop-assistant: They ............... 20 pounds.

Customer: Here you........ , 50 pounds.

Shop-assistant: Thank you, this ......... your change - 30 pounds. Have a nise day!

Вставить пропущенные слова: am, is, are, can, has.

1.I think Tiny ... kind and funny.
2. Billy and Martin ... play chess well.
3. Are you pupils? Yes, I ...
4. ... Tiny got many English books? Yes, a lot of books.

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Помогите плиз я задание толком не поняла уже завтра сдавать =( Задание: Read and write. Образец: A: When does Lulu go to Maya's hous? B: On Saturdays.

А: When ........... Larry and Paco ....................... soccer? B: .......................... the afternoon. А: When .......................... Grandma ................. biscuits? B: Sundays. A: When .......................... Larry and Lulu ........................ a video? B: ............. night. A: ........................... Chuckles .................... a bath? B: ........................ Fridays. A: When ................... Nanny Shine ................... to music? B: ............................ the evening. Помогите плиз

помогите плиз! английский 5класс.

Ток плиз побыстрее

Помогите плиз прошу : Write what the people and anials have got\haven't got.Пример:i've got a doll but i haven't got a boll 1)Nick likes to read.He

...many books.2).. you ... any butter on the table?3)These dogs ... many puppis4)I ... any bread. Let's go shopping.5)She ... milk. She can't drink white coffe.6) "What's wrong?" "I ... something in my eye."7)Pussy is a big black cat. It ... many funny kittens.Прошу помогите очень надо!

Помогите плиз люди! Тут надо поставить предложения в утвердительную или в отрицательную форму или просто приписать хвостик: his brother doesnt teacher

knaw this person,(тут надо хвостик)дальше:they cant stay at the hotel,(вот тут надо что то подставить), the will jein P.E. classis,(тут хвостик),it was nice to go to the the ohre,(тут хвостик). Помогите ели что.( ^_^ )/~~拜拜

помогите плиз

плиз плиз

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