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помогите составить из слов рассказ про питера пена

1-4 класс

Аминка19 03 сент. 2014 г., 3:12:25 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 сент. 2014 г., 6:00:34 (9 лет назад)

once upon a time Peter pan saw very beautiful mermaid with long gold hair she sit on a rock and song a gentle song


Другие вопросы из категории

Customer:........... , where are the jeans, please? Shop-assistant: You can find them............. the right. Customer:............ ate

the jeans, please?

Shop-assistant: They ............... 20 pounds.

Customer: Here you........ , 50 pounds.

Shop-assistant: Thank you, this ......... your change - 30 pounds. Have a nise day!

Вставить пропущенные слова: am, is, are, can, has.

1.I think Tiny ... kind and funny.
2. Billy and Martin ... play chess well.
3. Are you pupils? Yes, I ...
4. ... Tiny got many English books? Yes, a lot of books.

Читайте также

Помогите составить из слов предложения 1a giftshop/ behind/ theres/ the cafe 2hands/ you/ wash/ your/ must/ after/ animals/ touching 3interesting/ the

country/ more/ that/ is/ the city 4 can/ lambs/ bottle-feed/ you/ the 5 usually/ a lot of/ there/ are/ in the farm park. children

помогите составить из слов предложения. 1) collected stamps was a child when Evan he. 2) to do told me My mum my homework. 3) didn`t for the tickets

pay We. 4) did yesterday you Where go. 5) to play taught Who chess you. 6) games this weekend Did play you. 7) to join chose the maths club She. 8) dinner went ate to bed We and.

составьте 2 предложение из слов

the sea is The ocean larger then и из слов Her the flowers beautiful most are

Составить из слов предложение .Запиши их.


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