Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

10-11 класс

1. They study French at
school. 2. My sister
lives in Moscow. 3. He is packing his things now. 4. They are having dinner. 5.
He enjoyed this film. 5. When I rang him up he was reading. 6. They will
translate this text next week. 7. His younger son goes to bed at nine o’clock.
8. She gave her dictionary to her friend. 9. There are many fruit trees in
front of my house. 10 He has a room of his own.

Alins2000 06 янв. 2014 г., 0:14:22 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 янв. 2014 г., 2:09:24 (10 лет назад)

1. They don't study French at school.
Do they study French at school?
2. My sister doesn't live in Moscow. 
Does my sister live in Moscow?
3. He isn't  packing his things now.
Is he packing his things now?
4. They aren't  having dinner.
Are they having dinner?
 5. He didn't enjoy this film. 
Did he enjoy this film?
5. When I didn't ring him up he wasn't reading. 
Was he reading when I rang him up?
6. They won't translate this text next week.
Shall they  translate this text next week?
7. His younger son doesn't go to bed at nine o’clock.
Does his younger son go to bed at nine o’clock?
8. She didn't give her dictionary to her friend.
Did she give her dictionary to her friend?
 9. There aren't many fruit trees in front of my house.
Are there many fruit trees in front of my house
 10 He doesn't have a room of his own.
Does he have a room of his own


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Добрый день. Проверьте пожалуйста моё сочинение по английскому. Буду очень благодарна.

I very love summer because in summer long holidays and don’t should to go to school and that’s why have much free time. When the summer starts I get lots of free time to spend with my friends and my family. This summer was very interesting. My parents and I went to the Kolyvan' for recreation. The air there is always fresh and clean compared to the city polluted air. Weather and nature in this country were beautiful. We swam a lot in the White Lake, we sunbathed, we also went on many excursions, even twice climbed the blue mount (1,210 m) is the highest point of the ridge Kolyvansky and we also found of new friends there. I can say that Kolyvan' is one of the most fascinating places I’ve ever been to. The scenery is nice and there are many interesting historic monuments. And I'm happy that I have traveled a lot and I hope that my first journey wasn't the last one.

Я очень люблю лето, потому что летом длинные праздники и не должны ходить в школу, и именно поэтому имеют много свободного времени. Когда начинается лето я получаю много свободного времени, чтобы провести с моими друзьями и моей семьи. Это лето было очень интересно. Мои родители и я пошел в Колывань для отдыха. Воздух здесь всегда свежий и чистый по сравнению с городом загрязненного воздуха. Погода и природа в этой стране были красивыми. Мы плавали много в Белом озере, мы загорали, мы также пошли на многие экскурсии, даже два раза поднялись синие горы (1210 м) является самой высокой точкой хребта Колыванского и мы также нашли новых друзей. Могу сказать, что Колывань является одним из самых интересных мест, которые я когда-либо был. Пейзаж хорош и есть много интересных исторических памятников. И я счастлив, что я путешествовал много, и я надеюсь, что моя первая поездка не была последней.

Помогите ПОЖАЛУЙСТА вставить артикль, где необходимо!!!

Once tree lived ... man who was very fond of ... gold.He used to say: "While I have my gold,I am ... happiest man in ... world."And so all his life he saved ... money.One day he was travelling in ... desert of ... North Africa.He lost his way.He had no ... food or ... water.He was almost dying of ... hunder.He was so weak that he could not walk, he could only crawl. ... heat was terrible.There were only ... stones and ... sand around.Just then he saw ... bag lying on ... sand.He hoped that he would find ... food in it and ... water,too,He crfwled up to ... bag and opened it.He saw that ... bag was full of ... gold.What ... use of ... gold to ... hungry man in ... desert?He left ... bag on ... hot sand, crying bitterly:"I am ... most unhappy man in ... world.

Просто перевести на англ БЕЗ гугла переводчика. Срочно надо!

Одна из великих краж произошла в 1997 году.Мужчина остановил машину которая ехала в банк, для того чтобы проверить ее на наличие взрывных устройств.По его словам, рядом находились террористы и они могли подложить бомбу для ограбления банка.После осмотра он закричал: аааа, сейчас взорвется! После того как водители и охранники выбежали из машины, он сел за руль и уехал. Его так и не нашли

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помогите пожалуйста!

сделайте следующие предложения утвердительными или отрицательными в зависимости от смысла,употребив глаголы в нужной форме.
1.manufacturing industries (to be) important in all countries.
2.agriculture (to include)crop and animal farming.
3.mining (to belong) to the service sector.
4.industries of the primary sector (to process)resources.
5.fishing,forestry and beekeeping (to be) industries of the secondary sector,they (to belong) to the primary sector.
6.countries which (to be) rich in land (to produce) agricultural products.

7. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

Образец: It smells awful.
Does it smell awful? It doesn't smell awful.

l. We work at the translation. 2. You make а lot of noise. 3. Не always goes for а walk in the evening. 4. In the morning I have little time. 5. Her brother works in Canada. 6. She does nothing to realize her dreams. 7. David believes in God. 8. She always comes to work in time. 9. The book belongs to Ann. 10. Не prepares his lessons in the evening.

8. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в Past Indefinite и переведите предложения.

1. It ... bitterly cold yesterday. 2. Му uncle ... very busy all last week. 3. She called on Sunday because it ... cheaper then. 4. When I came to visit her she ... absent, she ... at her friend's. 5. We ... tired of his stupid questions. 6. Last winter the weather ... rather warm. 7. Yesterday he ... in Geneva. 8. When mу grandmother ... young, she ... an actress. 9. Where ... your books? - They ... in mу bag. 10. Не ... not ill yesterday, he ... at work.

9. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в Past Indefinite. Напишите
предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

Образец She (to prepare) lessons well.
She prepared lessons well.
Did she prepare lessons well?
She didn't prepare lessons well.

1) I (to buy) а magazine last week.
2) The postman (to bring) the morning mail only at 10 o'clock.
3) I (to see) you in the library the other day.
4) They (to have) а picnic yesterday.
5) The rain (to spoil) the whole pleasure.
6) Every winter Nick (to go) to the Swiss Alps to ski.
7) My sister (to get) married at 24.
8) She (to pass) all her exams successfully.
9) Their family (to live) in France for many years.
10) Mary (to buy) а very beautiful dress for the party yesterday.

10. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в Present Continuous.

Образец: Look! Не (to go) over here. Look! Не is going over here.
Ann (to watch) TV now. Ann is watching TV now.

1) I can see he (to do) the exercise correctly.
2) It is noisy. Nobody (to listen) to him.
3) The interpreter (to translate) their conversation rather well.
4) Do you hear? The correspondents (to interview) the participants of the
conference at the moment.
5) The company (to develop) а new project.
6) Look at this mаn, I think he (to follow) us.
7) Listen carefully! Не (to give) а very interesting talk.
8) They (to speak) to him about his promotion now.
9) - What they (to do)? - They (to laugh) at his jokes.
10) They (to wait) for us at the bus stop. Hurry up!

6. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1. She makes mistakes in spelling.
2. They enjoy their English lessons.
3. The crowd waited a long time to see the famous actor.
4. He worked in that Institute for many years.
7. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме, употребляя во¬просительные слова, данные в скобках:
1. The performance lasted two hours. (How long)
2. He went to London to see some friends. (Why)
3. Speech is a kind of vibration. (What)
4. Painting is an ancient art. (What)

8. Образуйте Past Indefinite (Simple) и Participle II от следующих глаголов. Проверьте себя по таблице неправильных глаголов:
to build, to think, to go, to see, to give, to meet, to write, to read, to know, to take, to teach, to feel, to have, to come, to begin, to find, to get, to say, to tell, to put, to leave, to do, to sing, to lose, to stand.

9.Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past, Future Continuous
1. Listen! Someone (knock) at the door.
2. The bus (stop) for us now.
3. The accident happened while they (travel) in the South.
4. When I got up this morning, the sun (shine) brightly.
5. I (wait) on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow morning.
6. It probably (rain) when you get back.

10. Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The little boy ate the cake.
2. The teacher corrects our exercises at home.

11. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The book will be published in spring.
2. The class is taught by Mr. Smith.
3. It was designed by a French engineer.
4. This book is always read by the students of the first course.

1. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.

1. This is a long letter. 2. That is a green pencil. 3. What colour is this sofa? 4. What is your friend’s name? 5. I am a student from Russia. 6. What is that woman’s job?
7. Where is the child now? 8. That sofa is green. 9. Here is the businessman’s offer.

2. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном падеже

1. Translate this letter into Russia.
2. Answer these question, please.
3. Give the customer the offer, please.
4. He doesn’t know the manager and his assistent.
5. Ask the secretary to send the offer to the firm.
6. Show me and my colleague the new model.

3. Выберите подходящее местоимение в зависимости от смысла.

1. At the lessons (they, them, their) teacher asks (they, them, their) a lot of questions and the students answer (they, them, their).
2. (We, us, our) have a children’s room. (It, its) windows are large and (it, its) is very light. (We, us, our) children like (they, them, their) room.
3. Petrov is (we, us, our) student. (I, me, my) know (he, him, his) well. (He, him, his) English is good and (I, me, my) speak only English to (he, him, his). (He, him, his) help (we, us, our) a lot.
4. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.
1. These engineers work at the Ministry of Foreign Trade.
2. He has got a good job.
3. She has breakfast early in the morning.
4. Jane goes to the Institute every day.
5. There are cables and telexes on the desk.

a. Прочитайте и постарайтесь понять следующий текст.
Письменно переведите 1-3, 6 и 7 абзацы текста.

L o n d o n

1 London is the capital of Great Britain. It lies in the South East of England on both banks of the river Thames. London is one of the largest cities in the largest port and industrial centre in England. London is more than twenty centuries old.

2 The heart of the capital is the City. The territory of the City is only about one square mile, but it is the financial and business centre of the country. It contains almost all important English banks and offices.

3 The West End of London is famous for its beautiful monuments and palaces, fine parks, fashionable shops and big hotels. The East End is quite different from the West End. It is the district of factories, plants and docks. The narrow streets and poor houses of the East End present a contrast to the homes of the rich people in the West End.

4 There are many places of interest in London. One of them is Trafalgar Square with the Nelson monument 185 feet high. Buckingham palace is the royal residence. Westminister Abbey is one of the most citizens of Britain.

5 Across the road from Westminister Abbey are the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British goverment.

6 The Tower of London is one of the most interesting places in London. It was a fortress, a royal residence, a prison, now it is a museum.

7 London is famous for its green parks. Hyde Park is the most popular of them. It is the greatest park in London as well.

8 London is the centre of the country’s cultural life. There are many picture galleries and museums in the capital. The National Gallery houses a priceless collection of paintings. The famous British museum is one of the best museums in the world.

6. Задайте специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым в тексте словам (6 вопросов).

7. Задайте один альтернативный и один расчлененный вопрос к следующим предложениям текста (4 вопроса).

Образец: London is the capital of Great Britain.

А) Is London the capital of Great Britain or France?
Б) London is the capital of Great Britain, isn’t it?

1 There are many place of interest in London.
2 London contains the memorials of many famous people.

8. Выпишите из текста прилагательные в превосходной степени со словами, к которым они относятся.
9. Укажите, к какой части речи относятся слова каждой из данных ниже колонок. Подчеркните встречающиеся в них суффиксы и дайте исходные формы этих слов:

cultural Beautiful Residence
industrial Fashionable government
financial Different Collection
famous Priceless Painting

10. Укажите, как соотносятся слова houses в 3-м и 5-м абзацах со словом houses в 8-м абзаце тексте

I. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и определите их функции, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением,

обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. When crossing the street, first look to the left.
2. The woman playing the piano is his mother.
3. This is a church built many years ago.
4. She is looking through the magazine now.

II. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.
1. They promised to supply us with the necessary equipment.
2. The purpose of this book is to describe certain properties of vegetarian food.
3. The experiment to be carried out is of great importance for our research.
4. That funny scene made me to laugh.

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