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How I spent the winter holidays?

5-9 класс

Ruzakov 28 июля 2014 г., 8:21:56 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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28 июля 2014 г., 9:58:58 (9 лет назад)

At last the winter holidays came! I was very happy!   I hadn't to get up early in the morning and run to school. I could stay in the bed till midday. But I didn't want to sleep. There were a lot of things to do.


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Politician, scientist, musician, architect, nurse, lawyer, guide, footballer, librarian, engineer, pilot, computer programmer.

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пожалуйста вставьте слова: at home , made, skate, holidays, skied , snowballs, enjoyed, fine. 1) I spent my winter---------- in the country . The weather

was-----------------I ---------------------in the forest . My friend and I went to the river to------------------.Sometimes we played ------------ and ---------------snowmen. When it was cold I stayed ------------------- , read books, watched TV. I---------------my winter holidays.

Пожалуйста, будьте добры, проверьте, правильно ли я составил сочинение по английскому языку.How I spent my summer holidays

- the holidays. My favourite season is summer. I love them
very much awaited. However, I spent them badly. This summer was
not remembered. All summer I stayed home. A couple of trips I went to the
village. But there I didn’t
like. There was no creature comforts. In the city I watched TV, read books. Sometimes, I played computer games
and walked. In the street I played football. Sometimes, my friends and I went to
the cinema. In the summer I read books which the teacher asked to read for
the summer. I read almost everything. Some of books were very large, but
some of them I liked. At the end of the summer, I really wanted to
go somewhere, but it didn't happen. Hopefully next summer I spend more

Исправьте, пожалуйста, ошибки.

Заранее спасибо.
This summer I was in the city. In June, I went to the festival Green and there had a great time with your friends. At this festival, we listened to good music, participated in KolorFest and swam in the lake. Every night I went out with friends, we were having fun.
And in July, we went to rest with the parents of the Krasnoyarsk Sea. We swam in the sea and sunbathing. Unfortunately, it's time to finish. Please tell us how you spent those summer holidays? What was the weather? What is interesting to see in the meantime?
With best wishes, Vika.

Помогите, пожалуйста! Дать ответ. 1.talk about your last weekend. Say -where you spent the weekend -what you did at the weekend

2. talk about a collection at home. Say

-what you collect and how many things you have got

-why you began to collect these things

3. talk about your favorite holiday. Say

- what holidayyou like best and why

-how you usually spend this holiday.

перевидите пожалуста the Best Holidays in parutino

An and Dan were on holidays in parutino with their friends.it was the sunniest day,sothey decided to go and play on the beach.They were very excited,so they ran all the way there.
At the beach,theyunpacked their things."Let`s play volleyball!
Dan said
They got out a ball and started to play.Alex hit the ball so high that it seemed to go behind the clouds.the children could haedly notice what was under their feet.as steve was playing,he suddenly jumped on something sharp and hurt his right foot.He had to sit downon the hot sand and to examine his foot.
What has happened with you?Ann asked and came closer to the boy.
The children stopped playing.
Why have I hurt my leg?steve wondered.I see nothing here .This place is famos for ancient Greek treasures,Dan explained.People often find old things here.Let`s dig the sand and look carefully. Children started to dig and in a few minutes they couldn`t believe their eyes.They found a small marble thing! Let`s take it to the local museu,Ann said.The man at the museum was very pleased.This is the most amazing thing we have found this season! It is more then two thousand years old.The next day,the local newspaper interviewed the children about their wonderful find.They felt very proud and Steve even forgot about his foot.These are the best holidays we have ever had,they said.

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