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Is cinema usually great?

10-11 класс

S2001zakir 14 мая 2014 г., 14:36:52 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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14 мая 2014 г., 15:19:47 (10 лет назад)

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+ 0 -
14 мая 2014 г., 16:54:01 (10 лет назад)

yeap, very great
i like it

+ 0 -
14 мая 2014 г., 19:07:57 (10 лет назад)

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1. When Mary opened a meeting... the first time ... her life, her voice shook ... nervousness. 2. The young scientist shook hands ... his friends, who had come ... the airport to see him .... 3. I wonder why Bob is such an ill-natured boy. It's a pity he only takes ... his mother ... looks! 4. Ask Kate to join ... our party. She looks serious, but 1 know she is very jolly ... nature and is fond ... singing and dancing. 5. Since more and more people are going winter sports to-day, skis are usually ... great demand when winter ap- proaches. There is also a great demand ... skates. 6.1 know ... my own experience that to gain a good knowledge ... a fore- ign language one must work hard ... it every day. 7. Having no experience... teaching little children, Comrade Ivanov sat in at other teachers' classes before he himself began to teach. 8.... spite ... the fact that he made a few mistakes, everybody liked his talk. 9. I don't advise you to allow your son to go ... the cinema very often. I am sure he does it ... the expense ... his studies. 10. ... which year did the Russian people gain the victory ... Napoleon [na'poulianj ? I I . Which books ... Jack London have you read ... the original? 12. The wor- kers ... the factory went... strike and the news spread quickly all over the place. 13. Many African patriots have been arre- sted ... spite ... the fact that they are not guilty ... any crime.
14. He's only come ... a short stay, but the news ... his arrival spread in no time.


Christmas is the holiday that appeals to the child in all of us, and it has always been the most exciting time of the year for me. When I was young, birthdays were nothing compared to it, for Christmas has three marvellous aspects — both the giving and receiving of presents, making beautiful decorations and preparing the most wonderful food. I adore presents though, despite the best intentions, I have never been good at finding them in advance. Although I have one friend who buys gifts in the week after Christmas for the following year, most of us rush around at the last moment. Handmade presents are treasured by friends and family, and there are many simple gifts you can make ahead of Christmas, if you are organized!

One of the delights of the holiday is making all of the food. The traditional Christmas pudding with its breathtaking aromas of dried fruits and brandy, fruits in liqueur, the after dinner chocolate, truffles! Now, too, you can put aside a few days or so

for making and buying decorations for the tea and house. The central decoration for Christmas must be the tree* Children are thrilled by it and I suspect that it still holds great magic for all of us. Prince Albert introduced the custom to England by bring­ing cut conifers from Germany in the nineteenth century. These were the trees that drop their needles within a few days of be­ing cut. Despite this, I am still very fond of them: their aromat­ic scents always transport me back to my childhood and to the wild hope that there might be snow outside on Christmas Day. Christmas tree production is today a booming business, and there are varieties of trees that hold their needles for qui be a long period of time. But I personally still decorate the tree and put up the decorations just three or four days before Christmas. When we were children, Christmas Eve was devoted to the purpose of wrapping presents. We were so excited, it seemed that we hardly slept at all that night. Dressed in his red suit, Father Christmas duly appeared in the morning to wake us up. Then there was the feverish opening of presents in the stock­ings at the end of our beds. Alas, the presents under the tree, could only be opened after Christmas cake had been cut at tea time. In my teens it was the real high point of Christmas holiday!

A truffle— трюфель

a conifer ['kounifо] — хвойное дерево

A booming business — бизнес, сопровождающийся большой реклам­ной шумихой


Christmas holiday appeals to the child in all of us, doesn't it?

What are the marvellous aspects of this particular holiday?

Who introduced the custom of cut conifers to England?

When was this wonderful custom introduced to England?

What are the delights of this holiday?

Has Christmas been the most exciting time of the year for the narrator?

When do people usually buy Christmas gifts? What is un­usual in this aspect about a certain friend of his?

What kind of tree does the narrator prefer to have in his house on Christmas?

What was the real high point of Christmas Holiday in the narrator's childhood?

10. How was Father Christmas usually dressed and when did he appear?

Read and translate the text. DIFFERENT TYPES OF TELEPHONE SYSTEMS. The word telephone comes from the Greek words tele, meaning

“far,” and phone, meaning "sound," and refers to a telecommunications device that allows the human voice to travel across great distances. There are different types of telephones and corresponding types of telephone systems. The three main types of telephone systems are Plain Old Telephone Service, cellular wireless phones, and Internet
Protocol phones.
Landline telephone systems are part of the Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), the analog service with copper wiring that is the direct great-grand-baby of the original telephone system courtesy of Alexander Graham Bell. The advantages include standardized equipment, predictable sound quality, and — due to direct connections to the central office of the company — no need to share the system’s capacity with
others. Because switches are in place, creating a private circuit for each phone call, it is also called the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). A new-fangled term, given the recent alternatives, is “landlines.”
Another of the types of telephone systems is for cellular wireless phones, with individual companies having their own networks with varying technology. Like POTS systems, cellular wireless telephone systems are full-duplex systems, meaning that both people on the call can talk at the same time, but cell phones use radio frequencies, rather than copper wire. Though cellular networks began as mobile voice networks only, they now carry both voice and data. Some networks are national,
while others are international, and new technologies are continually in development. The networks known as 3G support not only cell phones, but also netbook computers, smartphones, and wireless modem aircards.
Internet Protocol (IP) telephone systems, also called Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), are another group of the telephone systems that are in use in the 21st century. This type of telephone service piggy-backs on existing Internet service, either cable service or DSL broadband. A device called an Analog Telephone Adaptor is the go between that connects whatever phone you happen to have with either your broadband modem – or your router, if you have one.
IP systems can be set up with a single line for both Internet and telephone service, which can save money.
With an Integrated T1 line, instead of being set up for voice, on the one hand, or data, on the other, the T1 line is able to handle both. With Dynamic T1, the line is capable of assigning bandwidth as needed, given the current use.

помогите пожалуйста. очень срочно надо)) ) выпишите, затранскрибируйте и переведите: 1) все глаголы 3 лица ед.ч., находящиеся во времени

Present Simple;

2) все остальные глаголы;

3) прилагательные и образуйте от них недостающие степени ставнения;

4) все обстоялельства времени.

this is my last year at school, and i am very busy, in fact. i am an early riser. on week-days the alarm-clock wakes me up and my working day begins. it is seven o'clock. in spring or early autumn i usually run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh air in. the sunshine and fresh air set me into cheerful working mood. sometimes i do my morning exercises, but sometimes i just take a walk and go to school on foot. in winter it's different, of course. i am not so quick to leave my bed. but all the same, it's time to get up and start getting ready for my working day.

i do my bed and go to the bathroom. i take a shower, brush my teeth. then i go to the kitchen and have breakfast. while i am having breakfast, i switch on the radio and listen to the news. breakfast, asdoctors say, must be the most substantial meal of the day. so, for breakfast i usually have eggs and sausage or cheese sandwich and a cup of tea or coffee. sometimes i like to have some porridge.

after breakfast i leave for school. it takes me fifteen minutes to get to school by bus, and a bit longer if i go on foot. on my way to school i often meet my classmates and we go together.

my classes begin at 8.30. six or seven lessons a day is my ordinary timetable. so i stay at school i till 2 or 2.30. we study many subjects: history, geography, mathematics, chemistry and physics. but my favourie subjects are the english and russian languages and natural sciences as maths and chemistry are most difficult for me. when classes are over i go home.

i walk home with my friends and we have a nice chat about school and a lot of fun. after midday meal and some short rest i do some cleaning or shopping just to help my mother and then i go to the reading-room to prepare my homework. i stay there for three or four hours. i am found of english and writing reports and compositions. i do well in these subjects and it gives me a lot of pleasure to get ready for there lessons.

there is practically no time left. but nonetheless i attend a swimming pool twice a week and, on saturdays, the english club. here i have additional practice in the english language. we sing songs, recite verses and poems, se video films or meet some foreign guests who speak english. sometimes we do some performances, too. i take part in drama performances and sing. after the concert we dance.

late in the evening, i say (goodnight) to my parents and go to bed. as a rule, it is about midnight. that is my usual week-day when i am, really, as busy as a bee.

Помогите пожалуйста!!!

заранее большое спасибо!!!!!!!!! Задание по английскому языку: возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки.
1. Who shall help me tomorrow?
2. Who have English on Thursday?
3. Who were at the stadium last Monday?
4. In Russia Sunday is seventh day of the week?
5. Who are hungry? —. We are.
6. Who go to school in the evening?
7. It sometimes snow in October.
8. This hamster is funniest animal in the pet shop.
9. Where are you usually go on Thursday?
10. Is she usually meet her friends there?

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