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Health is like a song, your body is the tone, your mind is the lyric, your heart is the beat, your spirit is the melody, and they all must be played in

10-11 класс

perfect harmony. essay please help me

LenaTend 05 нояб. 2013 г., 5:26:06 (10 лет назад)
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05 нояб. 2013 г., 7:01:53 (10 лет назад)

This idea was the bottom line of many ancient philosophies and thinking trends. sinceold times the philosophers have tried to find out the link between mind, body and soul. They used to isolate themselves in the heart of vergin nature to find the inner peace. A good example are the great Kungfu masters who could do "magical" things only using the power of the mind. Another brilliant example are the ascetics, monks that live in isolation,  such as Serafim from Sarov or Sergei from Radonez, who eliberated their souls from the burden of this world and found the inner peace in serving the God and the people.In my opinion, based on what I've read, everything starts from the mind. We must learn how to identify the positive thoughts and help them grow and become fruitful in our heart, and we must, as well, fight the negative ones. This is a hard work. It requests a lot of self concentration and self discipline. We should never let the negative thoughts poison our mind, because the negative state of mind will affect the engineof the body- the heart. In its turn, the heart will pump blood worse, the vital exchange processes will slow down and the bode will be powerless in the fight against diseases and viruses. As for me, four elements are the most important for a healty life: peace of mind and soul, phisical exercise, a healthy diet and enough rest. These four elements will help our body work harmoniously and defend itself from illnesses.In conclusion acan say that we must pay attention to our thoughtss, because they become words; pay attention to words - they become actions; pay attention to actions because they become habbits, and the habbits determine our character, state of mind and health.


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Rewrite the following sentences in Passive Voice. Pay attention to the prepositions.

Example: We often speak about her. — She is often spoken about.

1. We thought about our friend all the time. 2. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 3. The teacher sent for the pupil's parents. 4. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 5. Nobody slept in the bed. 6. The neighbor asked for the telegram. 7. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention. 8. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 9. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday. 10. The young
mothers looked after their babies with great care.

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Помогите пожалуйста: поставить слова в нужной форме и задать к каждому предложению специальный и общий вопросы.

1.The demand for consumer goods (to rise) last year.
2.Our company usually (to buy) services at this agency but we (not/do) it last year.
3.Entrepreneurs (to invest) in our country currently.
4.Our boss sometimes (to use) different incentives to in crease productivity.
5.When I opened the office employer (to discuss) the plan.

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Government Expenditure. Расходы государства
Government' expenditure takes many forms and, particularly over the last 50 years or so, has been a very substantial total. This heading covers spendings by both central government and local authorities. Government spending results in an injection of funds into the circular flow.
Let us take as an example a decision by the Department of Transport to build a new motorway. This will lead to a variety of spending, which would not have taken place otherwise. The authorities will have to employ surveyors, lawyers, accountants and construction workers and will have to purchase large quantities of construction materials. All of the spending generated in this way will be an addition or an injection to the circular flow.
Government spending can, of course, take many other forms. Major financial items are the provision of health and social security benefits. The latter tends to put money directly into the hands of people who need it badly and who are, therefore, likely to spend all or most of it in the near future. If it so wishes the government can use its own expenditure to rapidly affect the level of injections and thus the circular flow. Pursuing such policies, however, can have undesirable side-effects.
Exports. Экспорт
Exports are an injection because they result in income entering the UK's circular flow as a result of the spending decisions of foreign households, firms and governments. Notice that this spending by foreign households is a loss (or withdrawal from) their domestic circular flows.
Britain is a major trading nation and, as such, can be described as an open economy. It exports approximately one-third of all the goods and services it produces. The amount of the UK imports varies but over time will be roughly the same proportion. The UK's trade is recorded in the balance of payments figures, which are published monthly and then collected into annual accounts. If you look at the UK's trade figures you will see that rarely, if ever, does the value of exports equal the value of imports.
The balance of payments accounts are split into two broad sections: the current account, which records imports and exports of goods and services; and the capital account, which records international monetary flows in and out of the UK, such as foreign loans and investment in the UK.
Exports have always been important to the UK economy and are indisputably an engine of economic growth. They provide domestic employment not only in the exporting industry but also in the industries, which supply components and raw materials to that industry. Exports bolster the circular flow and promote employment in a range of industries. They also stimulate innovation and competition and generate a satisfying standard of living. Most of the world's most prosperous economies are successful exporters, notably Japan and Germany. Few isolated economies have been economically successful.

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Deark Kids. Here is the story I promised to write to you.Imagine a lot of snow,ice,sun and cold all in one place.it s called Antarctita!And it is the

coldest part of the coldest part of the world.It is also the heghest and the windest.There are a lot of mountains and icebergs in Antarctita. Do you know what icerbergs are like?They are a lot of mountains and beautiful pieces of ice like mountains made from giass and snow.
Scientist from different countries stay here for short periods of time.Usually they live in special stations.
There are some unusual birds that live in Antarctica.They are called penguins.They are quite big birs but they can t fly at all. But they are excellent swimmers and divers. While the penguins mums spend the winter at sea,their dads take care of the eggse for nine weeks.During this time they don t eat or drink.For extra warmth children out of the cold air and wind.
The blue whale lives in Antarctinca too. It is the largest animal in the world. But I will write you about them in my next story.
Send your letters to our magazine.Ask me as many questions as you can ans I II try to answer

Проверьте пожалуйста сочинение "For and Against doing sport"

Меня волнует грамматика

Sport is one of the essential parts of a person's life. It helps us to not only gain
good health but gives our lives interest, enthusiasm and excitement.
Nevertheless, there are people who think that sport is harmful.

In my opinion, sport is good for the body because it makes you burn calories and
makes you increase your muscle mass to have a good body. Besides it helps to
person to make more organized and better disciplined, if he plays in a team
sport. Finally, it has psychological benefits by reducing stress.

However, there are some drawbacks of doing sports. Heavy workouts can be dangerous and
even lead to serious diseases, because it takes a lot of energy and could be
exhausting. Although it is very beneficial to do exercise regularly, abuse has
its downside because as a result you may get injuries or cardiovascular

What is more, easy workouts bring a lot of benefits to health and they are very useful.
Besides, if you do sport with your friends it gives you more fun and pleasure.

To sum up, sport is a must if you want to keep yourself healthy. But it has to be said
that some physical activities may be even dangerous. That's why sports must be
done with carefulness and without too many efforts, which lead to diseases.

Помогите с переводом пожалуйста) The first record of the Olympic Games dates from 776 BC but it is likely that many competitions were held

before then. The modern Olympic Games began in 1896. America hosted the modern Olympics 4 times, Australia twice, and in 1980 it was Moscow that hosted the Summer Olympic Games.

No Olympics were held in 1916, 1940 and 1944 because of war. The Winter Olympics began in 1924, originally the same year as the summer competition, but now are held on alternate years. The Olympic Games have сhanged over time and regulated by the International Olympic Committees. Almost every sport, from archery to yachting, is included in the Games and it continues to be the world's largest sports event.

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