Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 663 вопросов и 6 445 977 ответов!

Think of possible guests replies.Your questions are given.

10-11 класс

1.What can i do for you?
2. would you like a single or a double room?
3.how long are you going to stay?
4.could i have your name , please?
5.Do you mind a view from the window?
6.Would you like a room with a shower or bath?
7.Will you give me your passport,please?

Snuper9 21 апр. 2014 г., 22:07:30 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 апр. 2014 г., 0:16:58 (10 лет назад)

1. I'm looking for a room to stay.
2. I'd like a single room, please.
3. For three nights.
4. Yes. It's Tom Parker.
5. I'm OK with a garden view.
6. I wood prefer a room with a bath.
7. Yes. Here you are.


Другие вопросы из категории

Как будет правильно?И главное почему?

I never .... coffe in the evening

1)is drinking

Переведите на английский язык: Луи Армстронг оставался неоспоримым королем джаза до самой своей смерти, и ни на одну минуту не ослабевал его талант, не исс

якала сила его воздействия на слушателей. Его теплота и юмор неизменно делали его дорогим и близким для всех, с кем он встречался. Говоря от имени музыкантов и от имени миллионов почитателей его таланта, Диззи Гиллеспи подчеркивал: «Луи не умер, потому что его музыка остается и останется в сердцах многих и многих миллионов людей во всем мире и в игре сотен тысяч музыкантов, ставших его последователями». Работая над рефератом, я расширил свои знания о джазе, о его истории, его творцах – в первую очередь, Луи Армстронге. Мне открылась и музыка Америки, и сама Америка, не показная, не «витринная», с глянцевых обложек журналов, а Америка простых людей, из среды которых вышел Луи Армстронг. Его нет среди нас. Но с нами остается неповторимый звук его трубы и его голос, остается его печальный взгляд и ослепительная улыбка. Прошли годы. Через восемьдесят лет после своего появления на свет джаз обрел статус международного языка, который стал любим и понятен во всем мире. Люди до сих пор слушают Иоганна Себастьяна Баха, читают Александра Сергеевича Пушкина и любуются живописью Леонардо да Винчи не только по причине, что им сотни лет, люди продолжают открывать в них огромный смысл. Лучшим работам Луи Армстронга сегодня уже около пятидесяти лет, но они продолжают трогать многих людей и в наши дни. Да, для телевидения джаз не фееричен, мало зрелищен. Однако он не умер, уйдя в небольшие концертные залы и в коллекции записей для ценителей. Ведь музыка понятна всем людям земли. Давайте же вместе надеяться, что она сплетет прочные узы, объединяющие народы.


220 000 pounds for Victim of Police Assault
A hairdresser won 220 000 pounds damages yesterday after a jury found
that he was assaulted by police and wrongly arrested. This happened after counsel for Din Zung, 32, urged the jury to send a clear message that the public
would no longer stand for "lying, bullying, racism and perjury" by the Metropolitan Police.
Central London County Court was told that police went to Mr. Zung's
home over a dispute involving a leaking roof. Mr.Zung was arrested after refusing to allow officers in without a warrant. Akmal Khan, his solicitor, said his
client's arms were twisted behind his back and he was handcuffed. "They
punched and kicked him in the van and he was kicked in the kidneys." Another
policeman used his back as a footstool and the driver turned round and insulted
him verbally saying he had got no more than he deserved. The charge officer
told him, "I've never arrested a Chink before." When he was released at 11 p.m. 5
that night they threw him into the street in just jeans and flip-flops. "He had to
walk two miles home," Mr.Khan said.
When Mr.Zung arrived home, the front door was open and his stereo and
other property had been stolen. Doctors found extensive bruising to his back and
kidneys and he was passing blood.
Mr.Zung made a formal complaint to the Police Complaints Authority.
Despite a police surgeon confirming the injuries, the complaint was rejected and
he decided to sue.
Ben Emmerson, counsel for Mr.Zung, urged the jury to send a strong
message to Sir Paul Condon by awarding damages that would hit his budget. "In
this case a small award would be regarded as a victory by the officers."
A statement issued on behalf of Sir Paul, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said: "We believe the award to be excessive and we are going to appeal against the size of the award but not the verdict."
The Metropolitan Police said no action would be taken against the constables involved: Christopher Smith, Andrew Morris and Bob Davies.
In a separate case at the same court Terence Wilkinson, 27, was awarded
64 000 pounds damages. He had accused other officers from the same area of
wrongful arrest and assault, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution.

Читайте также

Kyoto Prizes to further stress "moral" achievements The Kyoto Prize is Japans equivalent of the Nobel Prize. The awards are given to individuals or

groups who have made "significant contributions to the progress of science, the development of civilisation, and the enrichment and elevation of the human spirit." The sponsor of the Prizes is the Inamori Foundation, founded in 1984 by Kazuo Inamori, a successful businessman in ceramics and electronics. The prize is similar to the Nobel Prize, but more inclusive as it acknowledges Arts and Philosophy, as well as Advanced Technology and Basic Science. Unlike the Nobel Prize, however, it is never given to corporations. Every November, three winners of the Kyoto Prizes receive a diploma, a gold watch and 50 million yen. The prizes are given to scientists, philosophers and even filmmakers. In 2001, the Russian laureate, Zhores Ivanovich Alferov, won the Kyoto Prize for Advanced Technology for his work with semiconductor lasers at room temperature. He developed an efficient low cost technology that improves communication equipment from fibre-optic networks to personal DVD players. In 2006, the Prize for Arts and Philosophy went to the fashion designer, Issey Miyake, for "creating clothing that can become a part of peoples lives, cutting across time, national borders, and classes." Inamori has criticised modern culture for ignoring our emotional and spiritual development and feels that more recognition should be given to those who work for the common good. "Today we are rushing ahead with incredible scientific and technological achievements, while understanding of our emotional and psychological development lags behind badly," he says. "It is my hope that the Kyoto Prizes will encourage balanced development of both our scientific and our spiritual sides." Inamori worries that people are losing their old models of morality and ethics based on religion. But he believes that if we use our intelligence properly, we can create a* new way of thinking, one that does not add to human suffering. He has now given the Inamori Foundation 70 billion Yen, which he hopes will help to recognise people who contribute to this process.помогите ответить на вопросы What is the founder of the prize? What do we know about him? What is purprose of the Kyoto Prize? How many people have been awarded the prize? Who are they? How does the founder of the prize explain the idea behind it? Who were the prize laureates in 2001? What achievement did the get the prize for?

вместо многоточия нужно вставить предлоги: FOR; OF; BY; TO The job ... of pilot is a very demanding.

We could hear the noise ... the passing traffic.
The legs ...the trousers were too long.
Hamlet was written ....Shakespeare.
There are no simple solutions ...the problem of overpopulation .
This picture ...their country house.
We regret to infirm you that your request ... a loan has been refused.
The key ...a successful career is to find a job that you really enjoy.
I don't like the idea ...staying in town on such a hot day.
The tomb ...Tutenkhamun was discovered in Egypt in 1922.
A galaxy is a collection ....millions ....stars.
I can't think of answer ...your question.
I have written several times but I haven't received a reply ...my letters.
He says he has never seen any paiting ...Turner.
Emily didn't give us a convincing reason ....not coming to the party.
I can't see the attraction ...spending all day on the beach.
Her friends' messages ....sympathy were a comfort ...her during her illness.
the spread of drugs is a threat ...the stability of he country.
a complete rest is the best cure ....your disease.

Задание № 3 Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркнув формы страдательного залога. А. 1. Festivals of folk songs are attended by a lot of

people annually. 2. He was elected the Home Minister last year. 3. When much material had been looked through and some problems had been solved, the article was published. 4. Today plastics are being used for car bodies. 5. It's easy to find your way about in New-York, it is laid out so regularly. The streets are well-planned. The streets running north and south are called "Avenues" and are numbered, for example, 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue, etc., the streets going east and west are called "Streets" and are also numbered. B. 1. Thousands of foreign guests are invited every year to attend the Winter Music Festival in Russia. 2. Will the translation be done tomorrow? I hope, it will. 3. When much had been done in the study of ecology by our institute it became an important scientific centre. 4. Today plastics are being widely used instead of metals. 5. Do you know why the White House is white? The story I was told is that in 1812 when England was at war with America, the British captured the City and some of the buildings, including the Capitol and the house of the President, were set on fire. In 1814, in order to hide the marks of the fire, the brown stone walls were painted white - and it has been the "White House" ever since. C. 1. When was the play staged? - It was staged last year. 2. I'm sure a lot of questions will be discussed at the conference. 3. The automatic equipment is being installed in our shop. 4. The construction of this dam has been completed this month. 5. English nowadays is considered to be the most popular language in the world. It's the official language of the U.K., of the U.S.A. and of Australia and New Zealand. It's used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Union of South Africa , and the Irish Republic. It is spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, and numerous countries in Africa.

Put the questions to the words in italic.

1. The last EXERCISE is the most difficult.
2. My friend`s family has got a flat ON THE SIXTH FLOOR.
3. It isn`t cold in England IN WINTER.
4. I like to listen to THE RADIO.
5. We are going on an excursion BY BUS.
6. JANET likes spaghetti very much.
7. We start working ON MONDAY.
8. Jane meets her friends AT PARTIES.
9. She doesn't want to dance with YOU.

Which question word is suitable. Fill in the blanks below.
1. ......are you doing now?
2. ......does your father go on Mondays?
3. ......didn't you come to school yesterday?
4. ......do you think of Mike?
5. ......many people live here?
6. ......are they from?
7. ......are you thinking about?
8. ......is the nearest telephone?
9. ......don't you like this sweater?
10. ....do they get to school?
11. ....time do you get back?
12. ....often does he go running?

1. Музей находится слева от вас.
2. Мы заблудились. Подскажите, как добраться до Садового переулка? - конечно. Идите по направлению к станции метро. Когда увидите вход, спуститесь по лестнице, пройдите через переход. Напротив выхода находится площадь, а переулоксразу за ней.
3. Иди вдоль улицы!
4. Больница- это совремнное здание. Она находится между банком и библиотекой.
5. Автобусная остановка-вон там, за углом. это далеко отсюда.

Подчеркните модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

There is no way
that economics can be used to show that one of these normative judgements is
correct and the other is wrong. It all depends on the preferences or priorities
of the individual or the society that has to make this choice. But that does
not mean that economics can throw no light on normative issues. Macroeconomics.
The overall picture Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole.
Macroeconomics is concerned not with the details - the price of cigarettes
relative to the price of bread, or the output of cars relative to the output of
steel - but with the overall picture. We shall study issues such as the
determination of total output of the economy, the aggregate level of
unemployment, and the rate of inflation or growth of prices of goods and
services as a whole. The distinction between microeconomics and macroeconomics
is more than difference between economics in the small and economics in the
large, which the Greek prefixes micro- and macro- suggest. The purpose of the
analysis is also different. A model is a deliberate simplification to enable us
to pick out the key elements of a problem and think about them clearly.
Although we could study the whole economy by piecing together our microeconomic
analysis of each and every market, the resulting model would be so cumbersome
that it would be hard to keep track of all the economic forces at work.
Microeconomics and macroeconomics take different approaches to keep the
analysis manageable. Microeconomics places the emphasis on a detailed
understanding of particular markets. To achieve this amount of detail or
magnification, many of the interactions with other markets are suppressed. In
saying that a tax on cars reduces the equilibrium quantity of cars we ignore
the question of what the government does with the tax revenue. If the
government has to borrow less money, it is possible that interest rates and
exchange rate will fall and that improved international competitiveness of UK
car producers will actually increase the equilibrium output of cars in the UK.

is a bit like looking at a horse race through a pair of binoculars. It is great
for details, but sometimes we get a clearer picture of the whole race by using
the naked eye. Because macroeconomics is concerned primarily with the
interaction of different parts of the economy, it relies on a different
simplification to keep the analysis manageable. Macroeconomics simplifies the
building blocks in order to focus on how they fit together and influence one

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