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Flying is a quick way to travel long

10-11 класс

Elzatal 02 февр. 2015 г., 21:07:04 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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02 февр. 2015 г., 22:50:03 (9 лет назад)

Полет это быстрый способ путешествовать долго


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Сочинение на свободную тему с использованием всех времен ( past present future simple continious perfect and perfect continious ) и их

согласование. Размер в 50 предложений. Выручите пожалуйста. Зарание спасибо.

II. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные обороты. 1. I know him to be an

experienced cook.

2. This café is considered to be a fancy place.

3. I saw him leave a 20% tip.

4. Their service is said to be excellent.

5. McDonald’s is known to be the most popular fast food restaurant.

6. The waiter is unlikely to confuse our orders.

Use the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentences: (1) 1980 was the year ____ I first went back to the small village( 2) ____ I wos

born. I wos only three years old when my parents went to live in the States, (3)____ I now consider my home

B. Подберите к каждому слову или словосочетанию в колонке А соответствующее из колонки В

1. essential а. thing that can vary
2. area of life b. idea, opinion
3. memorize с absolutely necessary
4. adequate d. most important
5. concept e. sphere of activity
6. variable f. learn by heart
7. indispensable g. satisfactory, sufficient

С Заполните пропуски антонимами и синонимами
right ... ... new, up-to-date
... complex most important ...
adequate ... ... absolutely necessary

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Нужно перевести кусок текста.

One of Britain's environmental successes has ben the control of air pollution especially in London. Thirty years ago hundreds of people died every year from the dreadful London smogs. Since then london and many other cities have become smokeless zones, areas where no coal fires are pollution. But now the increase in traffic is threatening serious air pollution problems in cities once again. The most common form of air pollution comes from like cinemas, pubs, and restaurants. Traffic and aircraft can cause serious noise pollution. Friends of the Earth suggest that the bicycle is the best way to travel because it's cheap, quiet and a good form of exercise.

Помогите решить текст, пожалуйста. 53. The best way to learn a language is to live in a country that speaks that language. a) True b) False c) Not given

54. Socialising can help reduce culture shock. a) True b) False c) Not given 55. Try to like everything about the new culture. a) True b) False c) Not given Questions 56-60 New graduate, new job. Summer turns most people’s thoughts to holidays, but those leaving university or school will be thinking about the big, wide world of work. Whatever job you decide to tackle first, it will prove to be a valuable training ground. Filing or typing memos may not be your idea of a great career move, but be prepared to learn these lowly tasks. You may have a top degree, but no boss will hire you if you can’t answer the telephone in a proper manner. Most graduates and school leavers will be coming into the employment market in the summer, so competition will be tough. Start searching sooner rather than later. You should highlight any work experience you have and say you are keen to learn. It also helps to research the firms and what the job involves. Remember that most junior hiring decisions are made on personality. Firms are looking for reliable, conscientious and punctual employees. While most employers want Junior staff to take the initiative and be receptive to their ideas, you must be realistic about timeframes for promotion. And even if you end up spending your career doing something other than your first job, bear in mind that you will learn very useful and often transferable skills in the process. Aim to be hired by the firm that has the best reputation for employee training. At the interview you should ask about what sort of experience you will gain. The faster you can pick up the experience, the faster you can move up the corporate ladder. A good company will start you in a ‘proper’ job, which is mixed with technical and personal training. As well as learning computer and other professional skills, good firms also offer training which focuses on interaction with colleagues. In many companies trainees are allotted a ‘mentor’, a senior member of staff (not their immediate boss) who they can consult on difficult areas. New employees are encouraged to socialize and network with other trainees, which is again another way of finding support and advice but this time through their peers. In fact once installed in your new position, the first thing is to work out the pecking order. Many people try to deny it but office politics does exist. If you’ve never been in a work environment before, use your first job to learn about how to handle it or how to avoid it. 56. The writer points out that in a first job you have to. a) use your qualifications. b) expect to do menial jobs. C) be good at communication d) go through rigorous training 57. What should jobseekers do? a) Make sure they know the competition b) Work n a temporary summer )ob first c) Show evidence of any previous positions d) Apply for a range of jobs 58. The writer warns people in their first jobs,.. a) not to want to move on too quickly b) not to waste time learning nontransferable skills c) they should be model employees to make an impression d) that they will have to accept the company’s ideas 59. The writer suggests that if you get a job with a company which offers training, you will... a) gain worthwhile experience quickly b) benefit from its good reputation c) meet senior people d) be trained in the latest technology 60. What are new employees advised to find out about initially? a) The way to process new orders b) The times of breaks c) The office hierarchy d) The schedule for the office gym

Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо this is ... book. It is my book. I have .. sister. There are beautiful ... tress in ... park. There is ...

library between ... school and ...bank. There is ... sofa in ... corner of ... room. There are ... books on...shelf. There is...butter in...butter dish. There is... tea in my glass. Yesterday i saw..new film, but the film wasn't very interesting. My daughter will go to shool...next yaer. ... History and literature were...my favourite subjects at...shool. ...butter and cheese are made of...milk.

Написать предложения. употребив нужную форму.

The Vatican is (small) country in the world. (Easy) way to travel around London is by bus or underground train. Yane has got (long) hair than her sister. The (high) mountains are in Scotland and Wales: Ben Nevis and Snowdon. Mrs. Lambert is six year (young) than her husband. My (old) brother is twenty-two. This book is (interesting) than the red one! Tom is (good) friend I have. John is (shot) than William. December 22 is (shot) day of the year. Which is (large) city in your country? Agatha Christie is one of (famous) English writers. The next text is (difficult) than this one.

Management is a process used to achieve certain goals through the utilization of resources: people, money, energy, materials, space, and time.

Administrative management is an approach that focuses on principles that can be used by management to coordinate the internal activities of organizations.

For years, managers have considered decision making to be a pure art. It has been considered an art because a variety of individual styles can be used in approaching and successfully solving the same type of managerial problems in actual business practice. These styles are often based on creativity, judgment, intuition, and the experience rather than on the systematic analytical approach.

However, the environment in which management must operate is changing. A man has long since landed on the moon, and technological advancement dictates the pace of our life. Such advances in technology cannot possibly be made without concurrent advances in the systems of management.

Business and its environment are more complex today than ever before, and the trend toward increasing complexity is continuing. So making decisions today is much more complicated than in the past for three reasons. First, the number of alternatives is usually much larger. Second, the consequences of the decisions are more difficult to predict due to increased uncertainty. Finally, the cost of making errors has become larger and larger, mainly due to the size of operations, automation, and a resulting chain - reaction situation in which the impact of an error may be felt on many places due to complex interrelationships.

To illustrate how critical the impact of a single error can be, consider the following example. In the early 80s, the management of Polaroid decided to invest millions of dollars in developing a new camera, SX-70. The justification for the huge investment was the anticipation of large profits from the sale of film for the camera. On July 2, 1985, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged almost 16 points and closed at a low for the year of 790. The major contributor to the fall was the drop in Polaroid, a once highly priced glamour issue that fell ll3/g points, a decline of 32 percent, in a single day! The drop was attributed to an announcement that the sales of SX-70 film were only one third of the company's projections. The plunge reduced the value of Polaroid shares by more than 360 million USD overnight! The impact was so significant that even though Polaroid did not file for the bankruptcy, its earnings declined for several years.

Managers must become more sophisticated - they must learn to utilize new tools and techniques that are being developed in their field. No one can imagine a successful physician using the medicine and equipment of the turn of the century. Yet, in management, one can find executives using management tools of that time.
1. Say whether it is true or false.

1. Administrative management is the ratio of the organization's productivity and the organization's structure.

b)Management is a process used to achieve certain goals through the utilization of resources.

c)The environment in which administrative management must operate is stable.

d)Today managerial decision making trends towards increasing simplicity.

e)In the early 60s, the management of Polaroid decided to invest millions of dollars.

f)Managers must learn to utilize new tools and techniques that are being developed in their field.

2. Finish the sentences:

1. For years, managers have considered decision making .. .

2. Such advances in technology cannot possibly be made without concurrent advances …. .

3. So making decisions today is much more complicated … .

4. First, the number of alternatives is .

5. Second, the consequences of decisions are more difficult to predict ….
1. Choose the correct answer.

1 He is ...C... man in the world.

A tall B taller C the tallest

2 I am …... than my sister.

A old B older C the oldest

3 This picture is …... of all.

A good B better C the best

4 My car was …... than yours.

A expensive B more expensive C the most expensive

5 This is …... film I've ever seen.

A boring B more boring C the most boring

6 Dan is not as ……. as Henry.

A thin B thinner C the thinnest

7 My shopping bag is as ... as yours.

A heavy B heavier C the heaviest

8 I think History is a(n) .. subject.

A interesting B more interesting C the most interesting

9 England is very …... in winter.

A cold B colder C the coldest

10 Trains are ….. than bicycles.

A fast B faster C the fastest

2. Underline the correct word.

1 She looked at me angry/angrily this morning.

2 He got dressed quick/quickly as he was late.

3 The fish had a strong/strongly smell.

4 She spoke to her friend soft/softly.

5 This salad tastes good/well.

6 That chair is quite comfortable/comfortably to sit on.

7 He sounded very unhappy/unhappily on the phone.

8 I feel sad/sadly today.

9 She is a very clever/cleverly student.

10 She crossed the road safe/safely.

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет
Ребята,проверьте моё эссе на наличие ошибок.пожалуйста. Тема : Many people think that the best way to travel is by car. ----- In

our worls there are a lot of means of transport.One of them is by car.

In this essay I will name some of the advantages and disadvantages of travel by car.

The most common argument for is speed,which depend on type of car.I think that is very big advanture.When you travel by car you can look through the window.It's very pleasant prosecc if you like it.
In favour of disadvantages I can say that some ptople may have a sick.Travel by car is not really my kind of thing,because I have a sick,but it depend on beauty in the car.It sounds stupid but it is true.I can't put up with(терпеть) father's car,when we travel somewhere.I feel headache and sickness.But for my relatives all is good in father's car.
Evidently(очевидно) that this mean of transport not for all people,but if you like travel by car you have a good impressions from your trip.

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