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A There is a mistake in each line of this text. Find it and correct it as in the example. (10 points)

5-9 класс

0 I’m not sure why, but I have never liked

Dk31122013 25 июля 2014 г., 23:52:25 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 июля 2014 г., 0:39:56 (9 лет назад)

1. more nice - nicer

2.too many - too much

3. reading the books - reading books

4. make - do

5. asked - asks

6. any - some

7. she's been - she was

8.a history - history

9. is going - will

10. will not - does not


B. 1. have lost

2. is taking

3. is spoken

4. it is going to rain

5. was given

6. knew


Другие вопросы из категории

Написать сообщение на тему "Fastfood" по следующему плану:

1 абзац: Сейчас фастфуд популярен...
2 абзац: Мое мнение+аргументы
3 абзац: Однако(However, who disagree with me)
4 абзац: Контраргументы
5 абзац: Заключение

Match the sentences with the responses A-E 1.I'm sorry,I've broken a glass. 2.I've just made my first cake! 3.What did you do


4.What's the matter?

5.do you like going to the dentist?

A.Well done!

B.you must be joking!

C.Never mind.

D.I can't find my watch.

E.Oh, this and that.

Помогите пожалуйста Make questions. 1.-... -he is reading A BOOK ABOUT DINOSAURS 2.-... -In the evening (they

are going to come in the eveng)


-Twenty seven



-Twenty seven

(he has got TWENTY SEVEN English books)


-Twenty seven

(The teacher had TWENTY SEVEN pupils)


-Twenty seven

(There were TWENTY SEVEN pupils in the class)


-Twenty seven

(He has visited TWENTY SEVEN countries)



(The boys are going to study ITALIAN)


-the boys are

(THE BOUS are going to study Italian)


-Two days ago (He spoke to the manager TWO DAYS AGO)

My yesterday evening в past continuous

Читайте также

There is one mistake in each sentence . Find it and correct it .ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ОЧЕНЬ НАДО

Помогите годовая контрольная , а это задание не как не могу сделааать !!!
1)How mane women are there in your office?
2)I just have finished my studies /
3)I love shopping in the internet
4)Im looking at five volunteers to help in a hospital
5) This t-shirt is ninety - nine cents and five dollars
6) She has very big foot
7) Two of my friends work by refugees
8)How much is these black trousers ?
9)I knew many intrerested people at the party last week.
10) They have only one children . her name in Barbars

даю 45 балов

.There are many literary museums in Russia.
Read about the lvan Turgeniev Museum in Spasskoe-Lutovinovo. There is a mistake
in each line of the text. Cross out the mistake and write the correct variant. There
is an example at the beginning
The Russian writer Ivan Turgenev valued by his
1) contemporaries as an outstanding novel.
2) His novels and tales read widely in France,
3) Germany, Italy, Spain, England and USA.
4) The State Turgenev Museum open in the
5) author native town of Oriol. Spasskoye-Lutovinovo,
6) where Ivan Turgenev was spent most of his life,
7) is also museum and is open to the public. The
8) museum visit by tourists from Russia and abroad.
9) The memorial department of a museum
10) is attracted many visitors. The rooms in this
11) building redecorated to look like the author's
12) originally home. The "Living Room", the
13) "Dining Room", "Study-Bedroom" and the
14) "Library" show to the public. In the memorial
15) part of the museum one can be seen the writer's
16)desk. Turgenev's wondering novels: Rudin,
17) Fathers and Sons
18) On the Eye wrote there.
19) The sofa, which he was called "Samson,'
20) the ancient clock and other thing,
21) who have been described by him in his works,
22\ can see in the museum.

Each of the following sentences has four underlined words or phrases. They are marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) but there is only ONE mistake in each

sentence. Identify and correct it.

She has to catching (A) the (B) next train or else she will (C) spend the night at the (D) platform.
Mitch did (A) his test so quick (B) that he must have known (C) all the answers (D) before.
Mary got used to speak (A) French fluently (B) after having spent a year (C) in Paris (D).
Many questions concerning their future expedition has (A) been raised (B) but not one has been (C) as heatedly discussed as this one (D).
We visited (A) yesterday (B) our grandmother to tell (C) her the sad news (D).
There were (A) eight childs (B) at my lesson today but your child (C) was not (D) among them.
The only students (A) whom the teacher (B) asked speaking (C) at the conference were (D) Sam, George, Jerry and I.
It's (A) quite an amused party (B) and now when it is time to leave (C), nobody wants (D) to go home.
The coffee that your brother is making (A) in the kitchen (B) is smelling (C) delicious (D).
People (A) usually wears (B) clothing for two different (C) reasons (D) - warmth and decoration.
Guppies are sometimes called (A) rainbow fishes (B) because of the males’ (C) bright colors (D).
Serving several terms (A) in Congress (B), Shirley Chisholm, became (C) the (D) important politician.
The policeman (A) told the passengers (B) in the bus to sit (C) quiet (D).
The tourists wanted to spend (A) the weekend in the (B) mountain hotel but was not able (C) to raise (D) enough money.

задание : Each sentence has a mistake .Find it and correct it ! 1 my mother works in a hotel is a receptionist . 2 my father watch TV in

the evening .

3 He's like watching football .

4 On Sundays we go in a restaurant .

5 Hans is businessman .

6 you family is very nice .

7 I like listen to music .

8. Our school have a lot of students

9The childrens go to school near here

10We have the dinner at 7.00

11Buses in London are reds

12 My brother no have a jop

13 Do you want a ice-cream ?

14 Is near here , my flat.


Work in paris. One student should read Text A and the other Text B. Both text are the same but some information is missing in each text. Ask each other

questions and fill in the missing details. Don.t look at your parther.s text.
Text A
On the 25th of December the British people celebrate Christmas.It.s a big holiday and there are lots of Christmas traditions in Britain.Every year Londoners get a present from the people of Norway-...... . It standsin Trafalger Square.Central London.s streets have got beautiful decorations at Christnas. There is also..... in the centre of the capital. A lot of people come to enjoy the Christmas decorations and to skate. Before Christmas groups of singers perform traditional Christmas songs or carols in the streets and squares. They collect money for charity. People usually decorate their trees on Christmas Eve-on the 24th of December. Christmas Day is the time for present, guests, wisher and a special meal. British Christmas dinner consists of a roast turkey with carrots and potatoes and... .
Text B
On the 25th of December British people celebrate Christmas. It.s a big holiday and there are lots of Christmas traditions in Britain. Every year Londoners get a present from the people of Norway- a big Christmas tree. It stands in Trafager Square. Central London.s streets have got... at Christmas. There is also a nice skating ring in the centre of the capital. A lot of people come to enjoy the Christmas decorations and to skate. Before Christmas groups of singers perform..... in the streets and squares.They colect money for charity. People usually decorate their trees on Christmas Eve- on... . Christmas Day is the time for presents, guests, wishes and a special meal. British Christmas dinner consists of a roast turkey with carrots and potatoes and Christmas pudding.
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