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Match the sentences with the responses A-E 1.I'm sorry,I've broken a glass. 2.I've just made my first cake! 3.What did you do

5-9 класс


4.What's the matter?

5.do you like going to the dentist?

A.Well done!

B.you must be joking!

C.Never mind.

D.I can't find my watch.

E.Oh, this and that.

Alenavischnevs 22 июля 2014 г., 16:51:07 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 июля 2014 г., 17:34:33 (9 лет назад)

1.I'm sorry,I've broken a glass.

C.Never mind.


2.I've just made my first cake!

A.Well done!


3.What did you do yesterday?

E.Oh, this and that.


4.What's the matter?

D.I can't find my watch.


5.do you like going to the dentist?

 B.you must be joking!





+ 0 -
22 июля 2014 г., 18:18:21 (9 лет назад)

1- c. 2- a. 3- e. 4- d. 5- b.



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Помогите пожалуйста Make questions. 1.-... -he is reading A BOOK ABOUT DINOSAURS 2.-... -In the evening (they

are going to come in the eveng)


-Twenty seven



-Twenty seven

(he has got TWENTY SEVEN English books)


-Twenty seven

(The teacher had TWENTY SEVEN pupils)


-Twenty seven

(There were TWENTY SEVEN pupils in the class)


-Twenty seven

(He has visited TWENTY SEVEN countries)



(The boys are going to study ITALIAN)


-the boys are

(THE BOUS are going to study Italian)


-Two days ago (He spoke to the manager TWO DAYS AGO)

My yesterday evening в past continuous

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письмо по английскому

ПОМОГИТЕ пОжалуйста!! What did you do last night, Lisa? I went to the cinema. What film (1.you see).....?


Who (2.you go).....with?

Pete and Zoe.

(3.you enjoy)......it?

Well, the special effects were brilliant, but the story wasn't very good.

What time (4.it finish).......?

At ten o'clock.

What (5.you do)...... after the film?

We went for a pizza.

12. Match the sentences (1-5) with the correct phrasal verb (A-F). One word is extra.

1) I always … something low fat in a restaurant. A) look after
2) Players usually … before a match. B) ask for
3) They … homeless animals. C) take off
4) The planes … at the airport. D) warm up
5) People should … their mobiles in public places. E) switch off F) make up
13. Match the beginnings of the expressions to the endings.
1) I’m really looking A) kidding!
2) You’re B) sure?
3) Are you having C) a drink?
4) Would you like D) a good time?
5) Are you E) forward to it.
F) recover soon.
14. Match the words with their opposites. One variant is extra.
1) empty A) loudly
2) whisper B) land
3) quietly C) full
4) take off D) behind
5) in front of E) shout
F) short
19. Put the words in order to make an English proverb.
1) the cat 2) cream 3) its eyes 4) while stealing 5) shuts

12. Match the sentences in exercise 11 with the meanings below.

1.I forgot to order urchins.
2.I probably ordered urchins, but I couldn't remember.
3.I didn't continue eating the urchins.
4. I stopped because I wanted to eat urchins.
13. Complete the sentences with an -ing form or an infinitive of the verb in brackets.
a) I remember ... to the circus with my father, (go)
b) We stopped ... football because we were so tired, (play)
c) I tried ... my homework, but I didn't have enough time, (finish)
d) Remember... the letter, (post)
e) I stopped ... to my neighbour, (talk)

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