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Which is better: to watch nature on TV or watch nature in life

5-9 класс

Я выбираю watch nature in life
Напишите 2-3 предложения про это

Randriutsa 27 мая 2013 г., 0:34:25 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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27 мая 2013 г., 3:13:57 (11 лет назад)

I think to watch to nature in life is better.When you watch nature in life ,you breate fresh air and it is good for your health.


Другие вопросы из категории

Составить 5 вопросов из предложения: They will come on Friday.

Вопросы могут быть такими:
Когда они придут. Кто придет в пятницу и т.д
Главное правильно составить эти вопросы, все слова должны стоять в нужном месте ( вопросы написаны должны быть на английском конечно)
Перевод: Они придут в пятницу.

7. Correct the mistakes. 1) Look! The little girl is makes a snowman! 2) We are look for a T-shirt. 3) Is Mary and Steve going home on foot today? 4)

Listen! It is rains. 5) What size does you take? 6) Does he studies in Switzerland?

Даю Макс баллов

Задание: put the verbs in brackets into the present simpl
1) Mr Brown .........(work) in a school. He.............(teach) English. Sometimes he........ (go) to work on Saturdays , too. He....... ( like) his job and he........ ( be ) a good teacher. His students ....... (Love ) him.
2) John .........( ride ) a bike well but he ......... ( not/ride ) a horse. His sister.......... ( be ) good at horse-riding. She .......... ( go ) riding every day. She ......... ( have ) a white horse. Its name ........ ( be ) Snowy.
Прошу нужно срочно!!!!!!

Помогите перевести правильно текст ( не списывая с переводчиков, и других источников ). Заранее благодарю!

What's more, the stars themselves 3)......their publicists lots of money to make sure their pictures are perfect every time. This means that every photo we see on the cover of a glossy magazine has been retouched. Stomachs are flatter, legs are longer, lips are fuller and waists are slimmer. Although we know this, we still can't help comparing ourselves to these 4)......images and feeling unhappy about the way we look. What we should do is say, "Wow! This photo is really phoney!" and laugh at the fake beauty we see in media images or better still 5)......them altogether. No one looks perfect 100% of the time, and we shouldn't let the media 6)......how we feel about ourselves.

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2. Should one practise grammar andvocabulary together or in isolation?
3. Which is better: to practise using new words or lern them by heart?
4. Are idioms esy to learn?
5.Why is it important to keep yourself up-to-date with idioms?
6. Why is it important to use the right intonation when you talk to people?
7. Why is it useful to tray to guess the meaning of words from the context?
8.What can one do to learn to understand spoken English?
9. What is the most difficult feature of learning a language?
10. What does "social English" mean?

Ответьте на вопросы

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you interested in music?What are you interested in?

3)Is your friend fond of collecting stamps?What is he fond of?

all people have different opinions about the problem of doing sport and watching it on tv. 1).which arguments for and against sport can you agree

with?which arguments do you disagree with?2) What's better: to play sport or to watch it?

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3. Can you name the usual containers for milk, lemonade, jam, sugar, cream and flour?

4. What is the title of Mark Twain's book about Tom Sawyer?

5. What usually makes a room cosy?

6. Have you ever spoiled a dish? How did it happen?

7. Who do the police usually search for?

8. Why do you have to keep a watchful eye on the milk when you boil it?

9. What happened to Cinderella when the magic spell was bpoken?

10. When do people pick fruit and vegetables in the place where you live?

11. Which is better: to devour books or read them slowly and carefully? Does it depend on the book?

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. There is an old castle in Norwich which is believed to 1)(haunt). It 2)(call) North

Castle and it 3)(say) that ghosts can 4)(see) there at night. The castle 5) (build) 400 years ago and 6) (own) by two old ladies who 7) (believe) to be witches. One day, long ago, they both disappeared and they 8) (never/see) again. In 1985 the castle 9) (buy) by a busimessman and 10) (convert) into a luxurious hotel. The castle 11) (visit) by quite a few guests every year and special groups 12) (organise) to watch for ghosts. It has been a long time since any ghosts 13) (see), but one night a trick 14) (play) on some visitors by a local couple, who dressed up as the two "witches". They 15) (see) by a guest, who said she 16) (frighten) almost to death. The couple apologised the next day, and 17) (tell) never to visit the castle again, certainly not in the middle of the night dressed up as witches.

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