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Аааеее помочь срочно!* ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ текст*помогите плиииз) не успеваааю(( СПАСИБО!! =***

10-11 класс

Stoun120401 11 дек. 2016 г., 0:28:14 (7 лет назад)
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11 дек. 2016 г., 2:16:36 (7 лет назад)

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Text A. Botkin’s Disease
Botkin’s disease, or the so-called epidemic or infectious hepatitis, is an acute viral disease affecting hepatic cells and bile ducts.
The prominent German scientist Virchow believing it to be due to obstruction of the common bile duct with mucus during inflammatory processes in the duodenum, the disease was called catarrhal jaundice.
But in 1880 the prominent Russian scientist S. Botkin having advanced the idea of an infectious origin of this disease, proved his suggestions by such facts as the involvement in this pathologic process not only of the liver but also of the nervous system, the kidneys, the enlargement of the spleen, etc.
But it was not before 1940 that the term “Botkin’s disease” was introduced into medicine due to the efforts of the well-known Soviet physician M. Konchalovsky.
Botkin’s disease occurs in epidemic form. This disease more commonly affects children, adults as well as elderly persons suffering from it frequently too.
Botkin’s disease is known to be due to a filterable virus present in the blood, liver and found in stool and urine. The virus is infective only for man. As
this virus cannot be seen under a usual microscope, it is revealed only by an electronic one. Being highly virulent virus survives in water, food, and on hands for days and weeks.


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Вставьте глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous)

I wonder if you’d like to come to a little party I (give) next week.
I’m certain to know all about it when I (get) his letter.
All I know is that somebody (stick) pins into my wax image for years.

VI. Составьте альтернативные вопросы, используя следующие комбинации слов:

Образец: study English / study French Does Ann study English or French? She studies English.
1.get up at 7 / 8 o'clock (your mother) 2.go to the pictures often / once a month (your friends) 3.watch TV every evening / at weekends (your family) 4.live in the centre of the city / in a new district (your boy-friend) 5.borrow books from the University library / the local library (you)6.write dictations every week / once a month (pupils) 7.like skiing / skating better (you) 8.make pies every day / on Sundays (your mother)

3. Задайте по 5 вопросов к данным предложениям: 1) He retired from his job in this office two years ago. 2)

Satellite television will provide a very wide selection of channels.

задать вопрос He eats honey

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Срочно Переведите текст !!!
Переведите текст с английского на русский.Спасибо))).

1.High-level languages,however,are closer to human languages.
2.They design a flowchart,a diagram which shows the successive logical steps of the program.
3.An ICT system involves the use of computers or other types of hardware to meet a specific need.
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