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как сократить вспомогательный глагол my pets are nice and merry

10-11 класс

Arturdima 16 нояб. 2016 г., 5:11:51 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 нояб. 2016 г., 6:13:57 (7 лет назад)

my pets' re nice and merry

+ 0 -
16 нояб. 2016 г., 7:33:58 (7 лет назад)

My pets're nice and merry. - Мои питомцы красивые и веселые


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ребятки помоги а=))) дайте положительные и отрицательные ответы на данные предложения.переведите их например ;His friends are

students.(no) Are his friends students? No,they aren*t.They aren*t student

1.His frieds are teacher (yes)

2.they are students.(no)

3.he is teacher .(no)

4.she is a teacher .(no)

5.they are teachers. (no)

6.these men are

Переведите,пожалуйста,на английский)Правильно

Я учусь в ргсу,на первом курсе специальности менеджмент.Мой университет очень красивый и опрятный,здесь следят за порядком,на первом этаже очень приветливая вахтёрша..В университете находится две столовых,библиотека,читальный зал,есть всё-что надо для получения знаний,а самое главное,что здесь очень добрые,порядочные,преподаватели.Очень приятно ходить на лекции и общаться с ними.Я могу но быть уверена,что ты получу отличные знания в этом университете.

Отметьте грамматически правельные предложения знаком "+", а неправильные знаком "-" 1.What did you do last night? What have you

done last night?

2.I went to many countries in my life.

I have been to many countries in my life.

3.He went to Greece two years ago.

He has been to Greece two years ago.

4.I study English for three years.

I have studied / have been studying English for three years.

5.I have known Mary for three weeks.

I have known Mary since three weeks.

6.Where have you bought your shoes?

Where did you buy your shoes?

Читайте также

как сократить my pets are nice
Нужно ответить на это .hi.i am sorry,but i won't be able to come and help you fix your printer.i feel a disaster today -all my bones are aching ,my eyes

are watery and are aching too, and i have a fever.what could have happened ,i wonder -i was perfectly fit yesterday.we walked till late with the guys from our school and when i came home,i felt perfect .what worries me most is our maths test on friday .i will have to be there ,otherwise my grades will be low(((( any ideas on what can make me a new person again???sorry again,laura

выбрать нужные местоимения 1.This is Tom's father.(he/his) likes football.2.These are Tom's sisters.(they/their) names are Katy and Alice.3.This is Tom's m

other.(she/her) hobby is tennis.4.This is Tom's grandmother.(she/her) is a good cook.5.These are Tom's friends.(they/ their) like basketball.6.This is my friend Pamela.(she/her) sends me e-mails every evening.7.This is my sister.(she/her friends) are nice.8.I am Judy.(I/my) am glad to meet you.9.You are a pupil.(you/your) live in Russia.10.We are sisters.(we/our) like good films.

1. Mathematics is very difficult.2. Our football team is the winner.3. There are many monkeys on the tree.4. The dishes are on the table.5. My teeth are

yellow.6. How many women are there in your company?7. Not many cities are clean and safe.8. There are many problems in these exercises.10. There are six libraries in our school. Переведите пожалуйста качественно))))))

My weekdays [elementary]Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box:love relax have like go live start come visit (x2) go shoppingpick

up go out get up take buy make cookMy weekends are fast and exciting. My weekdays are fast and domestic! I (1) ...................... two sons,Dylan,7, and Dakota, 5. Every morning I (2) ...................... one hour before them, at 6.00, and I(3) ...................... to the gym. I (4) ...................... home and I (5) ...................... breakfast, then I(6) ...................... them to school. On Mondays I always (7) ...................... I (8) ...................... all the food for the week. I often (9) ......................dinner in the evenings, but not every day because I don't (10) ...................... cooking. Fortunately, myhusband, Ron, (11) ...................... cooking. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I (12) ...................... my father. He (13) ...................... on the next block. Everyafternoon I (14) ...................... the kids from school. In the evenings Ron and I usually (15) ...................... butsometimes we (16) ...................... friends. We never (17) ...................... on Friday evenings because I ...................... work so early on Saturdays.

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