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проверьте наличие ошибок,срочно!!! you wanna gave me advice that wass a good price i thouhgt than agree you persuaded me.

5-9 класс

ViktoriaBoo 21 авг. 2015 г., 20:38:09 (8 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 авг. 2015 г., 21:14:28 (8 лет назад)

You wanted to give me an advice that it was a good price l was thinking then agreed. I had been persuaded  by you.


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Life is you, it's what makes up you. In life, you come across and experience many things. There are obstacles that you need to overcome and problem solve. Life isn't easy and the only way to overcome is to fight, try your hardest and never give up. There are ups and downs but in the end, you have to think, challenge yourself and move on with life. Do good deeds when living, and live your life properly, treasure every moment and every breath you take.
"You have to take the good with the bad and smile with the sad, love what you got and remember what you had, always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret, people change things go wrong but remember life goes on"

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проверьте пожалуйста текст на наличие ошибок!!!!!! My favourite season is summer because I have my birthday party. In june I went to Svetlogorsk to my

grany and grandad. There I went to summer house. In july I went to Balgariya with my friends. When we came to Balgariya we celebrated my birthday party. We bought defrents sweets, sweet drink, crisps and ice-cream. Then we went to hotel. We celebreted my birhtday party in hotel. My friends gave me many presents. Next we went to the disco and dance there. Every day we went at the seasight. In agust I came back home and my perents, granes and I went to Russia. There we went to shops and cafes. Every evening we went to the quay. When we came back I went for a wolk. Every day I went for a wolk with my friends. I like summer very much!

Не могли бы проверить на наличие ошибок и исправить

-About which problem do you say newly?
- You make mountain out of melehill. I have four in algebra, but another marks are great.
-Dad, I have friends and different hobbies. I don't want spend all of my free time just making homework. You always tell me that I must study extremly hard, but now I have things which are more intresting and impotant for me. You never ask me what I want.
-Maybe you are right. It's because I never had a parents, who told me that studying is inpotant. I just want so that you have successfull future my dear.
- I undestand you, I will trying.

Ann has been a vegetarian for a year and a half.``It happened all of a sudden``,she sayc.``I just couldn it eat meat any more.It made me fell sick.I

suddenly thought of it as eating an animal.I had a few meat meals during the first ew weeks,but I felt so incredibly guilty and ashamed afterwards that I soon stopped.`` When I told my Mum I wanted to be a vegetarian,she said,``No,no,no.``But I talked to my dad and he said I could.Mum took me to the doctor who gave me advice,and I`ve felt fine ever since.I gave up meat because I think it is wrong to kill animals.Chickens and turkeys are worst - it is as home animals.I eat eggs and cheese.Some vegetarian meals annoy me when they`re called vegetarian beef or something. I feel so strongly about vegetarianism and I`m convinced it is a healthier way of life. I feel really proud because turning vegetarian is a big decision to make.You do feel so much better inside for doing it,though.To be honest,I don it know how people can it feel guilty while eating juicy steak-переведите плиз

помогите перевести the book I was reading was this book I took out of the library by mistake. They gave me the wrong book, and I didn't notice it

till I got back to my room . They gave me Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen. I thought it was boring, but it wasn't . It was a very good book .

Помогите пожалуйста срочно!!

1. Поставьте глагол в нужной форме,
обращая внимание на глаголы состояния.

Actually, that ___ (sound) wonderful.

We ___ (cook) right now.

I ___ (promise) to be back soon.

Frank and his wife ___ (disagree) on this matter.

He ___ (own) several large companies.

___ you ___ (hear) Richard's voice now?

___ you ___ (study) at the moment?

I ___(mean) to hurt you.

___ you ___ (mind) taking out the garbage?

I seriously ___ (doubt) it.

Jessica___ (believe) every word.

He___ (understand) Italian.

I ___ (wish) we could go home now.

Right now you___ (not listen) to music.

Maggie___ (hate) bugs.

We___ (not agree) on this one.

I ___ (dislike) eating fish.

Monkeys ___ (like) bananas.

These monkeys ___ (eat) bananas now.

This diet___ (consist) of mainly fruit and vegetables.

Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму: Present Continuous, Present
Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.

Maria _______________ (learn) English for two years.

I ___ (finish) reading “Dracula” this week.

Hello, Tom. I _______________ (look) for you all morning. Where have you been?

Why ___________________ (you/look) at me like that? Stop it!

We always go to Ireland for our holidays. We_________ (go) there for years.

I ___ (not to see) my hometown for 45 years.

I _____________ (think) about what you said and I've decided to take your

"Is Ann on holiday this week?" "No, she _____________ (work).

Sarah is very tired. She _______________ (work) very hard recently.

I ___ (visit) the Louvre 3 times.

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