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Переведите с английского на русский!!!

10-11 класс

Мне понравился мой последний поход. Мы с друзьями ходили в лес. Мы готовили еду на костре, собирали хворост. После этого мы рыбачили. Пели песни около костра. Я люблю походы.

BinFappi 02 февр. 2017 г., 19:27:43 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 февр. 2017 г., 21:42:12 (7 лет назад)

I liked my campaign. My frends and i went to the woods. We cooked jn the fire, to collect firewood. After that we fished. Singing songs around the campfir. I love hiking.


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заполните пропуски используя is ,are ,isn t ,aren t

1.The Bolshoi Theatre........in Moscow.
2.The capitai of Russia.......St Petersburg.
3.The Kremlin.......in Red Square.
4.Pushkin and Pasternak........Russian writers.
5.The Neva and the Lena......museums.
6.The Tretyaakov Gallery and the Russian Museum .......theatres.

помогите задать вопрос по английскому , для контрольной , завтра сдовать надо . поставьте вопросы к членам в скобках предложения . Образуйте

разделительный вопрос ... 1. (she ) goes to Italy ( twice ) a year 2. (The children ) ate all the sweets 3. Sarah ( is helping )her mother to cook dinner

напишите на английском языке:что делает Кейт в парке сейчас?

только с do (обязательно), ведь do и смысловое и ещё какое то я не помню!

Читайте также

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее:

1) Tsiolkovsky is known to have developed the theory of rocket
2) The experiment was supposed to have been completed.
3) Electric current is known to flow in metal parts.

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму глагола придаточных предложений:
1) Не said that he had read this book twice.
2) We thought that the results of your work would be better.
3) The boy said that he was only eight years old.

1) If he were here now, he would tell us many interesting stories about his trip.
2) If she could, she would certainly help you.
3) Had we known all those facts before, we should have written to you about

1. Определите функцию окончания «s». Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. The judge works at the district Court.
2. This crime was committed by a young criminals
3. The district courts consider both civil and criminal cases.
4. The lawyer represents his client at the court.

2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на прилагательные и наречия в разных степенях сравнения
1. The solution of this problem is worse than we consider.
2. The better we study, the better we know laws.
3.The more he studied the evidence, the better he understood the circumstances of the case..
4.The general rule is that the higher is the status of the judge, the more serious cases he tries.

3. Заполните пропуски в предложениях глаголами to be, to have или оборотом there is, there are, употребляя соответствующую форму в Present Indefinite Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1 .… many large buildings in our city.
2. I … a new modern computer in my house.
3. My friend …in Europe now on business.
4. An accused person … a right to be defended by barristers.

4.Вставьте правильную форму местоимения нужного разряда:
1 Which flowers do you want? or ?
2 Excuse me, is your bag?
3 What will you do with this morning?
4 They were whispering among
5 Where's Tom?' 'That's over there.'
'6 Where's my map?' 'I left on the desk.'
7 She is very handsome. I envy
8They are not reliable. He doubts

Перевести предложения на английский язык грамотно (без помощи переводчиков) .Спасибо:

1) Эта книга переведена с английского на русский язык.
2) Меня попросили придти.
3) Торт испечен бабушкой.
4) Нас пригладят на день рождение.
5) Задание не было выполнено вовремя.
6) Письмо отправлят завтра.
7) Кубок был выигран футболистами нашей школы.

Переведите с английского на русский, обращая внимание на грамматику:

1. We remember having been told about the different points of view on the theory.
2. He apologized for having discussed the question in my absence.
3. One never knows what his answer may be.
4. We have been watching the engineers testing the new equipment for a couple of hours.
5. He said the preparations would have been finished by the time delegation arrived.
6. I was told not to leave the office until the manager called.
7. Shall we ever have a chance of trying to get better results? It's worth trying, isn't it?

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Выпишите из каждого

глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму. Напишите форму
инфинитива глагола.
1. Scientific articles are often published in this magazine.
2. The new film is being demonstrated in all the big cinemas of Moscow.
3. The experts recommended that the agreement be extended for 3 years.
4. You returned him the book yesterday.
5. She has received permission to go there.
6. You will return soon.

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните модальные
1. You must learn the poem by heart.
2. You should not smoke.
3. I can carry this text.
4. He had to wait for a long time.

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