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I 20 ____(open) this small book and 21 ___(look) at the date. “Oh,” I said. It 22 ___(be) a remarkable book.” “Yes”, he 23______(sigh). “I 24______(have)

5-9 класс

to sell it to buy the necessities of life. I 25 _____(Have) a hard life and this book 26 _____always ___(be) a comfort to me.” I 27 _____(nod) and 28 ____(think) that I 29 ____never ___(see) such a remarkable book.

2004даша 22 мая 2014 г., 22:24:23 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 мая 2014 г., 0:44:09 (10 лет назад)

opened, looked, was, sighed, had, had, was, nodded, thought, have seen


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Choose the right form of the pronoun.Bob and Tom are (my, mine, me) cousins. (They, Them, Their) live in Scotland.I don’t know if he heard (you, your,

yours).Kate thinks (she, her, herself) has not seen (we, us, our).This is your bicycle, where is (he, his, himself)?I am angry with (me, my, myself).Don’t use that pen! Use this (one, ones).

исправьте ошибки и объясните почему i want to say that i love english but there is one little problem - eng not love me :c oh

no, ENG HATE ME! u can ask me "WAT? why? what r u talking about stupid girl?". so i can say u only that "aaam yyyr rrr ahah"

i can't say anything because i don't know eng

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Open the brackets and put the verbs in to the proper tense form.

Once, while I 1__________ (walk) in a park in London, I 2_________ (see) an old strange-looking man. He 3_______ (sit) on a bench 4________ (hold) a closed book in his hands. I 5_______ (sit) down on the bench and 6________ (look) at the book. I 7 (see) that the book 8_______ (be) of great interest. It 9________ (be) a very old copy of early Byron's works. I 10_________ (look) at the old man in surprise and 11__________ (understand) that he 12_________ (know) I 13_____________ (sit) on the bench because of him and the book he 14__________ (hold) in his hands. I 15______ (smile). "It is the last I 16_______ (have)," he said and 17________ (stretch) it out to me. I 18_______ (take) with the words, "I 19________ (be) a lover of old books."

I 20_____ (open) this small book and 21_______ (look) at the date. "Oh," I said. "It 22_________ (be) a remarkable book." "Yes," he 23________ (sigh). "I 24________ (have) to sell it to buy the necessities of life. I 25__________ (have) a hard life and this book 26________always_______________________ (be) a comfort to me."

I 27_______ (nod) and 28________ (think) that I 29_______never______ (see) such a remarkable book.

I think this book is _____ (fascinate). It is so ____ (excite) that I can’t put it down. When I looked at the cover I thought I would be ___ (bore)

because there are no ____ (interest) pictures but I was wrong. I was completely ______ (surprise) when I started reading and now I stay up late trying to finish it. In the morning I am _____ (exhaust) but I can’t wait until I get home to continue reading it. I am totally ______ (absorb) in it. My parents are _____ (surprise) because I don’t usually read so much.

What are Peter and his frends doing at the moment and what do they do every day?1. Peter (read) a magazine now and Ben and Tom (work) in the study.

2. Ann (sing) upstairs. She (sing) very well.
3. Mary and Susan (not count) at the moment. Nick (count) badly.
4. The door (open) easily. Peter (open) the door now.
5. Look! Sam(leave). He always (leave) at 18.10
Помогите пожалуйста!

пожалуйста переведите The Whites Living-Room The whites living-room is not a small one,it is rather large. Let us look at the

pucture .Wee seee a large carpet on the floor,a small round table in the middle of the room and a piano near the wall opposite the door.There is a pucture hanging on the wall over the piano.We can see a bookcase with a lot of books in it near the wall on the left and a sofa near the wall on the right .Between the piano and the bookcase there is a window with curtains on it.On the left of the bookcase there is a TV set and near the TV set there is a fire-place

Mr.White is sitting in an arm-chair in front of the fire-place,reading a newspaper.Mrs. White is sitting in an amr-chair in front of the TV set watching TV.Henry is watching TV too,but he is not sitting on a chair,he is sitting on the carpet.

Mary and Grandmother are sitting on the sofa on rhe right.Mary is playing with her dool ,and grandmother is watching her.Grandmother likes to sit with Mary when she is playing

. Right now I (look) at the board. (I, see) some words on the blackboard. 4. I (need) to call my parents today and tell them about my new apartment.

They can't call me because they (know, not) my new telephone number. 5. Right now the children (be) at the beach. They (have) a good time. They (have) a beach ball and they (play) with it. They (like) to play catch. Their parents (sunbathe). They (try) to get a tan. They (listen) to some music on a transistor radio. They also (hear) the sound of sea gulls and the sound of the waves. 6. Right now I (think) about sea gulls and waves. I (think) that sea gulls are beautiful birds. 7. Sam is at the library. He (sit) at a table. He (write) a composition. He (use) a dictionary to look up the spelling of some words. The dictionary (belong, not) to him. It (belong) to his roommate. Sam (look) up words in the dictionary because he (want) to make sure that he doesn't have any misspelled words in his paper. 8. Janice: What (write, you) in your notebook? Diane: I (make) notes about questions I want to ask the teacher. Janice: (Prepare, you, always) so thoroughly for every class? Diane: I (try, always) to. 9. Bob: Jack really makes me angry! Sue: Why? Bob: Well, for one thing, he (interrupt, always) me. I can barely get a whole sentence out of my mouth. Sue: Is that all? Bob: No. He (ask, always) me to do his homework for him. I have enough homework of my own without doing his homework too! 10. Mother: Susie! Get your fingers out of the dessert! What (do, you)? Susie: I (taste) the cake. It (taste) good. Mother: Well, you'll just have to wait until dinnertime. You can have some then. 11. This morning it (rain). I can see Janet from my window. She (stand) at f the comer of 5th and Pine. She (hold) her umbrella over her head. She (wait) for the bus. 12. Right now I (look) at Janet. She (look) angry. I wonder what's the matter. She (have) a frown on her face. She certainly (have, not) any fun right now. 13. I can't afford that thing. It (cost) too much. 14. I (own, not) an umbrella. I (wear) a waterproof hat on rainy days. 15. Why you (walk) so fast today? You (walk, usually) quite slowly. – I (hurry) because I (meet) my mother at 4 o'clock and she (not like) to be kept waiting. 16. The plane that you (look) at now just (take) off for Paris. 17. Tom never (do) any work in the garden; he always (work) on his car. – What he (do) in his car now? – I (think) he (polish) it. 18. That film (come) to the local cinema next week. You (want) to see it? 19. How Peter (get) on at school? – Very well. He (seem) to like the life. 20. This is our itinerary. We (leave) home on the 8th, (arrive) in Paris on the 9th, (spend) the day in Paris, and (set) out that night for Venice. – That (sound) most interesting. You must tell me all about it when you (get) back.

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