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эссe "why I want to be diplomat"

5-9 класс

СаШоК123000 03 сент. 2015 г., 14:11:18 (8 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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03 сент. 2015 г., 14:43:15 (8 лет назад)

=0 даже незнаю как тут скласть!!!


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Пожалуйста помоги с заданием надо перевести этот текст на русский язык " Learning foreign languages" зарания большое спасибо))))

I am a student . I am a prospective teacher of biology . One of my hobbies is the English language . It is the most popular language on earth . Many people learn in order to build a successful career or find friends abroad . As for me, I find this language one of the most beautiful in the world . That's why I decided to learn it. I like to listen to Englisn songs . I am glad that I can understand what some song is about without anybody's help.
I started to learn English at school and now I continue to learn it at the university. I often stay at the university after classes, because I am a member of a research group . I like research work , that's why I often search for new information Most of the articles of foreign colleagues are in English . New ideas in science happen so quickly, that it is impossible to translate everything into different languages at once. But I think it is very important to learn about new ideas as quickly as possible.
My dream is to visit one of the English-speaking countries. I would like to communicate with its people and learn something new about its culture. But now I have some friends abroad . I can send letters to them via the Internet . Most of them are also students. We often discuss our plans for the future . I think young people are very much alike all over the world. And it is very interesting to learn a foreign language and be able to understand it.

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Вот это надо вставить в текст вместо черточек. “Did you want to be a secretary when you were a kid?” “Does she make a lot of


“How did you learn to type so fast?”

“She’s a lawyer and she doesn’t want money?”

“So how did you become a secretary?”

"Where did you meet Reggie?"

"You have to go to law school to be a secretary in a law office?"

“How’s the money?”

“Where does Momma Love live?”

Вот текст

At eleven, Mark sat down at Clint's desk and looked at the dictating machine. Reggie had a client and they needed to plan strategy for an hour. Clint typed on long paper and took the phone every five minutes.

Mark got bored asked, "How did you become a secretary?" Clint turned and smiled at him. "It was an accident." 1)________________________________?

"No. I wanted to build swimming pools." "What happened?" "I don't know. I almost failed my exams school, then went to college, then went to law school." 2)______________________________________?

"No. I failed the exams in law school, and Reggie gave me a job. It's fun, most of the time."


"It's a long story. We were friends in law school. We've been friends for a long time. She'll probably tell you about it when you meet Momma Love, Reggie's mother. They live together, and she loves to cook for the kids Reggie represents. She makes all kinds of delicious Italian food. Everyone loves it. Reggie takes most of her clients home, especially the younger ones."

The phone rang. Clint took the message and returned to his typewriter. Mark watched carefully.

4)_________________________________ ?

The typing stopped, and he slowly turned and looked at Mark. He smiled, and said,”In high school. I had this teacher who was like a sergeant. We hated her, but she made us learn. Can you type?”

“A little. I’ve had three years of computer at school.”

Clint pointed to his Apple next to the typewriter. “We’ve got all sorts of computers around here.” Mar looked at it, but was not impressed. Everybody had computers.


“It wasn’t planned. When Reggie finished law school, she didn’t want to work for anybody, so she opened this office. It was about four years ago. She needed a secretary, and I volunteered. Have you seen a male secretary before?”

“No. Didn’t know men could be secretaries. 6)________________________________?”

Clint laughed at this. “It’s okay. If Reggie has a good month, then I have a good month. We’re like partners.”


“Not really. She doesn’t want a lot of money. A few years ago she was married to a doctor, and they had a big house and lots of money. Everything was lost, and she blames the money for most of it. She’ll probably tell you about it. She’s very honest about her life.”


“Unusual, isn’t it?”

“I’ll say. I mean, I’ve seen a lot of lawyer shows on television, and all they do is talk about money.”

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! вставьте предлоги, или слова: The job i want when i am older is to be a photographer to be able (1)___ to earn money

(2)___become famous.

I want to be a model but i want to be (3)___ underweight (4)____ muscular.

I want to work (5)____ in the police (6)_____ to be a nurse, because i want to help others who are in need.

Complete the dialogue with these phrases. There is one phrase (a–f) you do not have to use. Jenny: What do you want to be when you

1) …?

Mark: I want to 2) … .

Jenny: Really? What do you 3) … for that?

Mark: Well, you have to 4) … and you have to be good at 5)……

a) Maths and Physics

b) have to do

c) get good school results

d) be a pilot

e) I’d like

f) leave school

0) Simon was not happy to find out that Doctor Who had been named only the fourth among the most popular dramas ( to be happy / to be named)

1)Don was not surprised that Doctor Who ________________ the National Award. He added that in 2005 Doctor Who______________ the Award. ( to win / to be given)
2)Douglas was happy that Who Wants to be a Millionaire_________________ the first among the most popular quiz shows. He remembered that in 2005 it only_____________ third place ( to be named / to take)
3)Charlotte was glad that her favourite TV programme Planet Earth _____________. She was proud that in 2006 it___________ the biggest audience. ( to be awarded / to get)
4) Catherine told her classmates that her favourite show I'm a Celebrity... Get Me out of Here___________ the National Award. She added that in 2006 the show__________ first place among the most popular reality shows. ( to be given / to win)
5) Susie found out that Strictly Come Dancing____________ the National TV Award and complained that in 2005 that marvelous show_______________ anything. ( to get / to get)
6) Laure said with regret that in 2006 EastEnders_________ the first place. She added that in 2005 the serial___________ the winner among the most popular serial dramas. ( to win / to be named)
7) Hazel was surprised that such a boring soap as Emmerdale_______________ so high. She also said that the only soap she______________ for many years was Neighbours ! (to be rated / to watch)
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Поверьте написание текста и можите еще что-то добавить. In the future I want to become a teacher because I love children and it is a

worthy vocation for women. Nowadays teachers difficult to teach children, but there are kids who are willing to acquire new knowledge. And for the sake of these children want to be a teacher.
I am proud of my teachers because they spend their strength and nerves that, in the future we can become smarter and get a prestigious job. They give us their love
I want to be as good a teacher as my teacher.

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