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Прошу помочь!!!!

5-9 класс

Put in Possessive Adjectives
1) I like football. It's ... favourite sport.
2) "What's ... address?: -My address is 20 North Street, Liverpool.
3) We live in Kiev. ... flat in the city centre.
4) They are at the party with ... friends.
5) Alice is from Italy. ... home town town is Milan.
6) He is in ... office.
7) am sterdam is fam ous for ... canals.

Banan4ikMan 03 дек. 2016 г., 16:18:00 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 дек. 2016 г., 17:53:21 (7 лет назад)

1) I like football. It's my favourite sport


Другие вопросы из категории

Раскройте скобки, употребляя нуж¬ные степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. Не was only five years (young) than I was. 2. They stopped at one of (good)... hotels in town. 3. At that moment he was (happy) person in the world. 4. Please, show me (short) way to the department store. 5. She looked (happy) today than she did yester¬day. 6. I hope to read this book (fast) than that one. 7. Ann plays the piano (good) than the other girls 8. He works (hard) at his English than they do. 9.1 get up (early) than my brother does, 10. He is one of (good) actors in our theatre. 11. Tom is (good) student than
Peter. 12. John is (clever) man I have ever met. 13. Her explanation was (clear) than yours 14. This article is (easy) than that one. 15. I have (little) time for reading than my friend has

Задание №4
Вставьте союзы as ... as или so... as.
1. She isn't ... busy today ... she was yesterday. 2. This book isn't ... interesting ... that one. 3. It isn't ... hot in England ... in Spain. 4. My flat is ... largo ... my friend's one. 5. This book is ... interesting ... that one. 6. Italy isn't... big ... Russia. 7. Your sister ie ... merry ... you. 8. John is ... talented ... his father. 9. This table is not... big ... that one. 10. This street Ы ... narrow ... that one. 11. Kate's report is ... big ... Ann's one. 12. Her eyes are not... dark ... her mother’s ones.

как на английском стёрка?

Читайте также

Очень прошу помочь.

Make the questions with you from the sentences.
1.I come from Australia. ( Where? )
2. I speak three languages. ( How many? )
3. I'm learning English because I need it for my job. ( Why? )
4. I've been to France, Germany, Sweden, and the United States. ( Which countries?)
5. I was born in Dublin in 1961. ( Where? When? )
6. I've been learning English for three years. ( How long? )
7. I have got 10$ in my pocket. ( How much? )
8. I went to the cinema last night. ( What? )
9. I'm wearning jeans and a jumper. ( What? )
Очень прошу помочь, то что знаете, напишите пожалуйста.

Очень прошу помочь.Make the questions with you from the sentences.

1.I come from Australia. ( Where? )
2. I speak three languages. ( How many? )
3. I'm learning English because I need it for my job. ( Why? )
4. I've been to France, Germany, Sweden, and the United States. ( Which countries?)
5. I was born in Dublin in 1961. ( Where? When? )
6. I've been learning English for three years. ( How long? )
7. I have got 10$ in my pocket. ( How much? )
8. I went to the cinema last night. ( What? )
9. I'm wearning jeans and a jumper. ( What? )
Очень прошу помочь, то что знаете, напишите пожалуйста.

Прошу срочноо помочь!!

К этим всем предложениям нужно сделать 5 вопросов прошу помочь.
вот предложения:
1. We are writing sentences and questions at the moment
2. We went to the. swimming pool last week
3. Children will go to the cinema tomorrow

Прошу помочь с написанием esseay

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