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Выберите правильный ответ. 1 Stella liked her job in London and she is hoping to find same sort of job in Newcastle. a) the; b) this;

1-4 класс


2 Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in North America.

a) -; b)the; c)a.

3 What nice child!

a) the; b)-; c)a.

4 Who can give me right answer?

a) the; b)a; c)-.

5 His daughter caught cold the other day.

a) -; b)the; c)a.

Roccomru 06 мая 2015 г., 16:49:05 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 мая 2015 г., 19:14:46 (9 лет назад)


1/ Stella liked her job in London and she is hoping to find the same sort of job in Newcastle.

+ 0 -
06 мая 2015 г., 21:22:49 (9 лет назад)

1 Stella liked her job in London and she is hoping to find the same sort of job in



2 Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in     the


Другие вопросы из категории

Перевод текста с глаголами правильной формы A clever bird (come) to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She (run) from

one room to another and suddenly she (see) a big black cat. The cat (jump) and (catch) the bird. “Now I can have a nice breakfast,” the cat (say).

“You can’t have breakfast now,” said the bird, “you must wash. The farmer and his family always (всегда) wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do.”

“All right,” the cat (say). “I live with a farmer and in his house, and I must do what they do.”

And the cat opened his mouth and (begin) to wash. But when he (be) clean and (want) to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The clever little bird (be) in the garden in a tall tree. She was happy and (begin) to sing.

“Now I see,” the cat (say). “I must wash. but I must wash after dinner.” And now all cats wash after dinner.

Every day many people (to work) for us. A baker (to make) bread for us. A farmer (to help) us to have good things to eat. He (to grow) all kind of

vegetables for us. Doctors (to help) us when we are ill. Teachers (to teach) us many interesting things.

допоможіть доповнити речення , 1 .grey clouds in the sky...............2.cold rain..............3.strong wind............4.leaves of different

colours..........5.vegetables and fruit...........6.rainy days..............7.cool and windy...........8.birds fly away.........

Читайте также

1. Прослушай текст и выбери правильный ответ: верно (1 — True); неверно (2 — False); в тексте не сказано (3 — Not stated).Т е к с т д л я а у д и р о в а

н и я Mary and her family lived on a farm. They had a lot of animals there: sheep, cows, chickens and horses. Every morning before school, Mary went to see her white horse, Snow. She gave her some bread to eat for breakfast, then she said goodbye and went to school. But last Tuesday, she didn't close Snow's door carefully when she went to see her. During her Maths lesson, Mary looked out of the window. There was Snow! 'Look!' said the teacher. 'There is a horse in the playground!' The children laughed. After the class, Mary rode home on Snow.А1. Mary and her family lived on a farm.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA2. There were a lot of animals on their farm.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA3. Mary's horse was black.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA4. Mary gave her white bread for breakfast.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA5. The horse's name was Cloud.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated2. Прослушай текст ещё раз и выбери правильный ответА6. What was Mary's favourite animal?1) A sheep. 2) A horse. 3) A cow.A7. What colour was her favourite animal? 1) White. 2) Brown. 3) Grey.A8. What was its name?1) Sunny. 2) Cloud. 3) Snow.A9. Why did it run away one day? Because...1) Mary opened 2) Mary didn't 3) there was fire.the door. close the door.A10. How did Mary get home?1) By car. 2) By bus. 3) On horse.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. One Saturday evening it was very cold and rainy. We stayed at home. My mum cleaned the rooms. My granny cooked the

dinner. I helped her and laid the table. My dad repaired the clock. Only my little sister Becky had nothing to do (ей нечем было заняться). She didn't want to play with her dolls or play puzzles. She was sad. She wanted to go for a walk. My mum said: "I'll give you my scissors (ножницы) and you can cut out (вырезать) pictures." My mum gave her many old magazines (журналы). Becky cut out a nice doll, a big car, a funny teddy bear and a tall house. She liked to cut pictures.Then Becky saw a box with a new mum's dress. Yesterday my mum bought this dress in the shop. It was beautiful, with nice blue flowers on it. Becky wanted to cut out only one flower. She did so! "It's wonderful!" she said. Becky liked it and began to cut out more flowers.Suddenly my mum came in. She was angry. She said: "That was my new dress! I won't give you the scissors anymore again!" And she didn't.Next day mum made two long scarfs with nice blue flowers on them for Becky and me.1. Выбери правильные ответы на вопросы.1) Why was Becky sad?a) She wanted to play puzzles.b) She wanted to go for a walk.c) She wanted to lay the table.2) Why was mum angry?a) Becky cut out flowers of her dress.b) Becky cut out a car of the magazine.c) Becky wanted to go for a walk.

Вставь артикль а или the, где это необходимо. Marina is at 1)----- seaside now. She is having

2)-----lot of 3)------ fun. In 4)----- morning she is doing to make 5)------ sandcastle and play with 6)---------her friends. In 7)-----afternoon she is doing to have 8)------------lunch at 9)--------cafe.She is doing to have 10)--------pizza and 11)--------glass of 12)---- orange juice. In 13)-------- evening she is doing to go to 14)------party,sing 15)----------songs and dance. It,s nice to be on 16)------- holiday!

Выбери правильный ответ на вопросы : 1.Can you swim ? 2. Is Nick`s cat black ? 3. Can Tim sing ? 4. Is Tricky`s pig grey ? ответы : 1. yes, it is. 2. yes

, i can .3. No,it is not. 4. No, he can`t. надо правильно расставить ответы.


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