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5-9 класс

Stervo4ka571 11 мая 2013 г., 22:13:38 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 мая 2013 г., 0:15:43 (10 лет назад)

Однажды солнечным утром, Дэвид и Сара пошли на пляж чтобы заняться дневным плаваньем. Они любят ходить на пляж когда солнечно. После того как они искупались в море, они сели и ели сэнгвичи,так как они взяли их с собой.

Во время того как они ели свои сэгвичи, они услышали крик.  Они посмотрели и увидели женщину на пляже которая подняла руки и прыгала на месте. Они увидели что ей нужна помощь и побежали к ней.

Дэвид спросил у неё что случилось,а она ответила что её собака была  в воде и куда-то уплыла. Она заплакала. Дэвид не стал терять времени на размышление. Он побежал в воду и стал искать её. 

Прости,но дальше уже лень.


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рассказ на англ.яз.про день рождения


Поменяйте выделенные слова так, чтобы предложения имели смысл

1.I was RESPECTED to Jake party.
2.I shouldn't have RENTED you. Now i know you can't keep a secret.
3.Our house is being RECOGNISED so we are staying with my grandparents at the moment.
4.Everyone APOLOGISED Mr. Turner because he was strict but fair.
5.Have you INTRODUSED to Kelly for losing her CD
6. Sarah said i was a liar but Carol TRUSTED me and said i wasn't.
7. We DECORATED a small house in the countryside for the summer.
8. No one DEFENDED Phil when he came to the party dressed as an old man.

вставти место _____ слова (As she said this she looked ___1____ at her hands, and was _____2_____ to see that she had put __3__ one of the Rabbit's

little white kid gloves while she was talking. 'How CAN I have __4___ that?' she thought. 'I must be ____5____ small again.' She got up and went to the table to measure herself __6__ it, and found that, as nearly as she could guess, she was now about two feet __7____, and was going on shrinking rapidly: she soon found __8__ that the cause of this was the fan she was holding, and she dropped it ___9____, just in time to avoid shrinking away altogether.

'That WAS a ___10____ escape!' saidAlice, a good ___11__ frightened at the sudden change, but very glad to find herself still in ____12____; 'and now for the garden!' and she ran with all speed back to the little door: but, __13___! the little door was shut again, and the little __14____ key was lying on the glass table as before, 'and things are worse than ___15__,' thought the poor child, 'for I never was so small as this before, never! And I declare it's too bad, that it is!'

As she said these ___16___ her foot slipped, and in another moment, splash! she was up to her chin in __17___ water. Her first idea was that she had somehow fallen into the sea, 'and in that case I can go back by ____18______,' she said to herself. (Alice had been to the seaside once in her life, and had come to the general conclusion, that wherever you go to on the English coast you find a number of bathing machines in the sea, some children digging in the sand with spades ____19______, then a row of lodging houses, and behind them a railway station.) However, she soon made out that she was in the pool of __20___ which she had wept when she was nine feet high.

Читайте также

ест по английскому языку. . . . I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Переведите их на русский язык. Определите по грамматическим

признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием -s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного лица глагола в Present Indefinite;
b) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
c) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного

1. My brother has many friends.
a) –s b) –s c) -s
2. This is my sister’s book.
a) –s b) –s c) -s

3. We often buy tomatoes and potatoes in the supermarket.
a) –s b) –s c) -s
4. Ann lives in Moscow.
a) –s b) –s c) -s
5. I am always in time for the lessons.
a) –s b) –s c) -s

II Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным.
1. There are different types of rocket motors.
2. Where is the sports goods department? It’s on the fourth floor.
3. What is the room temperature?
4. This scientist got two State prizes.
5. There are some students on the sport ground.

Изучите тему: степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
III. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She ___ than her sister.
a) tall b) taller c) more taller
2. You are even ___ than before.
a) more beautiful b) beautiful c) the most beautiful
3. I earn ___ than a postman.
a) little b) the least c) less
4. She is the ____ pupil in the school.
a) most intelligent b) more intelligent c) less intelligent
5. The ___ is the day, the ____ is the night.
a) taller … smaller b) shorter … longer c) more … worse

Изучите тему: неопределенные и отрицательные местоимения.
IV. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He asked me ____ questions.
a) some b) any c) not any
2. I haven’t ___ money at all.
a) no b) some c) any
3. . Are the ____ pictures on the wall?
a) some b) any c) not any
4. There are ____ textbooks on the desk.
a) no b) no any c) any
5. You can buy stamps at ___ post office.
a) some b) no c) any

Изучите тему: времена группы Indefinite (Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite).
V. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите следующие предложения:
1. I ___ John and Mary last week.
a) see b) saw c) shall see
2. I ___ live far from the center of town.
a) aren’t b) don’t c) isn’t
3. My boss ____ away for the next three days.
a) are b) were c) will be
4. Do you think this style ____ me?
a) suits b) suit c) shall suit
5. Harry ___ ill last week but now he is better.
a) is b) was c) will be

4. Выберите требуемую по смыслу форму глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык: 1. If I have time I

(go, will go) to the Tretyakov Gallery.

2. If I were you I (will go, would go) to the Tretyakov Gallery tomorrow.

3. If he (studied, had studied) hard he would have entered Moscow University.

5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание н согласование времен:

1. She told me that she had many friends in Moscow.

2. The teacher asked the students who had been to the Tretyako Gallery.

3. He said that he would go to Lake Baikal the following week.

6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастные обороты:

1. The Volga flowing into the Caspian Sea is the biggest river in Europe.

2. Russia is a land of a great number of rivers, some of them being among the longest in the world.

3. Numerous canals join all the rivers in the European part of Russia making it the largest water route in Europe.

III. Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения, и переведите их на русский язык. 1. Moscow is the largest city n Russia. 2. The

more experiments we carry out, the more data we obtain. 3. This is the most beautiful view I have ever seen in my life.
IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод неопределённых и отрицательных местоимений. 1. Any monument in the city has its own history. 2. Nobody knows anything about this experiment. 3. The names of some streets and squares are living history of the city.

Определите, чем являются выделенные слова: причастием 2 или личной формой глагола. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

Cosmic rockets launched with first space velocity (7, 9 km. per sec.) become artificial satellites of the Earth.
He passed by without saying a word.
An ammeter is an instrument used to measure the current.
Определите время и залог сказуемого и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. Their house was made of brick.
2. The metre rule is divided into 100 centimetres.
3. I am interested to see this apparatus in operation.
4. Michael Faraday, English experimental physicist, in his early life worked as a bookbinder’s apprentice (ученик переплетчика) earning his living.

1. Письменно переведите текст.

1. Bristol is the eight largest city and seaport on the west coast of England with a population of 395,000. It has a total of just under 160.000 homes, of which 40.000 or 25 per cent are still owned by the council. The rivers Avon and form run there.

2. The harbor was constructed during the early part of the 19th century. There are many deep-water docks in Bristol.

3. Important public buildings are the exchange, Cols ton Hall, the museum and art gallery. Bristol possesses the oldest public library in the British Isles, dating from the 15th century. Bristol is noted for its university. It also has soap works, tanneries, tobacco factories, chocolate factories, shoe factories, copper, lead, iron and chemical works, and shipbuilding yards.

4. The city is confronted by buge problems of housing shortage and of disrepair in both the council and the private stock. Government cannot tackle these problems effectively and the situation is rapidly deteriorating. The council's housing waiting list has doubled in the last three years and now stands at a total of 13.500 families. This is acknowledged to be only tip of an iceberg.

5. Demand for republic rented accommodation is rising rapidly as the number of household's increases and as home ownership is priced out of the reach of more and more people. House prices in Bristol are soaring. The average price is now 49.000, while former council houses are selling for over 40,000 is some parts of the city.

2. Выпишите предложения со словами, оформленными окончаниями - s, переведите их на русский язык и определите какой частью речи они являются.

3. Выпишите предложения с глаголом to be в Present Indefinite и напишите их в вопросительных и отрицательных формах.

4. Выпишите предложения с глаголом to have в Present Indefinite и напишите их в вопросительных и отрицательных формах.

5. Выпишите конструкции с предлогом of и переведите их на русский язык.

6. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых употребляются местоимения и указать их

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