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Перевод на русский... заранее благодарю!

5-9 класс

KAPIHA 19 июля 2013 г., 22:27:48 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 июля 2013 г., 0:04:45 (10 лет назад)

1. Какое блюдо из этих ты пробовал? 2. Какое бы хотел попробовать? 3. Какие из них ты можешь готовить? 4. Как это готовить?
Ирландское рагу - это Ирландское  самое известное блюдо из ягнёнка или баранины. Оно варится в горячей воде с картошкой, луком, морковью, луком-пореем и перловой крупой. Картофель был самой важной едой начиная с 1800 года. 
Французкий луковый суп делается из лука и говяжего или куриного бульона. Тонкие ломтики хлеба с сыром сверху, жарятся в духовке и находятся в верхней части каждой тарелки супа. 
Спагетти Болоньезе - это блюдо из Болоньи, в котором смешивают спагетти с мясом и томатным соусом. Спагетти - это один из видов макаронных изделий. У каждого региона Италии есть их любимые виды пасты и их специальные соусы. 
Греческий салат делается из томатов, огурцов, черных оливков и кубиков феты - белого козьего сыра. Его завправляют травами или оливковым маслом. 
Гуляш - Венгерское национальное блюдо. Оно тушится с мясом, луком и томатами. Оно обычно подаётся с лапшой и  ломтиками чёрного хлеба. Гуляш посыпается паприкой. Грибы, капуста или горох могут быть добавлены в соответствии с выбором повара. 


Другие вопросы из категории

Вместо пропусков поставьте some,any,no. Помогите

1) There was ... water in the radiator, so we had to refill it.
2) Are there ... theories to explain the nature of heat?
3) There are ... scales, in which we measure temperature.
4) ... scientist can give you a good answer to this question.
5) ... traffic was allowed because of the accident

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Нужно объяснить на английском 10 слов ( с переводом на русский)

Space walks, short break, crew, admire, look alegant, have privacy, in orbit, promising career, cramped, terrace house. Краткие объяснения на английском с переводом на русский, надеюсь поможете.

ест по английскому языку. . . . I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Переведите их на русский язык. Определите по грамматическим

признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием -s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного лица глагола в Present Indefinite;
b) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
c) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного

1. My brother has many friends.
a) –s b) –s c) -s
2. This is my sister’s book.
a) –s b) –s c) -s

3. We often buy tomatoes and potatoes in the supermarket.
a) –s b) –s c) -s
4. Ann lives in Moscow.
a) –s b) –s c) -s
5. I am always in time for the lessons.
a) –s b) –s c) -s

II Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным.
1. There are different types of rocket motors.
2. Where is the sports goods department? It’s on the fourth floor.
3. What is the room temperature?
4. This scientist got two State prizes.
5. There are some students on the sport ground.

Изучите тему: степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
III. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She ___ than her sister.
a) tall b) taller c) more taller
2. You are even ___ than before.
a) more beautiful b) beautiful c) the most beautiful
3. I earn ___ than a postman.
a) little b) the least c) less
4. She is the ____ pupil in the school.
a) most intelligent b) more intelligent c) less intelligent
5. The ___ is the day, the ____ is the night.
a) taller … smaller b) shorter … longer c) more … worse

Изучите тему: неопределенные и отрицательные местоимения.
IV. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He asked me ____ questions.
a) some b) any c) not any
2. I haven’t ___ money at all.
a) no b) some c) any
3. . Are the ____ pictures on the wall?
a) some b) any c) not any
4. There are ____ textbooks on the desk.
a) no b) no any c) any
5. You can buy stamps at ___ post office.
a) some b) no c) any

Изучите тему: времена группы Indefinite (Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite).
V. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите следующие предложения:
1. I ___ John and Mary last week.
a) see b) saw c) shall see
2. I ___ live far from the center of town.
a) aren’t b) don’t c) isn’t
3. My boss ____ away for the next three days.
a) are b) were c) will be
4. Do you think this style ____ me?
a) suits b) suit c) shall suit
5. Harry ___ ill last week but now he is better.
a) is b) was c) will be

напишите ответы на англисском 1) Why was Baby Elephant sad? (перевод- почему слонёнок грустный?) (ответ на русском-потомучто его носки футболка и шорты

ему маленькие) 2) Why did they go to Mrs Lion's shop? (перевод- почему они идут к миссис лев в магазин?) (ответ на русском-что бы купить носки для слонёнка) 3) Why did Little Lions make new socks for Baby Elephant very glad? (перевод- почему маленькие львы делают новые носки для слонёнка? (ответ на русском-потому что все носки в магазине для слонёнка маленькие) 4) Why was Baby Elephant very glad? (перевод- почему был слонёнок очень рад?) (ответ на русском-потому что у него теперь есть новые носки) 5) Why did they go to Mrs Tiger's shop? (перевод - почему они идут к миссис тигр в магазин) (ответ на русском - что бы купить новую футболку и шорты) НАПИШИТИ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ОТВЕТЫ НА АНГЛИССКОМ МНЕ УЖЕ ЩАС В ШКОЛУ ИДТИ ВСЕМ ЗАРАНЕЕ БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО

Здравствуйте!!! Умоляю вас помогите пожалуйста перевести текст с английского на русский!!! Заранее очень сильно благодарен.A hospital is a health care

institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment.Today , hospitals are largely staffed by professional physicians , surgeons . and nurses , whereas in the past , this work was usually performed by the founding religious orders or by volunteers.There are over 17.000 hospitals in the world.In accord with the original meaning of the word , hospitals were originally "places of hospitality".
Some patients go to a hospital just for diagnosis , treatment , or therapy and then leave ('outpatients') without staying overnight; while others are 'admitted' and stay overnight or for severaldays or weeks or months ('inpatients').Hospitals usually are distinguished from other types of medical facilities by their ability to admit and care for inpatients while the others often are described as clinics.
The best-known type of hospital is the general hospital . which is set up to deal with many kinds of disease and injury , and normally has an emergency department to deal with immediate and urgent threats to health.Some hospitals have their own ambulance service.A district hospital typically is the major health care facility in its region , with large numbers of beds for intensive care and long-term care.
Types of specialized hospitals include trauma centers , rehabilitation hospitals , children`s hospitals , seniors'(geriatric) hospitals , and hospitals for dealing with specific medical needs such as psychiatric problems (psychiatric hospital) , certain disease categories such as cardiac , oncology , or orthopedic problems , and so on.
A hospital may be a single building or a number of buildings.Many hospitals with pre-twentieth-century origins began as one building and evolved into campuses.Some hospitals are affiliated with universities for medical research and the training of medical personnel such as physicians and nurses , often called teaching hospitals.Worldwide , most hospitals are run on a nonprofit basis by governments or charities.
The medical facility smaller than a hospital is generally called a clinic.Clinics generally provide only outpatient services.
Hospitals vary widely in the services they offer and therefore , in the departments (or "wards") they have.Each is usually headed by a Chief Physician.They may have acute services such as emergency department or specialist trauma center , burn unit , surgery , or urgent care.These may then be backed up by more specialist units such as:
1.Emergency department.
3.Intensive care unit.
4.Pediatric intensive care unit.
5.Neonatal intensive care unit.
6.Cardiovascular intensive care unit.
9.Obstetrics and gynecology.
Some hospitals will have outpatient departments and some will have chronic treatment units such as behavioral health services , dentistry , dermatology . psychiatric ward . rehabilitation services , and physical therapy.Нужно сделать перевод теста на русский язык!!!.

Ответ на английском + перевод на русский ПЕРЕВОДЧИК НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you agree with the phrase «He who has not seen Scotland does not really know Great Britain»? If you do, why?

Перевод вопроса не нужен!
Нужен ответ на вопрос!
Текст, с помощью которого можно ответить на вопрос:

Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom to the north of England. Its symbol is a thistle; its patron is St. Andrew. The country is divided into Highlands and Lowlands. Most of the industry is concentrated in Lowlands, in the Clyde Valley. Glasgow is its largest and busiest town; Edinburgh is its capital. Glasgow and Edinburgh are the two great centres of Scotland. There is only 45 miles between them, and it will take you an hour to get from Glasgow to Edinburgh by train but the cities are very different.
Glasgow is the heart of industry. It is a centre of business and trade. It is very busy, prosperous, dirty in some parts and smart in others. It is beautiful and ugly with its large port and busy streets.
Edinburgh is rather cold but attractive, very proud but friendly and has a great past. Edinburgh is known as Athens of the North. It is an ancient city and if you walk around it, you can feel history at every step. Practically every building has a tale to tell.
The most interesting parts of the city are the Old Town and the New Town. The Old Town lies between the Castle and Holyrood Palace. The Castle hangs over the city like some Disney cartoon – but it is real. The Castle, in fact, is older than the city. No one can say exactly say when the first settlers came to live on the huge rock that stands high above Edinburgh. Later they built a castle that used to be a fortress and then a royal palace. It looks good in any weather but at night when it is floodlit it looks just like a castle in a fairy tale. It is not surprising that the Castle attracts a lot of tourists. The Edinburgh military tattoo takes place every August and September and is known throughout the world. For 90 minutes on five or six nights a week, 600 people perform in the square in front of the Castle.
The performers play military music and march to it. At the same time as the tattoo, you can go to the famous Edinburgh festival. The festival started in 1947. Every year the best performances from all over the world can be seen in Edinburgh.
A line of streets, which runs from the Castle to Holyrood House, is called the Royal Mile. Holyrood House is a big royal palace which is the residence of the Queen when she is in Edinburgh. The most picturesque part of the Royal Mile is the Cannongate, which gives a good idea of what the Old Town was like. Closes (narrow passages) lesd to little years and attractive historical buildings. One of the most modest and yet one of the best known monuments in Edinburgh is a monument to a dog called Bobby. The dog belonged to John Gray. When he died Bobby lived near his grave for twenty-six years. Later Bobby was buried near his master and his statue in the Old Town has become a symbol of devotion. The Old Town is a striking contrast to the New Town with its white and beautiful streets lined with trees. Princes Street is the most beautiful street of the New Town. It has at lot of gardens on one side and it is also Edinburgh’s popular shopping centre. Princess Street is connected with the name of the famous writer, Sir Walter Scott. A monument 200 feet high rises among green trees. They call it a poet of stone. It is the Scott monument. Inside it there is a marble statue of the writer, and of his favourite dog.
Princess Street lies between the New Town and the Old Town. The modern town is on the lower side, the old one – on the higher. They look at each other across the valley under Scotland’s blue sky.

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