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Задать 10 вопросов по теме маленький город

10-11 класс

Артем96рус 02 февр. 2017 г., 16:29:13 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 февр. 2017 г., 18:58:44 (7 лет назад)

What is the name of the town?

How many schools are there?

Is there a cinema?

Is there a church?

Are there many shops?

Is there a supermaket?

Is there a monument?

Do you like it?

What sights can you see there?

How many people are there?


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите пожалуйста перевести одно предложение (( заранее огромное спасибо!

Will you speak more clearly please? I can hardly hear you at all.

Nick will go to school tomorrow

5 видов вопросов: общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный и вопрос к подлежащему

Find the verb that does not go with the noun.

1. to do,to sit,resit,take,to fail,to test
2. to get into,to fail,to apply to,to graduare from
3. to get,to receive,to apply,to require
4. to leave,to start,to study at,to require
5. to receive,to sent,to fail,to get,to fill in,to complete
6. to require,to get,to fail,to expect,to give.
an exam
a university/college
a grade/score
an application
top grades

Задайте общий и

специальные вопросы к следующему предложению:

discussed the progress of the talks with some foreign businessmen yesterday.

Написать письмо с ответами на эти вопросы :

1.он добрый или строгий (учитель)

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста, нужно задать 10 вопросов по данному тексту

It was a beautiful spring evening. Fred lived in the suburbs of a small town, there were no tall building. His dad was an architect. Recently, they had moved to a big house his father had built. It was hot in the house.
“l’ll go for a walk”. Said Fred. “I’ll go to the pond. I like to watch the ducks and swans. ” He went to the pond. There was a wonderful smell in the air, because the magnolia trees were in bloom.
Suddenly, he saw a girl. The girl was holding a beautiful magnolia blossom in her hand. She was very beautiful. She had long, dark hair and she was wearing a pretty pink dress.
Fred comes up to her. “Hello”, he said “What’s your name? ” “I’m Eleanor”, she answered, and she smiled at him.
Fred and Eleanor had talking for a long time, when they noticed that the sun had gone down. It was nearly dark. “I must go home” Eleanor said “Where do you live? ” asked Fred. “In a little house near the bridge,” replied Eleanor. “Where do you live? ” “In a big red house in the center to town,” answered Fred. “Oh, he’s rich,” Eleanor thought to herself.
“I’ll de waiting for you here tomorrow at seven o’clock in the evening,” said Fred.
The next day, when Fred came to the park he understood that Eleanor had been there as he saw a fresh magnolia blossom on the bench.

Упр. 1.14. Задайте общие вопросы по образцу.

There are some roses in the vase.
Are there any roses in the vase?
There is some wine in the glass.
Is there any wine in the glass?
1. There are some letters for Ann. 2. There is some noise (шум) in the corridor. 3. There are some children in the garden. 4. There are some cars in the street. 5. There is some fish in the fridge. 6. There is some ice-cream on the table. 7. There are some books on the shelf. 8. There are some old shoes under the bed.
Упр. 1.15. Измените предложения по образцу, употребляя отрицательное местоимение no.
There aren't any boys there.
There are no boys there.
1. There isn't any coffee in the cup. 2. There aren't any students in the class-room. 3. There aren't any cars in the street. 4. He hasn't any friends. 5. They haven't any money. 6. We haven't any meat for supper. 7. That country hasn't any coffee to export.
Упр. 1.16. Вставьте some или any.
1. There are … students in the library. 2. There isn't … light in the room. 3. Mary has got two sisters but she hasn't got … brothers. 4. I don't like popular music but … people like it. 5. Has Mother … meat for dinner? – Yes, she has … . 6. Are there … mistakes in Nick's dictation? – No, there are not … . 7. Has Max … friends here? – Yes, he has … . 8. Has Bess … interesting books to read? – No, she hasn't … . 9. Would you like … coffee? 10. Can I have … tea, please?

Помогите пожалуйста задать 5 вопросов по этому тексту

С 1900 года серьезная музыка претерпела быстрые изменения. Клод Дебюсси и Морис Равель стремились сделать музыку больше более похожей на живопись, находя новые "цвета" и звуки в оркестре. Ранние композиции Игоря Стравинского были настолько полны незнакомых тембров, ритмов и гармоний, что вызвали большие споры на премьерах.
Дмитрий Шостакович и Альфред Шнитке отошли от традиционного звукоряда и гармоний и сочинили новый музыкальный язык. Венгерка Бела Барток и американец Джордж Гершвин, композитор Бродвейских мюзиклов, находили темы в фольклоре и использовали их новыми и удивительными способами.

1)Задайте общий вопрос к предложениям.

1. I usually buy bread and milk at the shop.
2. He got a ''five'' yesterday.
3. She knows French well.
4. Ann will translate this text tomorrow.
5. We worked in the garden three days ago.
2)Задайте специальные вопросы к предложениям из задания 1)

Составить 10 вопросов по тексту. Вопросы должны быть составлены, из разных предложений. Текст:

The planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but it's the only place where human beings can live.
Today, our planet is in serious danger. Acid rains, global warming,
air and water pollution, overpopulation are the problems that threaten
human life on Earth.
Who is to blame for the disaster? The answer is simple: all of us.
Our forests are disappearing because they are cut down or burnt. If this
trend continues, one day we won't have enough oxygen to breathe.
The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and
nuclear waste, chemical fertilisers and pesticides. The Mediterranean is
already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the
brink of extinction. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will
be able to live in the seas.
Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out for
ever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive
today may soon become extinct.
Air pollution is another serious problem. In Cairo just breathing the
air is dangerous — equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.
The same holds true for many Russian cities. Factories emit tons of
harmful chemicals. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our
planet. They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid
rains. An even greater threat are nuclear power stations. We all know
how tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are.
Fortunately, it's not too late to solve these problems. We have the
time, the money and even the technology to make our planet a better,
cleaner and safer place. We can plant trees and create parks for
endangered species. We can recycle litter. We can support green parties
and put pressure on those in power. Together we can save the planet and
all of us with it.
Of course, people can’t stay indifferent to these
problems. There are a lot of special organizations, which try to save our
nature. The most known are: The Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to
animals (The RSPCA), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Greenpeace. The RSPCA
tries to protect animals from bad use. It operates big nation campaigns aimed
at lost pets, circus animals. The WWF rescued several species of animals,
mammals as well as birds. These organization also helped to create more than
250 National parks. Greenpeace began its work 20 years ago from saving whales.
And now Greenpeace is a world-famous organization, which saves plants, animals
and people. These organization, want to rescue animals, to help them to survive
and to save jungle rain forests, which are in danger of destruction. And they
also help animals ‘cause many of them have already gone as they have nowhere to
live. Their homes, the trees, have disappeared. We must save wild animals. And
we must find the right way to save land, people and animals. We must lake care
of nature, because we are part of it.

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