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The world

5-9 класс

capital of filmed entertainment has been a little city with orange forest and great
weather over the past 100 years.

One day in
1908 a group of people from Chicago came to Los Angeles to make a film.

In 1911 the
first studio appeared in Hollywood.

Silent and and black-and-white films were
forced out by sound films.

Vladlenaulanova 25 марта 2017 г., 0:53:03 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 марта 2017 г., 2:46:08 (7 лет назад)

1. The world capital of filmed entertainment has been a little city with orange forest and great weather over the past 100 years. (Present Perfect Simple)


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составти текст Помогите пожалуйста с английским очень надо! Write about any place of interest you visited.use: To be foundet(by/in) to be like t

o be different from to like pictures to spend a weeekend/a holiday lots of places to visit famous/interesting/favourite/well-known Помогите чем сможете!

Помогите по английскому.Помогите пожалуйста выполнить задание на тему Present simple

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в simple present
1) The village library (not to be far) from Matilda house
2) Matilda (to want) to go there
3) Matilda (to go) to the library every day
Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям
1) My friend often goes to England
2) Kate always buys books about famous people
3) Your house is far from your school
Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.
1) Kate always tells the truth.
2) My mother always tells interesting tales to me.
3) Peter often reads books at the library.

"Национальный русский характер!"

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Перевод текста. Siberia has the world'd deepest known lake — the breathtakingly beautiful Lake Baikal. It is so clear that if

you drop a coin into the water, the coin can be seen clearly at a depth of a hundred feet. Lake Baikal is also the world's largest freshwater lake with one fifth of the Earth's liquid fresh water.

On several trips to Baikal over the past few years, I have come to know the lake, and have listened to many people who live nearby and worry about its future.

It has a special place in the hearts of Russians and is a symbol of beauty. This huge old lake — clear, beautiful, and surrounded by the wilderness of Siberia — is the world treasure but it can only remain so if the world treats it with love and respect.

First lay the mirror in the dish of water at an angle of about 30°. You may need to hold it there with sticky tape. Then fill the dish with water. At this stage place your dish in a strong beam of sunlight so that the light falls across the mirror. Next look around the room for a reflection of white light, not far away you will see a rainbow. Finally try moving the mirror slightly and watch the rainbow move.

Нужно ответить полным предложением! 1.What is the highest mountain in the world? (Everest, Elbrus) 2.What is the smallest continent in the world? (Austr

alia, Europe, and Africa) 3.The capital of which country is Ottawa? (Canada, New Zealand, India) 4.What is the name Ocean bordered by North and South America? (Pacific, Indian, Atlantic) 5.What is the longest river in the world? (Volga, Nile, Amazon) 6.What is the largest lake in the world? (Michigan, the Caspian Sea, Ontario) 7.What is the deepest lake in the world? (USA, Australia, Russia)


1.Какая гора самая высокая в мире?

2.Какой континент самый маленький в мире?

3.Сталица какой страны является оттава?

4.Как называется океан который граничит с Северной и Южной Америкой?

5.Какая река самая длинная в мире?

6.Какое озеро самое большое в мире?

7.Какое озеро самое глубокое в мире?

Amur tiger is the largest tiger in the world. And the only one of the striped predators, passed the life in the deep snow. This domain no other

country of the world. They are threatened by poaching, illegal trade, deforestation and forest fires, lack of food, construction habitats . Tigers are very beautiful animals. They have got a mane, small ears and black stripes. Tigers hunt big animals like deer. They can swim and run very fast.

Нужно написать произношение этого стиха на русском The world’s a very happy place, Where every child should dance and sing, And always have a smiling

face, And never sulk for anything. The world is such a happy place That children, whether big or small, Should always have a smiling face, And never, never sulk at all.

помогите,пожалуйста:) - Chinese is recognized as the world's largest language in terms of native speakers. The next four

(1)__________ languages - English, Spanish, Hindi, and Arabic are likeky to be equally ransed. In the future German will (2)_______, and the influence of Chinese and Arabic will grow (3)__________.

- Less and less people are learning (4)________ languaes in the UK and the USA, because they believe that everybody speaks or will speak English, which in one of the most (5)_________ languages.

- Thouggh English is spoken in many different ways in defferent parts of the world, Standard English (6)________ the language for international (7)________.

- Every language (8)________ new words from other languages. Without new words languages can't grow and change. That's why many old, small languages are (9)__________ out now.

1) a. major b. bigger c.such

2) a. become b.die c. expand

3) a. enormous b. enormously c. highly

4) a. foreign b. international c. official

5) a. widespread b. worldwide c. world

6) a. remains b. ranks c. is recognized

7) a.recognition b. communication c. reputation

8) a. expands b. exports c. borrows

9) a. dying b. going c. expanding

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