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напишите 5 предложений про систему российского здравоохранения. не обязательно сложных просто как свое мнение

10-11 класс

ира199735 04 марта 2017 г., 6:22:18 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 марта 2017 г., 7:40:39 (7 лет назад)


The present stage of development of domestic health system is marked, first of all, by its reforming, the main which motive power is the complex of problems of national health system, including a problem of low social and economic efficiency of its activity.

During carried-out reform, the modern health system endures considerable organizational and legal and substantial transformations: the legislative base for the health care reform, directed on decentralization of the state system of medical care and management of health care is created; the system of obligatory medical insurance is realized, branch restructuring is carried out, the private sector of health care develops.


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Напишите эти буквосочетания и слова.

Читайте также

6. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1. She makes mistakes in spelling.
2. They enjoy their English lessons.
3. The crowd waited a long time to see the famous actor.
4. He worked in that Institute for many years.
7. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме, употребляя во¬просительные слова, данные в скобках:
1. The performance lasted two hours. (How long)
2. He went to London to see some friends. (Why)
3. Speech is a kind of vibration. (What)
4. Painting is an ancient art. (What)

8. Образуйте Past Indefinite (Simple) и Participle II от следующих глаголов. Проверьте себя по таблице неправильных глаголов:
to build, to think, to go, to see, to give, to meet, to write, to read, to know, to take, to teach, to feel, to have, to come, to begin, to find, to get, to say, to tell, to put, to leave, to do, to sing, to lose, to stand.

9.Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past, Future Continuous
1. Listen! Someone (knock) at the door.
2. The bus (stop) for us now.
3. The accident happened while they (travel) in the South.
4. When I got up this morning, the sun (shine) brightly.
5. I (wait) on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow morning.
6. It probably (rain) when you get back.

10. Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The little boy ate the cake.
2. The teacher corrects our exercises at home.

11. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The book will be published in spring.
2. The class is taught by Mr. Smith.
3. It was designed by a French engineer.
4. This book is always read by the students of the first course.

Напишите 9 предложений о программе обмена на английском языке, то есть как это всё здорово, можно заводить новых друзей увидеть достопримечательности

лучше подучить язык и всё такое. помогите пожалуйста, при этом вы - ученик из россии

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