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1) He spelt/was sleeping at 10 oclok this morning.

5-9 класс

2) We all went/were going out last night.
3) I ate/was eating brekfast when the phone rang/was ringing.
4)I took/was taking some really great photos when i was/was being in California.
5) She had/was having lunch her fiance when he gave/was giving her an expensive ring as a birhday present.
6)He met/was meeting Mary yesterday.

Kristinaglushi 31 дек. 2013 г., 4:21:50 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
31 дек. 2013 г., 6:39:38 (10 лет назад)

1. Slept; 2. Went; 3. Was eating, rang; 4. Took, was; 5. Was having, gave; 6. Met


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ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО!напишите эти предложения на аглийском языке в утвердительной форме,отрицательной,вопросительной 1) они обычно играют в футбол по

воскресениям 2) мы никогда не играем в шашки 3) мальчики моют тарелки в данный момент 4) ребятам нравится школьный спектакль 5) the brauns обычно устраивают пикник по воскресеньям, но сегодня у них шопинг

Помогите, пожалуйста.

Читайте также

Bob......(play) football in the park at 10 am this morning. Mark......(send) e-mails until 11 pm last night. Tom ..........(recover) in hospital for

two weeks after his fall. Jane ....(read) the newspaper when the phone rang. Tom ......(watch) TV when Jane arrived. --PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS? PUT THE VERBS.

Пожалуйста помогите умоляю НАДО ВЫПОЛНИТЬ ЗАДАНИЯ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО ДО ЗАВТРА НАДОНомер1.Which is right? Complete the sentence 1.He never( plays

,doesn't play ,is playing) basketball. 2. Did you
have (a ,the , -)good summer 3.(where ,when) were you (a ,the, -)last summer? I was (in ,on ,at) the seaside. 4. I like (it ,when, it when) the sun shines. 5. Nobody (like ,likes ,doesn't like) (it ,when ,it when) the wind blows. 6. Tom went (quick ,quickly) out of the classroom 7. Did it (happen ,happened) (with ,to )her when she was in the street? 8.when (did ,was ,does) it rain? Yesterday. 9.(Is ,Does, Did) it raining now? 10. (Is ,Does, Did) it sometimes rain in December? Номер 2.Correct the mistakes. Do not change the underlined words. 1.Did you have the good summer? Yes, I did. 2. He doesn't like when the wind blows 3. Crocodiles have big tooth, don't they 4. They are usually we fur coats in winter. 5. She is wear a beautiful red dress now. 6. She usually wear a fur hat in winter. 7. When it is hot people wear the shorts and the T-shirts. 8. She isn't work in a hospital, she is a pilot. 9. It isn't rain, let's play volleyball. 10. Did it rained yesterday? Номер 3.which is right? Complete the sentences. 1. David (came ,was coming) in when the children (wrote ,were writing) a test 2. Mike (telephoned ,was telephoning) me when I (took ,was taking) a shower. 3. Mike (spoke ,was speaking) to me when his little sister (took ,was taking) his book out of his schoolbag. 4. We (met ,were meeting) them when we (stood ,were standing) at the bus stop. 5. Yesterday she (came ,was coming) home late. She (had ,was having) lunch, (helped ,was helping her mother about the house and then she (went ,was going) to the park. 6. He (slept, was sleeping) when his mother (came ,was coming) back. 7.On Monday while he (cooked ,was cooking)lunch the postman (brought ,was bringing) him a letter from his friend. 8. When the teacher (came ,was coming )into the classroom, the children (sat ,were sitting) at their desks. 9. One day while she (read ,was reading) a book, a big black fly (sat, was sitting) down on her book. 10. We (read,were reading) a text, then we (answered, were answering) the teacher's questions. After that we (did ,were doing) grammar exercises.

In his free time,Sam goes skateboarding.He is very good at it and people in the street alway stop and watch film .Sam says,"I skateboard tp school every

day I leave my house at 8'30 and get to scholl at 8'45"
It's Saturday today and he is in bed.Sam doesn't get up early on Saturdays.He is watching Tv at the moment.I'm watching a great programme about animals in Africa.My cat Minnie is sitting on the bed with me.She isn't sleeping at the moment.She's frightened because she can see the lions on TV.
Where does Sam live?
In london
Hanwell School.
.............................. in his free time?
He goes skateboarding.
...................................... always do?
They stop and watch him
At 8'30
At 8'45
....................................... on Saturdays?
No he doesn't.
............................... at the moment?
He's watching TV.
A programme about animals in Africa
She's sitting on the bed.
Because she can see the lions on Tv
Помогите даю 80 баллов в пропушенные места в ставитьпо смыслу продолжения как показона в первом примери

1. We

met/were meeting when we lived/were living in Spain.

2. What did
you do/were you doing when I phoned/were phoning you?

3. I
saw/were seeing him in the park he sat/ was sitting on the bench.

4. He
slept/ was sleeping in the garden when he arrived/were arriving.

Present Perfect
Continuous. Complete the sentences

1. It …all

2. My
sister…French since she left school.

3. John…tennis
professionally for two years.

4. I am so
tired because I…the house all day long.

5. Look at
that man. He … there for half an hour.

6. She…
non-stop since she got his letter.

7. They…since


1. If you
____ (get) lonely, I hope you ____ (phone) me at any time.

2. He ____
(need) some money if he ____ (go) out with his girlfriend.

3. I____ (be)
surprised if she ____ (pass) her exam.

4. If you
_____ (want) to learn a foreign language, you ___ (have) to work hard.

5. Bolat
____ (be) sorry if Marat ____ (not come).

Put in the ing-form.

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