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in the middle ages in europe the watermills and windmills, brought a revolution to the production of power. The new technologies anabled people to

5-9 класс

construct wondeful cathedrals - the best example of Gothic architecture. During the 14 century guns appeared in europe. From the 15 to the 17 century the period of Renaissanse spread in New World was discovered and explored.The printed books helped the development of European cultural life.The Renaissanse saw a new interest in technology, and the new technology led to new problem. One problem was that shipbuilding and iron industry needed a lot of wood and Europe soon lost its forests. Another problems was the need in more powerful engines. the 18 century in Europe was the time of the Industrial revolution, the time when technology developed very fast.In 1712 Thomas Newcomen, an Englishman,invented the steam engine.In the 1760, James Watt improved the Newcomen engine, which opened the way to constructing steamboat and locomotives in the early 19 century. The Industrial Revolution gave rise to the engineering profession. More and more universities began to train engineers. During the 19 and 20 centuries peoples lives have greatly changed thanks to science and technology. Achievements in transportation, comemunications and use of energy have had a great influence on the modern society. Medical knowledge has given people longer and healthier lives. Computers are giving us new opportunities at work and at home. Now people have better living standards and much more free time. On the other hand, a lot of people may argue that such great technological achievements do not come without a price. New technology has led to creating weapons of mass destruction, new communication technology and spread of information have brought with them less privacy, the great use and abuse of natural resources is now damaging the environment, the great intensity of human life leads to stresses and makes us question the advantages of high technology. переведите пожалуста

RamanStelmakh 23 дек. 2014 г., 18:14:14 (9 лет назад)
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+ 0 -
23 дек. 2014 г., 19:42:14 (9 лет назад)

В средние века в Европе водяные и ветряные мельницы, принес революцию в производстве энергии. Новые технологии anabled людей построить Wondeful соборов - лучший образец готической архитектуры. В течение 14 века оружие появилось в Европе. С 15 по 17 века периода Ренессанс распространение в Новом Свете было обнаружено и explored.The печатных книг способствовало развитию европейской культурной life.The Ренессанс увидел новый интерес к технологии, и новые технологии привели к возникновению новых проблем. Одной из проблем было то, что судостроения и металлургической промышленности требовалось много дерева и Европа вскоре потерял своих лесов. Другая проблема была потребность в более мощных двигателей. 18 века в Европе было время промышленной революции, время, когда технологии развиваются очень fast.In 1712 Томаса Ньюкомена, англичанин, изобрел паровую engine.In 1760 году, Джеймс Уатт улучшить Ньюкомена двигателем, который открыл путь к построения пароход и локомотивов в начале 19 века. Промышленная революция привела к инженерной профессии. Все больше и больше университетов началась подготовка инженеров. В течение 19 и 20 веков жизнь людей значительно изменились благодаря науке и технике. Достижения в транспорте, comemunications и использования энергии оказали большое влияние на современное общество. Медицинские знания дал людям дольше и более здоровой жизнью. Компьютеры дают нам новые возможности на работе и дома. Теперь люди имеют более высокий уровень жизни и гораздо больше свободного времени. С другой стороны, многие люди могут возразить, что такие великие технологические достижения не приходят без цен. Новые технологии привели к созданию оружия массового уничтожения, новые технологии коммуникации и распространения информации принесли с собой меньше частной жизни, великий использование и злоупотребление природными ресурсами в настоящее время нанесения вреда окружающей среде, большой интенсивности человеческой жизни приводит к стрессам и делает нас усомниться в преимуществах высоких технологий. 

+ 0 -
23 дек. 2014 г., 22:18:06 (9 лет назад)

В средние века в Евроепе водяные и ветряные мельницы принесли революцию в производство энергии. Новые технологии сделали возможным для людей сооружать прекрасные соборы - лучший пример готической архитектуры. В течение 14 столетия в Европе появились ружья. С 15 по 17 век ренессанс распространился в новом Мире, был открыт и изведан.Печатные книги помогли развитию европейской культурной жизни, Ренессанс увидел новый интерес к технологии, и новые технологии привели к новой проблеме.Одной из проблем было то, что судостроения и металлургической промышленности требовалось много дерева и Европа вскоре потеряла свои леса. Другой проблемой была потребность в более мощных двигателях.В 18 веке в Европе было времяпромышленной революции, время, когда технологии развивались очень быстро.

В 1712 году Томас Ньюкомен, англичанин, изобрел паровой двигатель.В  1760 году, Джеймс Уатт улучшил двигетель Ньюкомена, который открыл путь к построению пароходов и локомотивов в начале 19 века. Промышленная революция привела к инженерной профессиям. Все больше и больше университетов начали подготавливать инженеров.В течение 19 и 20 веков жизнь людей значительно изменились благодаря науке и технике. Достижения в транспортации, коммуникации и использовании энергии оказали большое влияние на современное общество.Медицинские знания дали людям более долгую и здоровую жизнь. Компьютеры дают нам новые возможности на работе и дома. Теперь люди имеют более высокий уровень жизни и гораздо больше свободного времени.С другой стороны, многие люди могут возразить, что такие великие технологические достижения не приходят без платы за это. Новые технологии привели к созданию оружия массового уничтожения, новые технологии коммуникации и распространения информации принесли с собой недостаток личной жизни. Великок использование и злоупотребление природными ресурсами в настоящее время наносят вред окружающей среде, большая интенсивность человеческой жизни приводит к стрессам и заставляет нас сомневаться в преимуществах высоких технологий.


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Читайте также

Переведите, пожалуйста, текст. Вообще не успеваю! in the middle ages in europe the watermills and windmills, brought a revolution to

the production of power. The new technologies anabled people to construct wondeful cathedrals - the best example of Gothic architecture. During the 14 century guns appeared in europe.
From the 15 to the 17 century the period of Renaissanse spread in New World was discovered and explored.The printed books helped the development of European cultural life.The Renaissanse saw a new interest in technology, and the new technology led to new problem. One problem was that shipbuilding and iron industry needed a lot of wood and Europe soon lost its forests. Another problems was the need in more powerful engines.
the 18 century in Europe was the time of the Industrial revolution, the time when technology
developed very fast.In 1712 Thomas Newcomen, an Englishman,invented the steam engine. In the 1760, James Watt improved the Newcomen engine, which opened the way to constructing steamboat and locomotives in the early 19 century.
The Industrial Revolution gave rise to the engineering profession. More and more universities began to train engineers.
During the 19 and 20 centuries peoples lives have greatly changed thanks to science and technology. Achievements in transportation, comemunications and use of energy have had a great influence on the modern society. Medical knowledge has given people longer and healthier lives. Computers are giving us new opportunities at work and at home. Now people have better living standards and much more free time.
On the other hand, a lot of people may argue that such great technological achievements do not come without a price. New technology has led to creating weapons of mass destruction, new communication technology and spread of information have brought with them less privacy, the great use and abuse of natural resources is now damaging the environment, the great intensity of human life leads to stresses and makes us question the advantages of high technology.

перевести текст: In the middle in Europe watermills and windmills brought a revolution to the production of power. The new technologies enabled

people to construct wonderful cathedrals - the best example of Gotic architecture. During the 14th century guns appeared in Europe.

From the 15th to the 17th century the period of Renaissance spread in Europe. The new World was discovered and explored. The printed boks helped the development of European cultural life. The Renaissance saw a new interest in technology, and the new technology led to new problems. One problem was that shipbuilding and iron industry needed a lot of wood and Europe soon lost its forests Another problem was the need in more powerful engines

The 18th century in Europe was the time of the Industrial Revolution, the time when technology developed very fast. In 1712 Thomas Newcomen, an Englishman, invented the steam engine. In the 1760s, James Watt improved the Newcomen engine, which opened the way to construction steamboat and locomotives in the early 19th century.

The Industrial Revolution gave rise to the engineering profession. More and more universities began to train engineers.

During the 19th and 20th centuries people`s lives have greatly changed thanks to scince and technology. Achievements in transportation, comunications and use of energy have had a great influence on the modern society. Medical knowledge has given people longer and healthier lives. Computers are giving us new opportunities at work and at home. Now people have better living standartsand much more free time.

One the other hand, a lot of people may argue that such great technological achievements do not come without a price. New technology has led to creating technology and spread of information have brought with them less privacy; the great use and abuse of natural resources is now damaging the environment; the great intensity of human life leads to stresses and makes us question the advantages of high technology.

In the middle ages in europe the watermills and windmills, brought a revolution to the production of power. The new technologies anabled people to

construct wondeful cathedrals - the best example of Gothic architecture. During the 14 century guns appeared in europe. From the 15 to the 17 century the period of Renaissanse spread in New World was discovered and explored.The printed books helped the development of European cultural life.The Renaissanse saw a new interest in technology, and the new technology led to new problem. One problem was that shipbuilding and iron industry needed a lot of wood and Europe soon lost its forests. Another problems was the need in more powerful engines. the 18 century in Europe was the time of the Industrial revolution, the time when technology developed very fast.In 1712 Thomas Newcomen, an Englishman,invented the steam engine.In the 1760, James Watt improved the Newcomen engine, which opened the way to constructing steamboat and locomotives in the early 19 century. The Industrial Revolution gave rise to the engineering profession. More and more universities began to train engineers. During the 19 and 20 centuries peoples lives have greatly changed thanks to science and technology. Achievements in transportation, comemunications and use of energy have had a great influence on the modern society. Medical knowledge has given people longer and healthier lives. Computers are giving us new opportunities at work and at home. Now people have better living standards and much more free time. On the other hand, a lot of people may argue that such great technological achievements do not come without a price. New technology has led to creating weapons of mass destruction, new communication technology and spread of information have brought with them less privacy, the great use and abuse of natural resources is now damaging the environment, the great intensity of human life leads to stresses and makes us question the advantages of high technology.

ПОМОГИТЕ ПЖЛСТ,В ДОЛГУ НЕ ОСТАНУСЬ!буду очень благодарна вам;)) Вставить пропущенные предлоги Фразовый глагол BREAK 1. In the Middle Ages a

quite number of terrible diseases broke …….. in Europe

2. The burglars broke …. the house in the middle of night

3. His serious face broke ……. a grin when he read a joke

4. The bus broke …….. so the passengers had to get off

5. War broke … in 1992 and it lasted until 1995

6. The children saw the sea and broke ….. a run

7. I hated it when my old washing machine breaks…….. and I have to wash by hand 8. When I thought that no one was coming to save me, I broke ……. a cold sweat

9. Suddenly a horse broke ….. a gallop

10. You are under arrest. Don’t even thonk of breaking ….

11. My coffee machine seems to have broken …. again

12. At that terrible sight many people broke …. tears

13. We watched her puzzled face broke gently …… a smile


in the middle ages in europe the watermills and windmills, brought a revolution to the production of power. The new technologies anabled people to construct wondeful cathedrals - the best example of Gothic architecture. During the 14 century guns appeared in europe.
From the 15 to the 17 century the period of Renaissanse spread in New World was discovered and explored.The printed books helped the development of European cultural life.The Renaissanse saw a new interest in technology, and the new technology led to new problem. One problem was that shipbuilding and iron industry needed a lot of wood and Europe soon lost its forests. Another problems was the need in more powerful engines.

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