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Помогите пожааалуйста!!!

10-11 класс


Николь2709 26 нояб. 2014 г., 1:12:33 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 нояб. 2014 г., 3:37:16 (9 лет назад)

1 а 
4 б
5 г
3 а 
2 б
если не ошибаюсь то так


Другие вопросы из категории

подскажите пожалуйста, какие предложения правильны? спасибо...

1. There was enough food at the party, wasn`t there?
2. There was enough food at the party, wasn`t it?
3. There seemed to be enough food at the party.
4. There appeared to be enough food at the party.

Complete by changing the form of the verb in brackets into the Past Perfect. 1.Tania ... (not/finish) doing housework by five o`clock,so she called Nadia

to tell her she would be late. 2.She didn`t eat anything at the party because ... (she/already/eat) at home. 3.He ... (just/finish) his homework when the teacher came in. 4.By the time I arrived,the play ... (start)! Помогите плиз

Put the verbs into the correct tense (Active Voice).

1. I _______ chocolate since I was a child. You might even call me a “chocoholic”. (to love)
2. Joseph’s English really _______, isn’t it? He _______ American television programs and _______ his grammar every day since he first arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally fluent. (to improve, to watch, to study)
3. Pat and Sean _______ for the past three years. They would like to quit though. (to smoke)
4. _______ you ever Le Cirque Du Soleil? (to see)
5. Usually, I _______ as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I _______ French at a language school in
Paris. That is why I am in Paris. (to work, to study)
6. Sebastian _______ at Susan’s house a little before 9:00 PM, but she was not there. She _______ at the
library for her final examination in French. (to arrive, to study)
7. She was so annoying! She always _______ her dirty dishes in the sink. I think she actually _______ me
to do them for her. (to leave, to expect)
8. Sam _______ from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he never _______ the
ocean. He should come with us to Miami. (to be, to see)
9. Matt and Sarah _______ some difficulties in their relationship lately, so they ________ to a marriage
counselor. I _______ they work everything out. (to have, to go, to hope)
10. Dan: You look a little tired. _______ you enough sleep lately?
Michelle: Yes, I _______ relatively well. I just look tired because I _______ a little sick for the last week.
Dan: I hope you feel better soon.
Michelle: Thanks. I _______ some medicine, so I should feel better in a couple of days. (to get, to sleep,
to feel, to take)
11. She sometimes _______ her temper. She scares me a bit when she does. (to lose)
12. We still sometimes _______ out. (to go)
13. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John _______. (to sleep)
14. Sandy is in the living room watching television. At this time yesterday, she also _______ television.
That’s all she ever does. (to watch)
15. Samantha lived in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she _______ there when the Berlin Wall
came down. (to live)

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Определите по грамматическим признакам,какой частью

речи являются слова,оформленные окончаниями-S и какую функцию
это окончание выполняет ,т.е. служит ли оно.

а)признаком 3-го лица ед.числа ед.числа глагола

Помогите пожааалуйста!!!
Помогите пожааалуйста перевести на английский

Мы не можем не обращать внимания на этот вопрос.
2. Нельзя не видеть сложности этой проблемы.
3. Я не раз говорил вам, что мы этого не сделаем.
4. По газонам не ходить.
5. Не одному поколению эмигрантов пришлось приспосабливаться к американскому образу жизни.
6. Не пропадай!
7. Это не бесполезно.
8. Мы ждем с нетерпением встречи с вами.
9. Посторонним вход запрещен.
10. В Америке не принято есть торт ложкой - всегда пользуются вилкой.
11. Мне больше не нужно ходить в библиотеку. У меня дома есть все необходимое.
12. Не рекомендуется много есть на голодный желудок.
13. Не надо мне никакой помощи. Я сам справлюсь с заданием.
14. Не надо ему говорить, что он болен.
15. Я не знакома с профессором и мне не удобно звонить ему домой.


надо описать знаменитость на английском языке

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