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Her whole body hurt and she had a sore throat.

5-9 класс

биологист 17 дек. 2016 г., 2:36:40 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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17 дек. 2016 г., 4:32:21 (7 лет назад)

У нее болело все тело, а также у нее было больное горло


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Новруз — в Азербайджане называют Новруз Байрамы. Наряду с Новым годом и религиозным Рамазан Байрамом является одним из самых

важных и самых популярных праздников в Азербайджане.

Хотя Новруз в основном отмечается в мусульманских странах, это не религиозный праздник, а, строго говоря, празднование весеннего равноденствия, которое символизирует обновление всего живого на Земле.

Еще в старину на Новруз шесть дней не работали, даже крестьяне не проводили никаких сельскохозяйственных работ. Дни праздника были отданы лишь встречам и веселью, и эта традиция, прижившаяся в Южном Азербайджане, в целом, не нарушается и сегодня.

В первый день Новруза принято вставать рано. Там, где это возможно, люди идут к водоему: умываются, брызгают водой друг на друга. Ведь вода — символизирует очищение. Тем самым все желают друг другу благодатного и счастливого Нового года.

Затем по традиции там же угощают друг друга сладостями. В этот день утром надо полакомиться чем-нибудь сладким, например, медом, или, если его нет, — сахаром. После чего следует вдохнуть ароматный дым, который символизирует освобождение от «злых духов».

Много внимания азербайджанцы уделяют и подготовке праздничного стола в Новруз. По обычаю, каждая семья, накрывая новогоднее застолье, помнит о том, что на столе должна быть пища, состоящая из семи блюд, название которых начинается с буквы «с». На столе должны стоять сумах, скэд — молоко, сирке — уксус, семени — особая каша из пшеницы, сабзи — зелень и другие.

Кроме традиционных кушаний на стол ставятся зеркало, свеча и крашеное яйцо. Эти предметы имеют глубоко символическое значение: свеча — свет или огонь, оберегающий человека от злых духов, зеркало — знак ясности или установления времени наступления Нового года.

Для того, чтобы установить окончание старого года и наступление первого дня нового в Азербайджане ставят крашеное яйцо на зеркало. И как только яйцо качнется, значит, бык «перебросил» земной шар на другой рог и пришел Новый год. Все гости, наблюдая символическое раскачивание яйца на зеркале, поздравляют друг друга, целуются, обнимаются и желают друг другу всего самого хорошего.

perevesti na angliyskiy yazık

ПРОВЕРЬТЕ ТЕКСТ НА ОШИБКИ ВО ВРЕМЕНИwater is necessary for life.All organism contain in, some drin

k it and some live in it.Plants and animals require water that is moderately pure. and they cannot survive. if water contains toxic chemical or harmful microorganism . Water pollution kills large quantity of fish, birds, and other animals, in some cases killing everything in an affected.So it is very important clean water.Water pollution occurs mostly, when people overload the water environment such as streams, lakes ,underground water ,bays or seas with waster or substances harmful to living beings.pollution makes streams, lakes and coastal waters unpleasant to swim in or to have a rest. Fish and shellfish harvested from polluted waters may be unsafe to eat. People who polluted water can become ill, if they drink polluted water for a long tim

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present

Continuous или в Present
Simple. 1.1 (not to drink)
coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 2. I (not to
drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 3. Your friend
(to do) his homework now? 4. Your friend (to go)
to school in the morning? 5. Look! The baby (to
sleep). 6. The baby always (to
sleep) after dinner. 7. My grandmother (not
to work). She is on pension. 8. Му- father (not to sleep)
now. He (to work) in the garden. 9. I usually (to get) up
at seven o'clock in the morning. 10. What your sister (to
do) now? - - She (to wash) her
face and hands. 11. When you usually
(to come) home from school?

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I woke up but couldn't open my eyes. The curtains B3__(CLOSE) and still the light seemed too bright.

All my body hurt and I had a sore throat. I knew that it was warm in the room, but my B4_____(FOOT) felt as cold as ice. I looked at the clock - it was about nine o'clock. I could hear that mum was cooking Sunday breakfast. But I B5____NOT BE_ hungry at all. I felt very thirsty and I wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day.

"Why are you still in bed?" Mum entered the room and opened the curtains. "We B6___WAIT for you in the Kitchen. Breakfast has already been served."

"Sorry, mum, but I'd better stay in bed. And could you bring me some tea?"

Mum came up to me and B7_____TAKE my temperature. "OK, I will bring you hot lemon tea. You can have it here. It'll make you feel much B8____GOOD ".

She left the room. I was thinking about how silly of me it was to fall ill on Sunday, the only day in a week when I B9____(NOT HAVE) to go to school.

Emma opened the envelope and got the card from inside. What could it be? It was anB10____ to a New Year party in the local Jazz Club. It wasn't a B11____ party for children with Santa Clause, Christmas Carolsand reciting poems. There have been lots of parties of that kind in Emma's life. She enjoyed them in her B12____, but they didn't attract her any more - now she found them very B13____ . A party in the Jazz Club sounded like a good plan. There was only one thing Emma worried about - what to wear for the event? Who could she ask for advice? Her elder sister worked as a shopB14____ in the central department store. She probably could give her some idea of an outfit.

вставти место _____ слова (As she said this she looked ___1____ at her hands, and was _____2_____ to see that she had put __3__ one of the Rabbit's

little white kid gloves while she was talking. 'How CAN I have __4___ that?' she thought. 'I must be ____5____ small again.' She got up and went to the table to measure herself __6__ it, and found that, as nearly as she could guess, she was now about two feet __7____, and was going on shrinking rapidly: she soon found __8__ that the cause of this was the fan she was holding, and she dropped it ___9____, just in time to avoid shrinking away altogether.

'That WAS a ___10____ escape!' saidAlice, a good ___11__ frightened at the sudden change, but very glad to find herself still in ____12____; 'and now for the garden!' and she ran with all speed back to the little door: but, __13___! the little door was shut again, and the little __14____ key was lying on the glass table as before, 'and things are worse than ___15__,' thought the poor child, 'for I never was so small as this before, never! And I declare it's too bad, that it is!'

As she said these ___16___ her foot slipped, and in another moment, splash! she was up to her chin in __17___ water. Her first idea was that she had somehow fallen into the sea, 'and in that case I can go back by ____18______,' she said to herself. (Alice had been to the seaside once in her life, and had come to the general conclusion, that wherever you go to on the English coast you find a number of bathing machines in the sea, some children digging in the sand with spades ____19______, then a row of lodging houses, and behind them a railway station.) However, she soon made out that she was in the pool of __20___ which she had wept when she was nine feet high.

Put the scrambled paragraphs in the right order. 1) Shannon concentrated and did her best. She worked hard, and her teammates

appreciated her for it. She always had a positive attitude and encouraged her teammates to work harder and do their best. But that day, Shannon twisted her ankle and fell down. She cried out in pain, which was unusual for Shannon. She rarely cried. Everyone rushed over to see if she was okay.2) So, the whole team climbed aboard the school bus and the coach took them all out for ice cream. As she licked her mint chocolate chip ice cream cone, Shannon said, "Today, I love basketball practice more than ever!"3) Coach always started practice the same way. They ran ten laps around the gym and then stretched out. They then practiced shots. (Shannon usually sank most of hers!) Then the coach introduced new drills. Then they practiced the plays they used in games.4) One of her teammates ran to get ice for her ankle. (Ice helps with the swelling.) The others helped her off the court and she sat down to rest. The coach asked Shannon if she was okay. She said, "I am fine. Ankles heal." The coach shook her head. "Shannon," she said, "As usual, I am impressed with your attitude and team spirit. In honor of Shannon, we should all go get ice cream!”5) Shannon loved basketball. She loved everything about basketball. Shannon always looked forward to basketball practice. She enjoyed the workout. She enjoyed the competition. She enjoyed the time with her teammates.

The parts of the following text are all mixed up.
Put them in the right order.

Помогите пересказать этот текст) Lisa West went to meet a professional body piercer and asked


Everywhere you look these days, you can see people that have got rings – hanging from ears and pushed through noses, lips and and eyebrows. And they are in lots of other places that you can’t see, too.

Mick Shannon, who is a qualified body piercer, took me to his salon. I was looking at the walls, covered with photos of clients showing off their rings and jewellery and Mick pointed out his certificate, which was on the wall. “ Some people give our profession a bad name,” he said.

“ They don’t clean their equipment, which shows they don’t know what they’re doing. I’ve known people who have got diseases like hepatitis from cheap ear-piercing guns. I only pierce young people whose parent or guardian is with them. And they have to be over fifteen to have their navel done and over eighteen for their tongue.”

Is it an expensive fashion? “ That depends. Ears, costing $8, are cheap, eyebrows are about $ 35, and the tongue over $ 100. Anything else I have to negotiate!”

I watched Mick pierce a girl’s navel. First he marked the area where he had disinfected the skin, then he pushed a needle through. He finished by giving the girl advice on how to help the skin get better, which was a nice professional touch.

I asked the girl why she had wanted her navel pierced. “ I don’t know. I just like the idea. It’ll be a little secret that I won’t share with anyone!” Did she think it was a way of rebelling? “No,” she laughed, “ but I don’t suppose my mother will like it ... if she ever finds out!”

Fraser lived in a huge, but very dark and damp cave, way up in the northeastern part of Scotland. His dark purple scales kept him warm most of the

time, but when the snow fell in the heart of winter, he would often get so cold that he would shiver. To make matters worse, Fraser didn’t have any friends. None of the other animals in Thistleberry Glen wanted to be friends with a dragon.

Fraser spent most of his days cooking and baking. This helped keep his cave a bit warmer. He was quite a good cook too. He made the best caramel shortbread in the whole glen. On days when he went down to the river for a drink, if he was lucky enough to see a fish or two, he’d catch them with his sharp claws, take them back to the cave, and make fishcakes. He’d add a little onion and mashed potatoes and fry them up to perfection.

On the 23rd of December, Fraser spent the whole day baking Christmas sweeties. He made tablet and fudge, dumplings and cakes, pastries and biscuits. "It’s almost Christmas Day. I’ll bet some of the other animals in Thistleberry Glen would enjoy a few Christmas sweets," he smiled. He divided them into five portions, wrapped them in red and green striped paper and tied a big golden ribbon around them. As soon as the sun set below the heather-covered hills, Fraser put the packages in a big brown bag and headed into the woods. "This will make their Christmas brighter," Fraser giggled. Even though none of the animals ever spoke to him, he enjoyed being nice to everyone.

"Aha, there’s Carly, the highland cow," he whispered. She was sleeping. Her long, shaggy, reddish-brown hair hung to the ground and was touching the snow. Her eyes were shut and she was snoring! Fraser, being such a big dragon, had to be careful that his sharp horns didn’t bump into the tree branches. He had to watch out for his long, pointed tail too. Sometimes it knocked over bushes or bumped into rocks. Silently he approached. He opened his big brown bag and took out one of the packages. He hung in carefully on Carly’s long, handlebar horn. He giggled with joy as he snuck back into the woods. "Hee, hee, hee. She’ll be surprised when she wakes up!"

A few minutes later he spotted Siobhan, the highland sheep. She was standing in a meadow filled with wildflowers. Her thick fleecy wool looked nearly black in the evening sky. "I’ll set the package on her wool. It’s so thick that she’ll never even feel it," he chuckled. He crept towards her, taking her package out of his big brown bag. Very carefully, he put it down on her wool and then snuck back into the woods. "Hee, hee, hee. She’ll love all the sweets!"

ответить на вопросы

1.where did fraser live?

2.fraser didnt have a lot of friends,did he?

3.what was his hobby?

4.what did fraser do on the 23rd of december?

5.why did fraser go to the valley with a big brown bag ?

6.who did he see first?

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