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определить, является ли текст Истинным Ложным В тексте нет информации

5-9 класс

6) Diana's lawyer confirmed that Princess could spend a whole day in the witness box in her battle over peeping-tom photos. SPY PHOTO CASE Next February 13 has already been set as the date for the start of her High Court hearing against Mirror Group Newspapers and ex-gym boss Bryce Taylor.  Di has given a witness statement and the case is expected to last a week. Anthony Julius, head of litigation at her solicitors Mishcon de Reya, said it was possible she would give evidence for up to a day. Mr. Julius said: "The principle is that people who break confidences shouldn't profit from their bad behaviour." Di has refused pleas to settle privately against New Zealander Mr. Taylor, who took the shots with a hidden camera, and Mirror Group Newspapers which published them. The Princess wants an order against Mr. Taylor and MGN for profits they made. Mr. Julius said the profits could top one million pounds - and that the Princess may well decide to give any money she recovered to charity. Mr. Taylor's solicitor, Razi Mireskandari, said: "If she doesn't appear I would say her case is much weakened."

hel328pn 10 дек. 2018 г., 18:17:36 (5 лет назад)
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определить, является ли текст Истинным Ложным В тексте нет информации

5) Starting a claim means the same as starting proceedings. STARTING A CLAIM IN THE CIVIL COURT When you are in dispute with another person sometimes it is necessary to start a claim in the civil court. We sometimes call this process "filing a claim" or "issuing a claim". Lawyers also say, "starting proceedings". We do not use the verb "to prosecute" in civil law because that verb is only used in criminal law. In England most civil claims are filled in the County Court. There are over 200 County Courts in England and Wales. Most cities and large towns have a County Court. The person who starts the claim is called the claimant in the UK. This person was called the plaintiff until 1999, when there are new court rules in England to make everything easier for people to understand. However, in the USA the claimant is still called the plaintiff. In both England and the USA the other party is called the defendant. A claim form is the document that a claimant uses to start legal action against the defendant. Why might a claimant start a claim? There are a lot of reasons, for example: - someone refuses to pay you money that they owe to you - someone does a job for you, but they do it badly - we call this bad workmanship - something that you paid for is not supplied to you - something that you bought is not working properly. The claimant has to pay a sum of money, called a court fee, for the court to issue proceedings. In the claim form, the claimant must state the amount of his or her claim and request the defendant to pay all of legal costs of the case. Sometimes people talk about "the small claims court". They really mean the special procedure that exists at the County Court for small claims. A small claim is a claim for a maximum amount of 5000.

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определить, является ли текст Истинным Ложным В тексте нет информации

4) The jury members must be present in court when the verdict is given. VERDICT Verdict, in law, is the pronouncement of the jury upon matters of fact submitted to them for deliberation and determination. In civil cases, verdicts may be either general or special. A general verdict is one in which the jury pronounces generally upon all the issues, in favor of either the plaintiff or the defendant. A special verdict is one in which the jury reviews the facts, but leaves to the court any decisions on questions of law arising from those facts. As a rule, however, special verdicts are not applicable to criminal cases, and in most instances the jury renders a general verdict of "guilty" or "not guilty." Generally, the jury's verdict must be unanimous. In a number of states, however, the condition of unanimity has been modified, and verdicts can consequently be rendered by a designated majority of the jury. All jury members must be present in court when the verdict is given. In criminal cases a verdict of acquittal is conclusive upon the prosecution (the state), thus precluding double jeopardy, but the defendant may be tried again in the event the jury cannot reach a decision. The defendant must be present when the verdict is rendered.

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3) You can "prosecute" someone in the civil court. STARTING A CLAIM IN THE CIVIL COURT When you are in dispute with another person sometimes it is necessary to start a claim in the civil court. We sometimes call this process "filing a claim"or "issuing a claim". Lawyers also say, "starting proceedings". We do not use the verb "to prosecute" in civil law because that verb is only used in criminal law. In England most civil claims are filled in the County Court. There are over 200 County Courts in England and Wales. Most cities and large towns have a County Court. The person who starts the claim is called the claimant in the UK. This person was called the plaintiff until 1999, when there are new court rules in England to make everything easier for people to understand. However, in the USA the claimant is still called the plaintiff. In both England and the USA the other party is called the defendant. A claim form is the document that a claimant uses to start legal action against the defendant. Why might a claimant start a claim? There are a lot of reasons, for example: - someone refuses to pay you money that they owe to you - someone does a job for you, but they do it badly - we call this bad workmanship - something that you paid for is not supplied to you - something that you bought is not working properly. The claimant has to pay a sum of money, called a court fee, for the court to issue proceedings. In the claim form, the claimant must state the amount of his or her claim and request the defendant to pay all of legal costs of the case. Sometimes people talk about "the small claims court". They really mean the special procedure that exists at the County Court for small claims. A small claim is a claim for a maximum amount of 5000.

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2) The place where the murders took place was noisy. A VIEW OF THE HOUSE The Fitch house was thirty miles outside of Flagstaff. It was set back into the mountains with a steep, narrow road as the only access to the property. The chief said that all the police cars had been assigned to senior officers, so I would have to take a bus. The bus turned off the main road before we reached the road to the Fitch home, so I had to walk the last two miles. The air was cool in the moun\tains, unlike the still heat of the city. But I was hot fr om the walk, and I stopped at the gate to the private road leading up to the Fitch home. I sat on a rock and surveyed the peaceful surroundings and knew that the Fitch cook must be wrong. This place was too quiet, too peaceful, to be the site of a murder, let alone three murders. On the other hand, the motive was classic: husband marries rich women, kills them and inherits their fortunes. But that would be too obvious. Nothing like that hap\pens now in the twentieth century. My watch told me it was time to get along. I turned up the drive and slowly climbed what I hoped would be the last mile to the house. I kept telling myself it would be easier returning. As I turned a corner, I saw a figure move quickly through the trees and out of my sight. The forest was dark, so I couldn't really see if the figure was a man or a woman. It seemed to be a large figure, and he or she wore a straw hat that covered the head. Usually I would have called out to the stranger, but there was something about the forest that made me timid. I hurried to the house and kept looking to the right and left for another glimpse of the figure. I came into a clearing and could see the house across a broad expanse of lawn. It was an unusual house for the area. Instead of being one story high and spread out across the lawn, this one was compact and rose like a tower on the hill. From the win\dows you must have a view of the entire valley.

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определить, является ли текст Истинным Ложным В тексте нет информации

1) Di is determined to get public revenge and huge damages over sneakily-taken pictures of her exercising in a gym. SPY PHOTO CASE Next February 13 has already been set as the date for the start of her High Court hearing against Mirror Group Newspapers and ex-gym boss Bryce Taylor.  Di has given a witness statement and the case is expected to last a week. Anthony Julius, head of litigation at her solicitors Mishcon de Reya, said it was possible she would give evidence for up to a day. Mr. Julius said: "The principle is that people who break confidences shouldn't profit fr om their bad behaviour." Di has refused pleas to settle privately against New Zealander Mr. Taylor, who took the shots with a hidden camera, and Mirror Group Newspapers which published them. The Princess wants an order against Mr. Taylor and MGN for profits they made. Mr. Julius said the profits could top one million pounds - and that the Princess may well decide to give any money she recovered to charity. Mr. Taylor's solicitor, Razi Mireskandari, said: "If she doesn't appear I would say her case is much weakened."

5-9 класс английский язык ответов нет

Читайте также

YI. Определите, является ли слово с окончанием–ing герундием или деепричастием I. Предложения переведите.

1. I was writing a letter when she came.
2. He watched the students working.
3. He is interested in collecting coins.
4. I remember his first coming.
5. Coming to Leningrad I went to Hermitage.
6. They were seen crossing the bridge

YI. Определите, является ли слово с окончанием–ing герундием или деепричастием I. Предложения переведите.

1. I was writing a letter when she came.
2. He watched the students working.
3. He is interested in collecting coins.
4. I remember his first coming.
5. Coming to Leningrad I went to Hermitage.
6. They were seen crossing the bridge

Написать e-mail

А)Ознакомьтесь с форматом написания e-mail
Правила написания Email на английском

Для написания email официального стиля (электронное деловое письмо) следуйте всем выше перечисленным правилам, касающимся официального стиля (пункты 1-11). Неформальное электронное письмо начинается, как правило, следующим образом.

Dear Han,
Hi, Ivan,
Hi, Kate,
Sue, Brooke:
Good morning, Kitty,
Hello, Homer,

Или просто начните первое предложение с имени:

Bart, you were absolutely right about the matter.

Главными преимуществами электронной почты (e-mail) по сравнению с обычной почтой, или snail-mail, «улиточной» почтой, как её в шутку называют по-английски, являются ее скорость и прямая, без посредников, связь с адресатом. Мы отправляем электронное письмо с целью получения быстрого ответа или ожидаем от адресата каких-либо быстрых действий. Независимо от того, является ли электронное письмо формальным или неформальным, оно должно иметь четкую логичную структуру. Электронное письмо должно быть коротким и содержать понятную адресату информацию об основном содержании сообщения.
Электронный адрес
В верхней строке формы электронного сообщения вводится адрес электронной почты (e-mail address). Следите за его правильностью, так как при отсутствии всего одного подчеркивания или точки письмо не дойдёт до адресата.

Тема электронного письма (subject line) – важная составляющая его структуры. Иногда можно слышать мнение, что в неофициальной переписке тему указывать необязательно. Однако этикет современного электронного письма требует, чтобы тема в нем была, независимо от того, кому предназначено сообщение. Наличие темы – дополнительный знак, показывающий заинтересованность пишущего в установлении хороших отношений с адресатом. Соответственно, отсутствие темы в электронном письме – знак пренебрежения адресатом.

Так же, как и при написании обычного письма, электронное письмо на английском языке начинается с формального или неформального приветствия. Форма приветствия определяется во многом тем, знаком ли вам человек, к которому вы обращаетесь в письме, и каков уровень этого знакомства. Если вы незнакомы с адресатом лично, но знаете его имя, обращайтесь к нему Mr / Mrs / Ms (обращение Ms, в отличие от Mr и Mrs, не является аббревиатурой и используется по отношению к женщине, чье семейное положение вам неизвестно). Обращение Dear Sir or Madam используется в случае, если вам неизвестен пол лица, к которому обращаетесь, например, если вы пишете письмо о приеме на работу в компанию и вам известна только должность адресата. Если же вы уже встречались с человеком и обращались к нему по имени, такая же форма обращения допустима и в электронном письме. Иногда, в процессе обмена сообщениями e-mail, если переписка носит длительный характер, можно обращаться к адресату просто по имени.

Первое предложение
Первое предложение в электронном письме на английском языке должно начинаться с большой бувы, независимо от того, поставили ли вы запятую после приветствия (наличие или отсутствие запятой после приветствия – дело вашего личного выбора). Более формальное письмо на английском языке может начинаться, например, так: I’m writing to …. (сообщение о цели письма). Пример начала менее формального письма: Just a quick note to…

В заключении следует указать, какие действия вы ожидаете от собеседника. Например: Looking forward to your reply. (более формальное заключение) или Hope to hear from you soon (дружеское завершение письма в разговорном стиле).
Вежливая концовка письма

Как и в обычном письме, концовка может быть формальной (Yours sincerely, если вы обращались к адресату по имени или фамилии) универсальной (Regards / Best wishes – эти формулы подходят как для формальных, так и для неформальных писем) или разговорной, неформальной (например, Love / Yours / Bye / the Best / Best или просто имя или инициалы отправителя, например: Jane / Tom). Запятая после концовки письма ставится в случае, если вы поставили ее в начале письма после обращения (например, Dear Sir, …….. Regards,). Если же вы не ставили запятую после обращения, то не следует ее ставить и в концовке.

Вложения прикрепляются нажатием соответствующей «кнопки» (Прикрепить документ) под текстом электронного письма. Следует обязательно указывать в самом тексте письма о том, что в нем есть вложения. Например: Enclosed is…

Следуя этим простым правилам, вы сможете правильно оформить электронное письмо на английском языке.

Б) Напишите собственное сообщение, адресуя вашему преподавателю, сообщите причину вашего отсутствия на уроке и спросите о домашнем задании

Люди ПОМОГИТЕ срочно!!!нужно написать 2 текста 7 предложений.1 ТЕКСТ моя любимая еда - my favourite dish.2 ТЕКСТ моя любимая знаменитость(рассказ про неё и

о внешности её )-celebraty. Эти два текста нужно на 7 предложений срочно ПЛИЗЗЗЗЗ!!!

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