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5-9 класс

Katyadvlasova20 06 окт. 2014 г., 10:37:07 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 окт. 2014 г., 13:28:26 (9 лет назад)

1 Where is......?He is....
2 Will she be at....?Yes, she will
3 Were you......?Yes, I was
4 правильно. в обоих is
5 Will you be a teacher....?
6 My pens are not on.... Where are they?
7 ....is a child. He is 7
8 We were pupils......we are students
9 My aunt is in....
10 Where is your.... She is in.,,,,
11 When were you at.....?I was there.....
12 My brother is not ill now
13 I am not in Kyiv now. I am in London
14 .....will be at home tomorrow
15 ...he was, he was....
16 She is a good student
17 Where were you....?I was at....
18 Nick was ill...
19 Where is your.....?
20 ....he will not be a doctor


Другие вопросы из категории

Выразите тоже самое, но с помощью пассива: 1) We must diskuss the contents of the novel. 2)The actors ought to impress the audience.

3)Yuo should stop these chatterboxes.

4)We must introduse the members of the team to each other.

5)You can`t devour such books.

6)People have to transport these boxes.

7)They must translate the speech when the time comes.

помогите пжл=)

Помогите с Английским:

write a tag for each sentence
1.peter is either in the park or in the swimming pool....
2.Tom is neither a pupil nor a student....
3.Mr hill has been neither to Paris nor to Berlin....
4.There is no cheese at home....
5.Tom has met somebody there....
6.Simon has met nobody there....
7.i am neither your teacher nor your mother....
8.i am right....
9.this book is either in the desk or in the bag....
10.these toys are neither in the box nor on the sofa.......

Читайте также

Помогите вставить глагол в нужном времени.

people ... visit them from as early as the 1800's.
a) used to b) used c) use to d)were used to

помогите вставить глаголы: can,must,may:

1.the man ....... sing well.he is a good singer.
2. I ....... help her.It's my duty.
3.Your shoes are dirty.you .....clean them.
4.......... l come in? sure.

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