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разгодать красворд it's the sixth of the week

1-4 класс

парапарапара 19 янв. 2014 г., 1:41:13 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 янв. 2014 г., 4:15:59 (10 лет назад)

Шестой в неделе. Скорее всего, это день недели,  суббота - Saturday, или пятница - Friday (если учесть, что в Британии неделя начинается с воскресенья.)


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Переведите этот текст на английский)) пожалуйста!! Буду благодарна)

английский язык очень важен. Его используют во всем мире! Это международный язык. Человек который знает английский приехав в любую страну легко может пообщаться!!сейчас очень многие изучают этот язык. И я тоже. Во всем мире 800 миллионов человек говорят на английском. Я учу английский что бы знать его в совершенстве. В будущем я хочу поступить в престижный университет в Москве! Там все уроки проводят на английском. Потом я хочу поехать Англию и жить там)
что бы знать английский у меня должна быть правильная грамматика, правильное произношение и я должна знать много слов.
Для правильной грамматики я должна всегда повторять правила! Так я их не забуду! Часто учить новые)
Для правильного произношение надо слушать аудио! Смотреть фильмы на английском) так у меня будет правильное произношение и я буду понимать что мне говорят на английском)
знать много слов важно. Я смогу сказать что мне будет надо. В день я должна учить 5 или 10 слов) если в день я буду учить 5 слов то за год я выучу 1825 слов) а если в день я буду учить по 10 слов то за год я выучу 3650 слов!
В 2018 году я хочу поехать на олимпиаду в Корею! Но только если буду знать английский!!
мне нравится учить английский

Все утверждения неверные. Исправь их.

Образец: Lisa has a shower in the afternoon. - She doesn`t have shower in the afternoon.

1. Polina listens to music in the morning.
2. Dima and Vova play badminton at home.
3. Slava and Arteom visit their uncle on Monday.
4. Fedya watches cartoons at night.
5. Alex paint pictures every morning.
6. We have lunch at 5 o`clock.
7. I go to bed at 12 o`clock.
8. You have supper at 9 o`clock.
9. Mum reads stories on Mondays.
10. Lika gets up at 11 o`clock.

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ПЕРЕВЕСТИ И ВСТАВИТЬ НУЖНЫЕ СЛОВА!!! Trafalgar Square is situated in the center of London.But it is well known all over the world.The square is famous for

Nelson's Column.There are ... at the bottom of the column.You can see lovely fountains and historical Trafalgar Square is full of tourists.They take phptps, walk around the square, and enjoy the sights.In December there is ... in the centre of the square. It marks the beginning of Christmas and New Year in Great Bratain.Different cultural festivals take placein the square.Everyone can take part in the events.

Помогите пожалуйста. Нужно срочно((Read and find the password.1. It's the first letter in картинка "ежик"

2. It's third letter in картинка "самокат"
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Помогите пожалуйста нужно срочно.

It al started as a great Halloween party in the house of her old friend Jenny who lived in scotland. One day Jenny thought that it would be a great

idea to organize a real Halloween party and invite all her classmates. Betty was Jenny's best friend, but at first she wasn't sure about this party. Betty didn't want to see Derek, her ex-boyfriend who had been the soul of their gang at school. So Jenny promised not to invite him and Betty agreed to come.

the party was lovely. A lot of people came from different parts of the world. It was interesting to find out that Simon had moved to France and Gregory and Kate had gor married and left England for Italy. Betty was having a great time when she looked out of the window and was Derek. He was getting out at all and looked as handsome as he had done at school. Betty had no time to fall out with Jenny-she tiptoed out of the living room and ran to her car.

An hour later she still was driving through some rather wild countryside. She was so angry that she had forgotten to take her map, and she didn't know whare she was. It was getting dark, it was raining and a cold wind was blowing. Betty's car was runnig out of pertol. Her best friend had let her down. Betty was scared and tired. She undarstood that she had been lost. Suddenly she saw a light in the darkness and in a minute Betty stopped in front of a little hotel. Next to the hotel there was a very old graveyard with a small church. "This is exactly what one needs on Halloween night. I'm sure the of vampires for the last eight hundred years," Betty thought to herseif as she was looking around. At that moment the door opened and a tall old man came into the light. "The night is cold and wet," he said to Betty and smiled. "Do come in".

As Betty walked in, she was greeted with a warm smile by the hostess. The woman had understood immediately. "What would you like to eat?" she asked. "We've got a fish pie or lamb chops for dinner." Betty didn't mind and in a minute the old man was laying the table and his wife was warming up some food. "Don't worry, darling," the old woman said. "You wont have to eat your dinner alone. Our granndson Derek will be back any minute. He is spending this week with us. This afternoon his classmate Peter phoned and told him about some party which was just round the corner. Our Derek went just to say hello to his old friends, but he won't be long. He is such a lovely young man, our Derek. I'm sure you will like him."

Прочитать по русски. And now it is The end of the day.Time for the toys To come out and play.Hello,I`m Ted.I`m a teddy bear.Look,my friends Are over

there!That`s Dolly the doll And Jack in his box And Pip the puppet-One of William`s socks! I`m Sam,the toy soldier.How do you do? It`s very nice To meet all of you! And my name`s Bella.Hello,everyone! I like it here,It`s lots of fun!

У меня завтра экзамен как выучить быстро расказ The USA is composed of 50 states. It occupies the central part of North American continent. It borders on

Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south.he area of the USA is over nine million square kilometres. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean and by the Atlantic Ocean. As the USA is a large country, the climate is different in different regions. For example, the Pacific coast is a region of mild winters and warm, dry summers, but the eastern continental region is watered with rainfall. The region arounc the Great Lakes has changeable weather. There are many big cities in the coun try. They are Washington (the capital of the country). New York , Boston , Chicago , San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit. There are some holidays we celebrate that are not federal holidays but are very popular holidays to celebrate.

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